Chapter 20

The day arrived when we were set to retrieve my grimoire. The plan was to lure those devils to me and then have members at their hideout to get the grimoire and to transport it to where I was. If everything went well we could escape to the heart kingdom. I specifically asked Finral to be part of the group to retrieve the grimoire then he can just transport it to me.

The group that will retrieve the grimoire would be Finral, Sol, Leopold, Klaus and Luck. The group that will be with me was the Captains aka William, Nozel, Fuegoleon, Yami and Dorothy as well as Tybalt and my knight squad, Asta, Mimosa, Nero and Yuno.

We were all heading to the border of the Heart Kingdom to cross over to the Spade Kingdom which took about two hours. We arrived at an area we would draw those devils too and made sure Finral knew where we were so that he could special jump to this area.

We had to wait an hour for the team who were getting my grimoire since they needed to be at the Castle and enter as soon as those devils left. During this time we sat and waited for that team to let us know they were there my nerves were growing. This was technically my first ever real fight that could cause me to lose my life if something went wrong.

I was deep in thought for a while thinking back at what useful spells my last grimoire had that could get us to safety but there were none that I could see so my only option was to used Caperent Temporis (Capturing of time) where I can freeze them in time and everyone could retreat. I suddenly got a vision.

Everyone stared at me when I went still. A few minutes passed. “Your Majesty?!”Tybalt said snapping me out of my trance. When I came too I saw Tybalt on one knee in front of me looking at me worried. “Is everything okay Your Majesty?” Tybalt asked. “Oh Tybalt? Y-yes everything is fine. I just got another vision. Those devils will come our way and they’ll be out for blood. So everyone make sure you keep your guards up! “I said and everyone did their normal salute and shouted all together. “Yes Your majesty!”

“Retrieval group checking in.” We suddenly heard a transmition from the group that will retrieve the grimoire. “We have arrived at the Spade Castle and have eyes on the devils.” Finral said. “Good! We’ll commence the plan now!” I said. The transmition ended and I gave a last speech and started drawing a magic circle that will allow me to summon Michael’s power.

The magic circle was now done and I stared at it still feeling nervous. “We’ve got this Roxy!” I heard Michael say. “Right! Everyone get ready.” I said and stepped into the circle and closed my eyes and took a breath. I opened my eyes and held my hands in front of me generating light magic. A sudden ball of light appeared between my hands and a sudden wave of celestial magic spread through the area and my appearance started changing, similar to how Asta’s appearance changed.

My hair grew lighter, and I got a suite of armor and grew three sets of wings and got little wings above my ears and my eyes turned golden

Everyone gasped at my appearance. Michael usually liked using a bow and arrow but we decided to use a sword since I was good with it. As the sword appeared I stabbed it into the ground amplifying the celestial waves I was emitting.

The ball of light I was creating disappeared and I started to glow amplifying even more the celestial waves. I caught something strange from the corner of my eye. Asta was standing far away from me. But then it came to me as to why. His demon inside doesn’t like the celestial waves. This made me more confident that those devils would show up.

Meanwhile at the Spade Castle the three devils felt the celestial waves and they grew more intrigued and debated on whether or not they should check it out. One of them knew that it might’ve been a trap but he does want to slay those who could hurt devils aka arcane mages. They soon left to see where the source of celestial magic was coming from. They left the grimoire with some guards not thinking of putting it in protection since only fools would try to enter the Spade Castle. But there were fools.

The group of mages made their way into the castle immediately being met with guards. The group said Finral should go on ahead and they would face the guards, which he did. He searched and searched and finally found the room where the grimoire was located.

Back at my group. The celestial waves were strong and I could see it still agitating Asta’s demon when I felt something coming our way. “They are almost here! Everyone prepare for battle!” I shouted. Suddenly a dark blast was sent my way and I dodged it by landing on the ground. I then saw it destroy the mountain behind us.

“Nice shot Zenon!” Another man said. “It’s time Michael!” I said to myself.

~~~~Chapter 20 Done!

Clover fact #20: Gauche is French for "left" or "awkward".