Chapter 2: ~My reason to smile is you~

The days for Amanda passed very quickly, so much so that she was happy, sleepy, where she saw that young man, who made her not want to wake up because of that beautiful experience that he left her, things that in real life would not happen to her.

She sighed heavily as she looked up at that grayish sky that caused great pain in her chest when she remembered her reality, even though that young man made her very happy in her dreams, in real life, a young man made her suffer .

"Why is this happening to me?" She thought. -Do you not realize? ...

So deep in thought, looking askance at that couple that hurt her so much in those moments, seeing the young man she was in love with with someone else hurt her, even more when remembering those words said at the same time ago when they were still talking. If it weren't for a simple tantrum on his part, they would have continued talking, maybe just as friends, which Amanda didn't care about because as long as she was by her side, that was enough for her.

- I am less ... she is perfect for you ... since she is ... beautiful ... she is much better than me ... - he thought.- if you are happy ... I will be too ... besides that I can't be someone normal ...

I'm just....

A doll...

A puppet ...

A harlequin for the amusement of others ...

Come on, play more with my broken heart ... since that's what I'm good for ...

Those negative thoughts crossed her mind, causing her eyes to begin to crystallize, but she decided to swallow her bitterness and continue with her classes, without spilling a drop that showed her broken soul that was crying out desperately to leave that place and return to sleep.

~Somewhere in latin america~

In high school, Ethan found himself looking directly at the window that was on the side of his chair, lost in thought, avoiding any comment from his friends, not that he hated them, but an unpleasant feeling crossed his heart like a stake, which worried him.

He couldn't help but feel that pain in his chest, causing him to reach for it, which did not go unnoticed since his friends realized his condition.

- Ethy? Are you okay? asked one of his friends, a little worried.

- Y-yeah ... it's nothing Rick ... - Ethan answered a little pained.

-B-but ... you're pale ....- another of his friends spoke a little shyly.- I don't think you're okay ....

-It's only a very slight discomfort! ..- he answered a little excited, touching his chest.

His friends knew that he was not feeling well at all, so they decided to ask the teacher for permission to take Ethan out of the classroom, even if he was dragged, but they took him away.

Upon leaving the classroom, Ethan began to struggle since according to him that was normal for several days.

- You sons of bi**es! I already told you that nothing is wrong with me! - Ethan shouted - when they let go of me I swear to you ...!

His screams were interrupted by his friends who let him fall to the ground, since they had reached the infirmary of the institution.

- Nurse !, what gives !!. - Ricardo shouted when he saw the named.- the kid is dying !!

-It's giving him a pain !!.- He pointed at Ethan. -Even if the bastard doesn't acepta it!.- Samuel said, waving his arms in a dramatic way.

The nurse of that institution only smiled at the attitude of the young people towards his friend, but when he saw the blonde almost fade, he decided to call his parents.

After all that scandal according to Ethan, they took him to his house to rest, the idea began to appeal to him when he remembered that beautiful world where he could lose himself next to that young woman.

- Now I'm going to see if I can dream about her ..." he said to sit on her bed.

Little by little he got carried away by the drowsiness that he began to feel, it was night, and he was grateful that they had finally left him alone.

Falling into the arms of Morpheus he began his adventure, the one he had wanted to continue ...

☆ In the dream ☆

In the middle of a forest that young man was now located, he felt a little disoriented, but that did not prevent him from walking through that place.

A few minutes passed and later they found a small cabin.

Curiosity was his greatest weakness ...

But he had a great feeling that something was waiting for him there ...

"I love feeling this warm feeling in my chest" ....

He was the only thought of him, since whenever he saw her, that feeling returned in search of giving him a good sleep ... one of which he wanted to know the meaning ...

When he opened that door, he found the brunette, who was sitting in a chair that was part of that wooden table reading a sheet. Without hesitation the young man only limited himself to sitting next to her to see what he was reading, but when he saw that note he was only surprised.

-Amy ...?.- He called. - Perhaps that is ...- he pointed to the note a little worried.

The aforementioned only smiled and then hugged him, which took him by surprise, but to be honest it didn't bother him. When they separated Ethan only watched Amanda who only watched him tenderly.

- So? ... - he asked worried.- Will I go to that test? ...

-Yes ... - Amanda answered.- but ...

Before that pause, he began to die of curiosity to know what he was about to mention, but when he saw that she took his hands, the doubt left aside that nervousness that disturbed him, to let the girl finish him to speak.

-You will not be alone ...- she smiled .- I will go with you, to work as a team ...

Ethan, upon hearing her, began to smile, the truth is that he did not fit himself with joy when listening to her dear friend. On the other hand, Amy just watched him, since he looked like a little boy, which caused her more tenderness.

-Ethan ...- she spoke.- If I didn't win the competition ...- she looked away to avoid his.- I want you to always remember me ... since we are together because ... we have the same goal ....

Her partner only winced at hearing her words, as he hated that he was so pessimistic since he had met her. Without further thought, he spoke to try to silence her.

-If we are together in this place ... I assure you that it is because we have the destiny written ...- he said a little annoyed.- please leave that damn thought ...

He decided he got up from her seat and then took the girl's hand and helped her up. Being in front of her, still holding the girl's hand, he placed it on her chest so that he could feel her beating and hers.

- Amy ... my heart is completely full of emotion ...- he smiled and then spoke.- We must face that test together, to show that we are worthy of protecting those treasures that will be awarded to us at the end of that obstacle course, for that even if you do not believe it, you are great and even suitable to have one of the treasures.

With nothing to say, Amanda hugged Ethan to comfort his hurt heart, which suffered a lot, but with him by his side, his pain began to disappear giving way to a joy that he could only give him, he was able to get a smile out of him with his witticisms, he even made her feel better about herself.

Indeed, she was beginning to feel that Ethan was a perfect boy, even though she did not tell him often because of her shyness that characterized her.

"When can I tell you that you are perfect? So much so that I do not deserve to be by your side because I am the worst thing you could have found"

She thought when she saw Ethan, who continued to maintain that joy that characterized him.