After my coronation a banquet was held. Before I went to the banquet I decided to first check on the magical barrier I erected to ensure it was working, which it did. After I went to change into something else. The banquet was in full swing when I entered. “Roxy~~~~” I heard someone say my name and was suddenly lifted into a bear hug. It was Julius. “You looked so cool today. Big brother is so proud of you.” Julius said swinging me in his bare hug.
His actions made me blush. “S-stop it already brother. You’re embarrassing me.” Everyone was looking at us. I could see the Vermilion family chuckle and the Silva and Kira family glare ate me. Although Nozel wasn’t glaring that bad for some odd reason. Julius finally let me down and asked me for the first dance.
We were dancing when Julius decided to speak. “Our parents would’ve been so proud of you, you know?” This made me look down feeling sad. “Y-yeah.” Was all I could say. “I went to check up on the barrier and it seems like it is working like it should be.” I said. “Well I wouldn’t doubt it through. Your magic is powerful indeed. Look at how well it is hiding my current form from everyone. No one suspects that I am actually a kid now. I look like my normal self.” Julius said as he bowed because the song ended and then he suddenly saw someone coming towards me and smiled. “It looks like someone else wants your attention know so ill excuse myself.” Julius said as he walked away.
“Would your Majesty care to do me the honors of dancing with me?” I heard Nozel ask me. “It would be my pleasure Sir Silva.” I said as we both chuckled at how ridiculous we sounded. Nozel and I grew closer these past few months and dare I say it we became somewhat friends. Although he’s still embarrassed at it. He can be such a tsundere when he wants to be.
“I must say that was a good battle you had against the eldest son of the Kira house this afternoon. You showed great strength as well as mercy. You could’ve hurt him but you decided to hold back and that definitely won favor amongst the council members who had their doubts about you. ‘Nozel said as we danced.
After a little while of talking and dancing the song ended and Nozel left my side when Fuegoleon decided to come for a dance. It was nice and we had a nice talk and laughed a lot.
I was dreading my next dance because I knew it would be with Phillip since it is customary to dance with at least one member of each royal family. Phillip and I danced and all eyes were on us. I held my smile but Phillip didn’t dare look at me. Some nobles were snickering and I knew it was towards him. “Something wrong Phillip.” I said still smiling. He jumped and my question. “N-no Your Majesty.”
You know you still have a chance at the throne? You just need me to fall in love with you. But there is little chance of that.” I said snickering. The song ended and I decided to step out of the banquet hall for some fresh air. Tybalt joined me to make sure I was safe. “Princess … I mean Your Majesty. Is everything okay?” Tybalt said correcting himself.
“I’m just a bit tired is all Tybalt. It was a long eventful day. And setting up this barrier took some of my mana making me fatigued. But I’ll be fine with a good night’s rest. “I said. “I’ve noticed the eldest sons of the royal family are all jumped at the chance to dance with you. They must be trying to gain favour with you Your Majesty.” Tybalt said staring off into the distance. “Yes indeed they are but I’m quit friends with the House of Vermillion and Silva. Not so much with the House of Kira except for Uncle.” I stopped my train of thought. “Tybalt. I have a request for you.” I said staring off into space. “Yes Your Majesty?” Tybalt looked at my. “I would prefer you to call me by my name. We are friends, aren’t we?” this shocked Tybalt. “Of course Your Majesty… I mean Roxy.” I smiled.
The banquet was finally over and I decided to retire to my room to take a nice bath and then go to bed. “Man I’m tired!” I said sinking into the bath tub. “I can feel it by just your mana.” Nori said appearing. He seemed sleepy. “I am going to become much busier from now on. Running the country, training with the magic knights, and training on my own and Michael asked me to train with him too to ensure I know how to use his magic when the time comes since his celestial powers will be very effective against the Devils of the Spade Kingdom. “I said sinking deeper into the water. “Four months. That’s all.” I said to myself.
~~~Chapter 18 Done!
Clover Facts #18: Charlotte's favorite things are the garden in her private residence during quiet times and Yami