“This battle will decide the future ruler of our wonderful Clover Kingdom!” the announcer announced. “The House of Kira has challenged the House of Novachrono for the throne. Representing the House of Kira it is Phillips Kira and representing the House of Novachrono it is Princess Roxy.” The crowd cheered when they heard my name. “Honestly the House of Kira has lost their favouritism from the country where as the House of Novachrono has gained strength and is favoured by every noble family due to the power these siblings have. One being the Wizard King, the other being the future Queen.” Nozel said. “I agree. Princess Roxy has grown so much and became much stronger. This fight will be interesting indeed. Phillip uses lighting magic that rivals the speed of light magic users but he is in for a rude awakening. He made a huge mistake challenging Princess Roxy and he’ll come to regret it very soon.” Fuegoleon said.
“The fight will end when one of the fighters is unable to proceed or surrenders! Now let this be a fight for the throne to be remembered! FIGHT START!” Just when the announcer said start Phillip charged at me with full speed. He was indeed fast. “Let’s have some fun first.” I said with a smirk. I dodged his attack by jumping and using his back as a stepping stone making him slam into the ground.
“You’re so slow Phillip? Is the nerves getting to you?” I said smirking. The entire house of Kira was shocked to see me dodge Phillip’s attack and to then slam him into the ground. “You wench! You’ll pay for that!” Phillip said charging at me.
Of about 10 minutes the fight was constantly Phillip charging at me and me dodging his attacks. I could see Phillip getting tired and he was pissed. “I HAVE HAD ENOUGH!!” Phillip yelled and brought his grimoire closer summoning his most powerfullest magic spell. “Dodge this Princess!! Thunder Palace!!” Phillip yelled and a flurry of thunder blots was sent flying towards me. I dodged them all.
This drove him mad. He had to take a second to recover since that spell paralyses its user for a minute. “I think it’s about my time to show what I have got up my sleeve, now isn’t it?” I said with a smile. “I’ve got a little surprise Phillip. This surprise will show you why I am fit to Rule the Clover Kingdom and not you! This will show you why the House of Novachrono is so strong!”
Suddenly six grimoires came appeared behind me. “Nori?” I said. “Yes Roxy? Oh there’s a crowd!” Nori said appearing. “Let’s show them what we’ve got!” I said to Nori. “Okay!!” Nori shouted. “Phillip. I hope you can dodge this!” I said as my mana manifested a dragon and my six grimoires started to glow. “WAIT SHE HAS MAGIC?!” Phillip shouted. The entire stadium was shocked except for the Magic Knight Captains and the rest who knew of my magic.
“And this is why you should never underestimate me!!” I shouted and started glowing and floated towards the mouth of the mana dragon. The mana was gathering into a sphere in the dragon’s mouth. I could see how scared Phillip was. “Rugiet temporis (Roar of time)!!!” I shouted and then disappeared. Just before the blast could hit the petrified Phillip I appeared before him and then protected him. “Tempus praesidium (Time protection)!!” I shouted and a magic barrier protected us.
Phillip sunk to his knees mortified. Me protecting Phillip made most shocked. “Why would she protect him?” someone asked. “I see what she did and what her plan was. She knew Phillip wouldn’t be able to dodge that attack. She intentionally used such a powerful move to show off her strength and then coming to rescue Phillip showed that she has the ability to show mercy and not hurt him while he was defenseless.” Fuegoleon said calmly.
I still had my back turned to Phillip. “Ready to admit defeat Phillip? I asked. Phillip got up and charged at me again. “You fool! How dare you show mercy to me?!” I sighed and dodged his hand and then taking his arm and flipping him onto the ground on his back and made a claw of magic and held it towards his throat. “Because I knew you would be seriously hurt if it did hit you!” I said and then leaned in closer. “And because it would make me seem kind and boost my image.” I said soft enough that only he could hear me. “That’s enough!” The announcer said. “The winner of this magic battle is Princess Roxy!” the crowd went wild.
“That settles that.” One of the council men said as I started to leave the stadium. “Princess Roxy’s coronation will be held in 2 hours!” The council man said.
~~~Chapter 16 Done!
Clover fact #16: Henry's favorite things are small animals and gatherings of all of the Black Bulls
A/N: I hope this was a good battle chapter. I suck at them XD