It has been nearly four months since my coronation. In a week we will be heading to the Heart Kingdom to prepare for our battle against the devils of the Spade Kingdom. I’ve became so much stronger. I’ve learned how to increase the success rate of my attacks working. I’ve somewhat got some control over my foresight. I’ve also managed to defeat six of the Magic Knight Captains and tied with three of them.
I’ve been also managed to use Michael’s power that will be needed when facing one of the devils. I’ve unlocked celestial dive which is similar to when Asta uses his demons power. The barrier I erected has been holding well. Many don’t know this, but the barrier does have some celestial magic infused with it. Unfortunately the Diamond Kingdom has fallen and has been taken by the Spade Kingdom.
I was sitting in the veranda at the lake garden reading up on some battle tactics. My mind was still on how the hell we will get my grimoire from those devils. I’ve had some glimpses of spells that can be found in the grimoire but I won’t be able to use them without having it in my arms.
I decided to call a magic knight’s captain meeting to discuss on how we will get my grimoire back. I’ve also talked to Michael and he agreed to let me tell the Captains about his pact. I do have somewhat an idea to draw those devils away from their lair but it will mean that I reveal Michael soon but it will definitely draw them away.
A few hours have passed and the captains have been gathered in my library. I entered the library and all the captains stood up and bowed to me. “Let’s get this meeting started. “ I said. “I commend all of the hard work every squad has showed in getting stronger. As you all know there is another objective of us entering the Spade Kingdom and that is to reclaim my last grimoire. I know that is going to be quiet the challenge. But there is something I must inform you all of. Something that will give us the upper hand against the devils of the Spade Kingdom.” I addressed the Captains.
‘Months ago I was approached by certain beings known as celestial beings and no ordinary celestial beings. They were the seven archangels.” Some of the captains were shocked. “I have been granted a pact with the Archangel Michael. He has promised to lend me his celestial magic when we face the devils. I have refrained from using his power in this realm so I have been training with him in the celestial realm.” I continued.
“If I used his power in this realm those devils will be attracted towards it, leaving their castle deserted. This leads me to my plan.” I said.
The Captain’s conference has ended and the Captains were all in for my plan and the captains went on their way to prepare for the trip to the Heart Kingdom.
Today was the day we made our way to the Heart Kingdom. Only five magic knight captains will be joining in the fight against the devils of the Spade Kingdom namely Nozel, Fuegoleon, Yami, William and Dorothy and some magic knights. We were using 4 boats to get to the Heart Kingdom but only 3 were used for normal magic knights and the 4th boat was reserved for the Magic Knight Captains and me and my guards.
“Are we there yet?!” Yami moaned. “We just left Captain Yami.” I said a bit annoyed. “I still think I should’ve left the crown back home.” I whined. ”It is a symbol of your power Your Highness.” Fuegoleon said. “It’s just going to get in the way.” I mumbled.
“MIST AHEAD!!!” Someone shouted. “Your Majesty what should we do? Nozel asked. “Proceed straight ahead. This is just the barrier of the Heart Kingdom. We all will be able to pass.” I announced. We made it through the fog and everyone was astounded at the beauty of the Heart Kingdom. We made landfall and we saw Lolopechka and everyone bowed at her.
Some guards showed the magic knights to their quarters and Lolopechka’s guards showed the Magic Knight Captains to their quarters and I went with her to discuss some things.
It was night and the Captains, Spirit Guardians, Lolopechka and I were discussing our plan of attack. This was how I told Lolopechka my plan on getting my grimoire back. Currently getting it back was our first priority since I had a spell in the grimoire that can break the curse on Lolopechka and I will be much stronger too. I also informed them of my pact with Michael and we all set out to get a good night’s rest.
~~~Chapter 19 Done!
Clover fact #19: Lolopechka's favorite things are the Heart Kingdom and cute things