Meanwhile in the royal capital the King has instructed the formation of a special squad known as the Royal Knight squad to take down the Eye of the Midnight Sun and to rescue Princes Roxy. Also the news of Captain Vangeance’s betrayal and the disappearance of Julius Novachrono the Wizard King.
The captain of the Royal Knights was Mereoleona Vermillion and included Captain Nozel and Captain Rill and many other regular magic knights’ from many squads.
Back at the hide out of the Eye of the Midnight Sun. unfortunately they found the magic item needed to find the magic stones and were out looking for them. “I-it’s all over and it’s all my fault. If only I had my magic!” I said crying. “Wait what? Why did I say that?” I said confused. “Why would I say that? I was born without magic, wasn’t I? I said confused. My head started hurting a lot. It felt like someone was forcing something into my head. “No, that’s wrong. I was born with magic. But did someone seal it?” I said. I was thinking I was delusional until I tried something I never thought I would ever do. “Come to me my grimoires!” I yelled with a lot of hope. Nothing. “What did I expect?” I said disappointed until I heard a loud explosion. I couldn’t believe my eyes. “A-are these my grimoirs? S-six of them? Are these those I found? They definitely are. But I’m missing one.”
“What will happen if I touch them?” I said willing them to reach my hands. When I touched them something snapped.
12 Years ago
“I remembered that day all too well. The day our lives all changed”
My family, The Novachrono’s one of the four royal families, were spending our time happily at our lake castle. We decided to go there to celebrate my brother Julius becoming a magic knight captain. At this time I was 8 years old and my brother was 20 years old. I was at that age where I was supposed to start getting my magic, but it never manifested, until today.
Me and Julius were playing tag and Julius was it when I suddenly tripped and rolled down the hill. When I finally stopped rolling I burst out crying. Julius came running and our parents followed when suddenly they sensed a sudden appearance of a strong mana source. When Julius and my parents saw me I was glowing and mana was flowing out of me.
I was scared because I didn’t know what was happening. Suddenly random time spheres started appearing causing destruction everywhere. Our parents were trying to get to me to help me calm down but just as they reached me they were hit with one of these time spheres and they were gone.
Julius and I looked in horror and this made everything worse. I was still on a rampage when Julius reached me and trapped me into one of his Chronostasis Spheres and this made everything stop.
Some time passed and Julius made the decision to seal my magic and have Marx alter my memories as well as all our staff that was there that day. During my freak out I also got seven grimoires which was also a strange occurrence since you only get a grimoire when you are 15 but I was gifted not one but seven at that age which indicated just how powerful my time magic was. Julius decided to skater them everywhere but most were in the clover kingdom but some did make its way into other kingdoms.
When Julius went to speak to the grimoire tower master on how this was possible even he was shocked and said it was best to seal my magic until Julius was certain I would be able to control it.
This was what really happened to the Novachrono family. This was how an eight year old killed her parents.
~~~End of flash back
The tears were streaming off of my face. “W-what have I done?!Why did that happen?! M-mom, D-dad. I-I’m so sorry.” I said sobbing. “I have to get out of here!” I said determined.
~~~Chapter 8 done!
Clover fact #8: Julius's family name is composed of nova (Latin for "new") and chrono (Greek for "time").