I started my day as usual, looking for my dumb brother. “Poor Marx. I can’t imagine how many hours of sleep he misses worrying about my brother.” I continued my search for my brother when I suddenly ran into Fuegoleon. “Oh hi there Captain Fuegoleon. How are you this morning?” I asked Fuegoleon. “Oh, good morning princess. I’m doing well thank you.” He replied. He saw my franticly looking around him. “Let me guess, you are looking for the Wizard King again?” he asked.
“As usual yes. Sighs. Poor Marx is at his wits end. I pity the poor guy.” I paused for a second thinking about something. “Say Captain. You’re not like this with Leo now are you, and that it’s only my brother that does this?” I said looking skeptical and annoyed at Fuegoleon.
“I assure you princes that I do not tend to neglect my duties just because I don’t want to do them like a certain Wizard King.” This made me happy but annoyed too. “Just promise me you won’t let Leo worry about you! Big brothers should support their younger siblings and not make them worry about them.” I frown and crossed my arms in front of my chest. This made Fuegoleon chuckle and he patted my head which surprised me. “It would’ve been nice to have a sister like you. “Strong willed and caring. Sometimes I wish Mereoleona would be as kind and thoughtful like you princess. Fuegoleon said with a smile and I just gave a chuckle. “Yeah, I’m so glad she didn’t get her paws on me.: I said with a grimace.
Out of nowhere my attendant Dalia came running. “PRINCESSSSSSSS WHERE ARE YOU!!!!” her shouting gave me a scare. Fuegoleon suddenly burst out laughing. “Who’s neglecting their duties now, mmh?” Fuegoleon asked with a smirk and crossed his harms in front of his chest. “ I had to take a break to find my brother.” I said hiding my face in shame. Fuegoleon patted my head again and walked away saying: ‘” Good luck princess!”
Sometime later
I was in my study doing some paper work when I heard some shouting. “What on earth?” I headed for the door to see what was happening. “Shut up you damn brat. Do you want to annoy the nobles and make them come out and cause more drama?” Someone with black hair said to a grey headed boy with a bird on his head. The black head heard a door open and turned around. “See you dumbass.” “Mh? Oh it’s Captain Yami!” I said. “Oh princess it’s you.” Yami said. “Hey there Captain. What brings you to the house of Novachrono? And who’s that?” I said looking curiously at the boy with Yami. “This is one of the new Black Bull members. He’s name is Asta. We were summoned by your brother.” Yami said. “WAIT WHAT?!” the boy known as Asta yelled. “PRINCESS? BROTHER? UH?!” He shouted again and got hit in the head by Yami. “Shut up you dumbass. Yes this is Roxy Novachrono. Princess of the Clover Kingdom and the sister of the current Wizard King.” Yami said. “Why would brother summon you here at this hour?” I started thinking.
That’s when it hit me. “Asta. Do you possess a rare or unique form of magic perhaps?” I asked Asta curiously. All of a sudden Yami busted out with laughter. “Captain, don’t royals have the ability to sense how strong a person’s magic is?” Asta asked a laughing Yami. Yami finally calmed down and started talking. “They do pose that ability, but it only works if the person possesses magical abilities.” Yami said whipping away a tear. This made me pout in anger knowing Yami is making fun of me. “She doesn’t have magic. She’s magic less just like you squirt.” Yami said. “Wait. He doesn’t have magic? But he has a grimoire?” I said looking at the grimoire on Asta’s hip. “Don’t ask me. I don’t know how you’re country works in regards to grimoires.”
I sighed clearly annoyed at Yami. “I’ll take you to my brother if you’d like?” I offered. “Sure.” Said Yami.
~~~Chapter 2 Done!
Clover Fact #2: Fuegoleon‘s favourite things are long soaks in public baths and people with ambition.