“Wait wasn’t there three of them?” Yuno asked. We were suddenly all pushed to the ground. “W-What is going on?!” Mimosa yelled. “It’s gravity magic.” Yami said. I was frozen from my fear. I reverted back to my normal self to try and save my mana.
A sudden transmition arrived near me. “You Highness one of them was still in the castle and we are struggling to defend ourselves!” Finral said. “Your Highness go help them we’ll take care in distracting these two.” Fuegoleon said. I stared at him and then spoke again. “Finral are you able to open a gate for me?” I asked Finral. “Yes Your Highness.” I saw a portal open underneath the two devil men. I knew I had to use powerful magic not only to be able to stand up but to get speed to get to the portal.
I managed to get to my feet again. I took a deep breath. “Mana Realm” I casted and the gravity magic were negated earning a sound of surprise from one of the devil users. “Nunc Accelerationem (Time acceleration)” I casted the spell on myself and was able to reach the portal. As I exited the portal it immediately closed behind me and I saw one of the devil users, this time a girl with an eye patch cornering the group of magic knights. I immediately transformed into my celestial form and swung my sword before the devil user separating her from the group of magic knights.
“Finral you all go get that grimoire. Leave this devil user to me!” I said with authority. “Yes Your Majesty.” Finral said running with the others towards were the grimoire was. “Your Majesty?!” I heard the female devil user say and started laughing. “Oh it’s my lucky day isn’t it! I get to curse another Queen!” The female said. “So you’re the one who put that curse on Lolopechka!” I shouted pointing my sword towards the girl.
“I’m Vanica. Nice to meet’cha Queenie. Time to put that curse one you!” the girl now known as Vanica said. We leaped towards each other and the entire castle rumbled.
Meanwhile with the group that is retrieving the grimoire. “Wow.” They all shouted as they felt the castle rumble. “Up ahead!” Klaus yelled. “The grimoire!” Sol said. Luck went to retrieve it but it just crumbled to dust. “Huh?” Luck thought. “It was a fake!” Finral said. “The mission was a failure.” Klaus said. “We should get out of here Finral said and the group headed back to where Roxy was.
“Your Majesty the grimoire was a fake!” Finral shouted. This news shocked me. “We must withdraw now!” Klaus said and as Finral began to make a portal Vanica knocked him out. “Not getting away that easy.” She said. Suddenly the entire group was knocked out except for me. I got scared and suddenly I got a new spell. “Tempus Obumbratio (Time alteration).” I said and we were teleported to a random destination and I knew we were still in the Spade Kingdom. I saw a cave and decided to hide there and tried reaching the Captains.
Meanwhile at the other group. “Tybalt can you hear me?!” A sudden transmition came. “Yes Your Majesty. Did you manage to retrieve the grimoire?” Tybalt saw my face darken. “It was a fake. Everyone except for me has been knocked out. We’ve managed to escape but I have no idea where we are! You all should retreat back to the Heart Kingdom!” I commanded and everyone was shocked at what I was saying. Suddenly the two devil possessed men headed back to the castle.
When the group with the Captains returned to the castle of the Heart Kingdom they told Lolopechka what happened and tried to pin point my location but was unable to do so. “We should get in touch with her.” Lolopechka said opening a transmition channel. “Roxy can you see and hear me?” Lolopechka Said.
I suddenly got a transmition and it was Lolopechka and I could see the Captains and Tybalt in the background. “Lolopechka! I’m glad to see everyone safe!” I said with relief. “We are unable to pinpoint your current location!” Said Lolopechka. “I’m not sure where we are as well. I got a cave where we are hiding out at the moment but I see many Spade Kingdom followers searching for us.” I said.
“How are the others?” Fuegoleon said. “They are all still unconscious. It seems they have all been cursed with a spelling spell! The devil user we faced was being possessed by Megicula.” I said and saw Udine twitch. “She didn’t curse you, did she Roxy?” Udine said worried. I shook my. “I made sure she didn’t touch me but I fear these magic knights have been cursed. I’ve scouted to see if I was close to the Heart Kingdom’s border and I am but there are so much soldiers of the Spade Kingdom guarding the border I won’t make it past them with carrying these magic knights, not with my current levels of mana. I used most of it trying to heal them so I’m afraid I don’t have enough mana left.” I said looking down. I could see everyone was scared, angry or feeling down. “Don’t worry! I am thinking of a plan to get us back safe and sound.” I said and ended the transmition. I then went to sit next to the sleeping magic knights and started crying. “I’m so scared.” I said softly.
As the night passed I decided to move us again. “There can’t be this many guards all along the border, now can there?” I said yawning. Since I’m the only conscious one I didn’t sleep at all but some of my mana returned and I might have an idea but I know no one will like what I wanted to do.
~~~Chapter 21 Done!
Clover Fact #21: Leopold's favorite things are interesting men and his older brother