News broke out of my kidnapping. Julius rushed back to the capital as soon as he heard the news from Marx. The Magic knight Captains were summoned to the throne room. The Captains all entered the throne room and they all noticed the defeated look on Tybalt’s face.
“Thank you all for coming at such short notice. I presume you’ve all heard the terrible news that Princess Roxy has been kidnapped by the Eye of the Midnight Sun.” Julius said. Tybalt looked deeply gutted when he heard that sentence because he is still feeling guilty. “Weren’t you tasked to protect her Sir Tybalt?” Nozel asked with a stern voice. Tybalt could only look down with shame when Nozel said this.
“We were deceived.” Tybalt said still not lifting his head. “This is not the time to argue. The most important thing to do now is, is to rescue Princess Roxy, is it not?” Captain Charlotte said. “Right. It is safe to presume that my sister was kidnapped because she was the only one who knew where the magic stones are hidden. We decided to re-hide them after the incident involving the injuring of Captain Fuegoleon because he was a welder of a magic stone” Julius said.
After a few hours I started waking up. It was dark and my hands were bound with chains above my head I tried moving my arms to help loosen my straining muscles. I suddenly heard the opening of a cell door, which was mine. I lifted my head to see who it was. It was the members of the Eye of the Midnight Sun.
“Glad to see you awake Princess.” A man with black hair said mockingly. “I wish I cloud say the same thing. I’d rather be on a nice secluded beach in the Heart Kingdom enjoying some nice lemon tea but alas I am stuck here with you.” I said with a smirk. “And we’d like those magic stones if you don’t mind.” Another beast-ish looking man said with a disturbing grin. “Well then we’re all gonna be disappointed.” I said with a glare.
The girl amongst them suddenly became more annoyed and she grabbed my hair. “Stop fooling around and give us those stones.” The girl said angrily. “Oh and don’t think of trying to use your magic sweet cheeks.” The man with black hair said. I looked them straight in the eye and burst out laughing, so much that I got tears of joy. “And what is so funny you wrench?” The female said angrily.
“You have a death wish don’t ya?” the beastly male said. “You don’t know do you? No one will care if I am killed.” I laugh. “Why would anyone care for a magic less human like me? I know the other nobles don’t care, that’s for sure.” I said with a dark aura.
After countless attempts the three member of the Eye of the Midnight Sun gave up with their tortures and left me alone. “Finally they left.” I said breathing heavily. “I didn’t know how long I could keep up this façade. Dumbass where are you?” I said looking down.
I’ve been held captive now for a couple of days now. Strangely enough they are feeding me but being the hard head I am I refuse the food but only take the water since I do not want to die of dehydration. I’m starting to feel the strain of being chained up like this and have less energy due to me not eating. “Hopefully they find me soon. I’m seriously hungry and it’s really uncomfortable sleeping.”
After a few hours I was getting sleepy but suddenly heard the cell doors open again. “Not another torture session.” I thought to myself but it wasn’t one of the three I have seen. It was the leader of the Eye of the Midnight Sun. “Hello there princess. Are you ready to tell me where those stones are?” The man said. “Well I don’t know why you want my stones? There are tons of them just lying around on the ground.” I said with a smirk but was then kicked to the floor and then grabbed me by my throat and picked me up, choking me. “I’ve had enough of your smart remarks. Now if you do not tell me where they are I’ll be forced to take drastic measures.” The man said.
“You know. You are currently ruining Captain Vangeance’s reputation the more you continue on this path. You know this right?” I said still smirking. This surprised the man and made him dropped me and I started coughing trying to catch my breath. “Did I hit a nerve?” I said but he was still at a loss of words. “You better drop this tough guy act Princess. I am getting tired of your smart mouth.” He said walking away.
Another few days have passed and I have reached my limit of how much I can take and I’m afraid I might slip up. The black haired man was trying to get me to talk and I’ve noticed he has a smart mouth too but he does seem as if he is a lazy person too but he’s definitely the smartest out of all 3 of them.
“Come on princess. We are getting tired of this and I know you are at your limit. Now just tell me where those stones are and we might just let you go.” The man said sitting on a chair but with the back of the chair being in the front. “You should be grateful I don’t have y magical items with me. I’d definitely be smashing all your faces in.” I said not looking at the man.
“Oh yeah. You use magical items to seem as if you have magic.” He said with a smirk. “…” I said nothing. “Well lookie here. She stopped speaking. Or is it because you regret saying something just now? “…” My silence let something click in the man’s head. “Well princess you just game me some useful information. One of your magical items we took from you is the key to finding the stones, isn’t that right?” he said getting up and left. “Damn it.” I cussed.
~~~Chapter 7 done!
Clover Fact #7: Rhya's favorite things are his fellow elves, banquets, and basking in the sun.