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Chapter 10.

Five months later......

Once Ava figured I could make it alone I was broke free from her constant surveillance. Don't get me wrong I needed that for real. I have her to thank for giving me so much nourishment. It all makes sense as to why Carmelo wanted his parents to guide us through everything. It's crazy how tragedy changes us and our mindsets. Here I was back at work filing paperwork for my cranky ass boss. I was so tired I be up all night. At my desk I didn't even know I had fell asleep. Until I heard a loud thump. Waking up I looked up to Craig in front of me. "Rein are you sleeping on the clock? It's been months I know you've had plenty of rest." He said cocky. "My bad I'm sorry boss." I said grabbing the next folder. He looked down on me and smirked. Once break hit I found my girl Cher. In the break room I grabbed my water, yogurts, and fruit bowl and sat down. "Oh no miss thing. Why you looking like that?" Cher asked sitting across from me. "Girl you know I'm getting real tired of Craig ass coming for me. Like damn where is the compassion? And to think we the ones keep this operation up and running for his janky ass business." Cher sipped on her detox water. "Wow Rein take it easy. Wait your eyes changed colors. Since when you have black glossy eyes?" She asked looking me dead in the eyes. Whole time I'm sitting there like what? I knew for a fact my eyes were brown. I think Cher need to lay off the detox juice. "Anyways my hormones are through the roof. Not to mention I haven't had any action. So bitch he might want to thread lightly." I said finishing up my snack. "Bitch you scaring me." She said laughing. Making it through the day I headed home. Pulling in the driveway I got out hit the lock and moved quickly towards the door. Unfortunately, yes I am still in our house but, lucky for me I scored a new one not to far from my current one. Trust and believe I was marking down the days on the calendar. That's why I'm playing it cool at my job to make my coin. After that I'll go from there I was getting tired of the bullshit. My bank account was sitting on lovely but for my unborn it's only up from there. Inside I locked up the house and sat my purse on the table in the foyer ; and hung my coat up on the rack. Taking off my shoes I sat them down. Going upstairs I stripped and threw my clothes in my hamper. Heading to the bathroom I brushed my teeth then turned on the shower. Cleansing my body off from my suck ass day I felt somewhat better. Getting out I rubbed my whole body in coco butter then put on my pjs. Finally prepared for the night I go downstairs. Walking to the kitchen I fixed myself something to eat. With this baby in me I was breaking all my diet rules. Watching a movie I ate and drank lemonade to wash my food down. Finishing I turned off the tv and walked upstairs to my room. Wrapping my hair up in a scarf I grabbed my phone and sat on the bed. Then Carmelo's blue bag catch my eye. For some reason I never even opened it to see what was inside. A flashback hit me like a ton of bricks.

"Rein I love you baby. No matter what happens you know I love the fuck out of you right?" He said. "Yeah daddy I love you too. You know that Melo." I said. He grabbed me close to him and kissed me like he'll never see me again. "I need you to run upstairs real quick and grab that blue bag hurry up." He said still looking out the door.

Going over to the bag I picked it up and sat it next to me on the bed. Inside I saw his gun, a bunch of letters , A lot of our pictures from when we first met until now, and a scrapbook. Looking through the stuff I had never seen most of it before. I found poems and suddenly I flipped over a picture. It was Carmelo and some guy in a big stupid pimp looking ass hat holding a cigar. Melo held a cup in his hands and smiled bright showing off his diamond studded teeth. For some reason I'm studying the picture really hard. Throwing the picture down I turned through our scrapbook. I was smiling from ear to ear no lie. Holding my favorite picture of us I held it to my heart first then my belly for our unborn. My phone rung interrupting my moment so I quickly stash the things back in the bag. Answering my phone it was nobody but Cher. "Girl what?" I asked real sassy. "You know what sis you do the most." I rolled my eyes. "Go on." I said admiring my nail length they've been growing everyday so beautiful like. "Honey I can't with you but , listen I was wondering if you wanted to go out with us tomorrow night?" She asked nervously. "Who is us?" I asked her. "Why you so damn mean? I think you having a boy for sure. So you remember Paris right?" She asked. "Of course why? Her and who else?" I asked. Knowing it's more to the damn story. "Just a few extra guy friends. I know what you thinking but aint nobody trying to hook you up. It's just one of those times where everyone could use a break." She explained to me persuasively. "Whew Chile I guess pregnant and all huh?" I asked. "It's going to be a fancy lounge so don't worry about it. Your a big girl nobody can influence you to do shit." Cher said. "Yeah bye whatever just send me the details. Love you good night bitch." Cutting off my lights I laid down and got some much needed rest. Thank goodness for off days I thought as I drifted off to sleep.