Chapter 1

12 Years ago

“I remembered that day all too well. The day our lives all changed”

My family, The Novachrono’s one of the four royal families, were spending our time happily at our lake castle. We decided to go there to celebrate my brother Julius becoming a magic knight captain. At this time I was 8 years old and my brother was 20 years old. I was at that age where I was supposed to start getting my magic, but it never manifested.

Me and Julius were playing tag and Julius was it when the weather suddenly took a turn for the worst. Next thing I knew I was being held by a mysterious and ominous figure now known as a demon. I was struggling trying to free myself, but I was never able to get myself loose. I remembered crying trying to get my magic to manifest but it just didn’t want to manifest.

Not even my brother could get me loose from the demon. That’s when the demon spoke those horrible words. THIS SOUL FOR THE PARENTS SOULS……..

That’s how we lost our parents and Julius became the head of the Novachrono family.

7 Years ago

I was now 15 years old. I have given up the hope of manifesting my magic. I became the talk of the town amongst the nobles. I knew I would’ve been mocked. THE sister of the Wizard King Julius Novachrono is magic less? My brother became the new Wizard King two years ago. I was sent to the grimoire tower hoping I might get one and that I would at least unlock some magic. I was there just like many nobles but as I expected. I did not receive a grimoire. I saw how all the nobles laughed at me. By this age I have grown a thick skin and have become able to ignore the ridicule.

This let my uncle, King Augustus Kira Clover XIII, to crown me as the princess of the Clover Kingdom due to the queen not have the ability to produce an heir. I was so happy when this happened and the ridicule stopped to some degree.

2 years ago

I was now 18 years old and have come of age. I was fully invested in my new role as The Princes of the Clover Kingdom and I wish I could’ve said the same for my brother. He was a good Wizard King but he constantly neglected his duties and responsibilities and constantly makes Marx, his attendant, worried. I usually gave him a piece of my mind whenever I overhear Marx talking to himself.

During these 3 years I grew close to two of the royal families which were the house of Silva and the House of Vermilion. I grew close to Fuegoleon and his baby brother Leopold, their sister was constantly away so I did not connect with her that much, plus she scared me. I mostly got close to Acier Silva. She was the only noble not to ridicule me but she unfortunately lost her life. Just a few months after I became The Princess the Queen was assassinated by an unknown assailant. It was a hard jab in my heart. I was starting to really get close to the Queen.

About a few months ago I started training with the royal guards in using magical items to help protect me. I became a champ in welding a magical item in no time. After I mastered the use of magical items I started sparing with magical knights and then moved on sparing with some of the magic knight captains. This is how I showed my dominance over the nobles and thus has been accepted by the nobles as being the rightful heir to the clover kingdom.


I am now 20 years old and almost 21 years old. I have solidified my position as future Queen of the clover kingdom. We have established a great bond and alliance with the heart kingdom. I’ve become friends with Fuegoleon and Leopold.

~~Chapter 1 Done.

Clover Fact: these are random facts I will be adding to the end of chapters just like the clover clips shown in the anime.

#1: Julius and the Witch Queen are #1 of characters who are the best at handling liquor