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Chapter 11.

Waking up I got up and went in the bathroom. My morning sickness was still in full effect. Cleaning myself up I proceeded to go downstairs for breakfast. Standing in my t shirt and shorts I cooked pancakes, eggs, sausage, and biscuits. Once I was done fixed my plate and poured some orange juice. Sitting at the table I watched tv as I stuffed my face as my phone rung. "Hello." I answer. It's Ava doing her normal well check. "Hey Rein how are you this morning?" She asked sweetly. "I'm doing okay. How about you?" I ask her. "I can't complain. So did you think about what we talked about before you left?" She asked as I paused. Before I left she had sat me down and asked if it would be okay to get my baby and raise it for me until I got more stable. Truth be told I haven't thought much about it honestly speaking. "I told you Ava I would think about it and get back with you. It's kind of a hard decision as you know." I said. I strongly felt like it was so selfish of Ava to ask that of me. Considering the fact this child was the only thing I had to remember of Carmelo. Like how could I give my baby up like that? "I told you I'm not trying to take your baby away from you. I just want to help as much as I can." She said assuring me that it wasn't like that. "Well when I make up my mind I'll let you know. You have a good day and tell the Mr I said hello." I said then hanging up. I hope I wasn't rude but it made me so irritated at the same time. Getting up from the table I put away the dishes after washing them all. Cleaning up I tried not to do so much. Sitting on the couch I was in a daze and shortly drifted into a sleep. Hours later my phone goes off it's Cher of course. "Rein. We're going to be heading out at ten is that cool?" She asked. "Sure let me get up and find some to wear." I said looking around. Hanging up I sighed and got up. Climbing up the stairs I went inside my bedroom. Going inside my closet I went through a bunch of my clothes. I wasn't trying to impress anyone but I did want to look my best. It's been a minute since I went anywhere so I guess I was cool with it. Getting in the shower I let the water cleanse me. Finally out I brushed my teeth and did something to my hair. Approving my appearance I walked in my room. Grabbing my clothes from off the bed I put them on. I had on this cute black dress. Putting on my heels I grabbed my purse and headed out. Stopping to grab something to eat I figured I'll go with some seafood. I had been craving it for days and felt I'll die if I didn't get my hands on some shrimp. Finally done I looked at my phone for the details that Cher sent me yesterday. Once I got there I noticed the line wasn't so long. Thank god because I couldn't stand long after that big meal I had. Finally inside I found the booth Cher was in and walked over. Everyone was talking and enjoying drinks as I approached them all. Cher and her husband sat together. Paris and her husband sat together as well. I noticed two other guys as well but I wasn't even bothering to look at them. They made room for me to sit as they continued to talk. "Hello Rein we're glad you could make it out." Cher's husband Malcolm says. I smile and just sat there. "Right so you want some food?" Cher asked looking at me. "No I already ate." I said with a smile. "Well how about I buy you something to drink." One guy said never taking his eyes off of me. "I don't drink alcohol but thanks for the offer." I said with a half smile. "They do have other drinks besides alcohol love. Let me get you something." He insist. "Sure I guess." I said kind of annoyed. Then he walks off and goes to the bar. "That's my brother Gino. He is such a gentleman and also single." Paris says with a smile. Cher elbows Paris as she picks up her drink. I give her a smile as Gino walks back over to us with this big drink. It was a colorful slushee and to my surprise it was delicious. Moments later a waiter came over with a bunch of food. Being I already ate I don't know why my stomach starts to growl. Even with the music on I'm sure everyone other than myself heard it too. Gino looks at me then to his food. "I can share with you if you want some." He said being kind. Cher looked at me and Paris did to with a smile. They ass think they slick I'm on to them both. "If you suggest sure." I said as he grabs a plate to share. Once the night was over with everyone said their goodbyes. Making it to the door Gino was one step behind me. "Can I walk you to your car?" He asked. I looked him up and down and shrugged my shoulders. Grabbing the door we walked outside and to my car. Opening up the door I got in as Gino stood there still. "I'm glad you came out. I hope you enjoyed yourself." He said. "Yeah it was well needed I guess." I said not really giving eye contact. "I don't want you to think your girls set you up. They didn't just thought I'll put that out there. I just think your very beautiful. I don't know much about you but, I would like to ask you for your number if it's not to much." He asked. "You know what how about I get yours instead." I said keeping the ball in my court.