As I was outside of the crowd’s sight I slumped against the stadium’s walls. Dalia and Tybalt came running towards me. “Princess!” they both shouted. “Are you okay Your Highness?” Tybalt asked crouching to my level. “Yes. I just used too much mana in such a short time.” I said trying to catch my breath. “I see you’re still using too much of your mana and exhausting yourself.” Mereoleona said. “Maybe you need another week of my training perhaps?” Mereoleona said. I suddenly got a burst of energy and got up. “What are you talking about? I’m fine. I totally didn’t use too much mana. Hehe.” I said rubbing my head.
I returned to my room to get my hair redone because it got messed up during the fight and I saw the big red urked mark on the poor stylist’s face.
It was time for the coronation. I was making my way to the hall where the coronation will be taking place. The halls were deserted and I could hear the music from the hall. We arrived at the hall’s door. Tybalt and Dalia entered first and I was standing at the doors waiting for my time to enter. I readjusted my tiara making sure everything is in place. The guards opened the doors signalling it’s time for me to enter.
I took a deep breath. “Everything will be fine Roxy!” I said to myself and started walking. As I entered everyone bowed to me. I noticed a group of nobles present as well as the Magic knight Captains and the royal families. “Damn this is nerve racking.” I said to myself.
After what felt like an eternity I finally reached the front of the hall and I was helped onto the few steps to take my seat next to my Uncle. “Ladies and Gentlemen. I would like to welcome everyone present here at the Castle of the Clover Kingdom and to those watching from elsewhere.” The head of the Council said.
“Today we celebrate the retirement of our beloved King, King Augustus Kira Clover XIII and the passing of the throne to Princess Roxy Novachrono.
After the long speeches given by the Council it was time for me to take my oaths. I stood up and took the sphere of truth and the sceptre and faced the crowd. The head of the council started to speak.
“Will you solemnly promise and swear to govern the People of The Clover Kingdom according to their respective laws and customs?”
“I solemnly promise to do so.”
“Will you solemnly promise to render law and justice and mercy in all your judgements?”
“I solemnly promise to do so.”
After my oaths I descended the steps and then knelt on it. The Head council member took my tiara off and got a new crown. “With this I officially declare Roxy Novachrono as Queen of the Clover Kingdom.
I stood up and turn to the crowed. “All hail Queen Roxy Novachrono. Long live the Queen!” The head of the council said. Everyone bowed and shouted “Long live Queen Roxy Novachrono!” I magic wave was sent throughout the kingdom signalling me taking over the throne and the magic barrier was erected. Lolopechka could feel the magic wave too and so the tyrants of the Spade Kingdom.
“So the barrier is up.” Lolopechka said.
~~~Chapter 17 Done!
Clover fact #17: Grey's favorite things are transforming and completely becoming that person, and milk