A few days have passed since the attack on the capital and I was informed of why the Eye of the Midnight Sun attacked Fuegoleon specifically. “What’s so special about those stones anyway?” Were my thoughts for many days. That’s until I saw what they were capable of and now I understood why they were special but I still had no idea why the Eye of the Midnight Sun wanted them.
Security around me especially was tightened and I wasn’t allowed to move as I pleased because I was the only one who knew where the other stones were except for two. I knew where one of those two stones was though and it lead me to the Black Bulls’ base. I was naturally been escorted there with my personal knight squad instead of just Tybalt. “Wow this place is run down.” I said and Tybalt nodded his head.
We landed in front of the base and Tybalt went and knocked on the door but before he could the door opened due to a fireball. This caused my knight squad to surround me. “Damn it Magna, you could’ve taken my head off!” Someone yelled and was sent flying out if the base. It was Asta. I sneaked out of the guard’s protective stand to go see if Asta was okay. “Are you okay there Asta?” I said as I hovered above him and tucked a loose strand of hair behind my ear. “Oh Princess what are you doing here?” Asta said confused. All of the Black Bulls members came outside. “Lively aren’t they?” Tybalt said. “Indeed.” I replied. “Oh Princess Roxy. Hello!” Noelle said. I just waved at her.
“Is Yami here?” I asked. I then noticed one of the magic stones was reacting and this meant another stone was close. “Why are you damn brats so noisy?” Yami said as he exited the base. “Oh you are here.” Yami said looking annoyed. I smiled at Yami but then my dace went serious as he saw the magic stone I had and he knew why I was here. “Captain I need to take your magic stone. We believe that’s why Captain Fuegoleon was attacked because the Eye of the Midnight Sun is after these stones. “I said with a serious face. “Did you hit your head or something? We don’t have a magic stone here. If we did I would’ve known about it.” Yami said annoyed. “I believe you when you said you don’t know of one but there is definite one in this base. See this magic stone is reacting to it.” I said showing Yami the stone. “Wow we had one. Who knew?” Yami said as he started laughing.
We were searching the base for the stone which was way harder than expected since we knew it was in the base but we didn’t know where. I entered a room with a big cage and suddenly ferocious monsters came to the cage bars. It frightened me for a second but then I got closer and saw how cute some of them were and was on my way to pet them when Yami yelled to stop but I was already touching one and they were all obedient for some reason. This action caused Yami to drop the cigarette he was smoking. “Aren’t you all cuties? And you’re all so soft.” I said as I petted them. This made all the Black Bulls members stare at me shocked. “B-but how is this possible?” Magna said shocked. “Animals just naturally love me.” I said with a chuckle.
After a while of searching everyone was about to give up but I was still diligently searching. Suddenly the bird that was sleeping on Asta’s head woke up and flew off to the top floor of the base and it returned with a purple gem and dropped it in my hands. “Mm? Wait this is the magic stone!” I said shocked. “T-that bird is amazing.” I yelled with stars in my eyes. “Now you have the stone what are you going to do with it?” Yami asked. “I’m going to hide it.” I said.
Some time has passed and I have hidden all the magic stones where I knew no one would find them. I used a magical item to hide their presence form anyone so that they couldn’t be sensed.
Later that evening I was summoned by Julius to get an update on the magic stones. “I’ve managed to find a distortional tear somewhere which I have used to place the magic stones in. it can’t be sensed through any type of magic and I have a device that allows me to monitor it.” I told Julius. We sound proofed the room to ensure no one could listen in on us but unnoticed by us someone was listening. “So the Princess is the key to find the stones, now is she?” The mysterious person whispered.
Two days have passed since I re-hid the magic stones. Julius went off on some Wizard King business leaving me alone at the royal Place. I was enjoying myself in the garden. I was taking a break from my duties to just try and relax because I have been on high alert ever since Fuegoleon was injured. I was sitting underneath the veranda looking out to the lake with Tybalt at the bottom of the stairs that led up to the veranda when Dalia came with some tea and snacks. “Thank You Dalia.” I said as I took a sip of the tea. “Mm, is this an herbal blend Dalia?” I asked. “Yes it is Princess.” Dalia said as she bowed and left. But just before she left there was a massive explosion in the lake.
Tybalt instinctively came to my side to protect me. We saw a man with braded white hair and some strange markings on his face hovering above the lake with a big smile. He gave off the aura of being a light magic mage. I suddenly felt light headed and took a forceful step back as I felt myself growing weaker. “Your highness what’s wrong?” Tybalt said looking worried. “I … I feel sleepy all of a sudden.” I managed to say.
Tybalt picked me up and went to regroup with my knight squad. As he reached them I fell unconscious. “Aw it looks like the Princess didn’t like my special tea I made especially for her.” The mysterious man said. “Dalia what did you do!” Tybalt yelled at Dalia. “I did nothing. I was handed the tea by a staff member and they asked me to bring the tea to Princess Roxy!” Dalia said defending herself. “Now’s not the time for arguing. Dalia protect the Princess while we handle this guy!” Tybalt said and Dalia just nodded getting her grimoire out and putting a protective barrier around us.
Tybalt and his squad were struggling to fight off the mysterious man when the man suddenly started laughing. “It’s so nice of you to try and protect your dear Princess. But have any of you even thought about the idea that that servant isn’t really the true one? “The mysterious man said laughing. This made Tybalt instantly look to where I was with Dalia but Dalia was nowhere on sight instead there were three mysterious people instead and I was being held by a monstrous looking man with similar markings. “He he they were blinded by their devotion to protect their princess they didn’t even bother actually staying by her side.” One of the mysterious men with black hair said. “It looks like we got what we came for. We bid you fare well knights.” The white haired mysterious man said as they all disappeared with me. Tybalt was shocked. “Princess!!!!!!!!” he yelled as he fell onto his knees. “H-how did this happen?! I let her slip between my fingers just like that. I’m a disgrace!” Tybalt yelled.
~~~Chapter 6 Done!
Clover Fact #6:
Vanessa's favourite things are alcohol and snacks, like cheese