Before I went to my room, I pulled Julius outside to revert him back to his normal form before his fight against Patry. The spell went off without a hitch but it drained my mana so much and Julius brought me back to my room and we bid each other a good night. I went to sit outside on my balcony when I suddenly got a transmission.
“Can you hear me Your Majesty?” one of the council men said. “Hi James.” I said trying not to sound tired. “I know you are busy but I there is a very important matter we need to discuss.” James said. “Cant it wait until we return back to the Clover Kingdom? It’s been a long few days.” I said. “Unfortunately it cannot wait any longer.” James said and a sound proof barrier appeared around me but people could still see me.
“As you know we allowed you to take the throne without taking a husband too.” James said and I could already tell what James was about to tell me. “It is time for you to choose the next King of the Clover Kingdom and your husband. We will expect you to announce who you have chosen the day after you have returned to the kingdom. And we will not accept a non-answer. If you cannot decide on whom it will be we, the council will decide for you. I hope you have a pleasant evening Your Majesty.” James said and bowed.
Meanwhile from other balconies Fuegoleon and Nozel saw me outside talking with a council man and got curious about what I was talking about. “It must be serious if she had to make a sound proof barrier.” Both men thought. They noticed my stressed expression when the transmission ended and they got worried about what it was. “I should really make my mind up, and soon. But I still can’t decide. I don’t want to hurt any of them.” The men heard me say and their curiosity grew. I then decided to head into my room and go to sleep.
Everyone got worried when Lolopechka and I were still sleeping for two days already. Everyone was gathering in the hall to try and figure out why we were still sleeping. That is when Julius took the reins and explained why we were still sleeping.
“So the most likely cause for both the Queens still sleeping for so long might be because one Queen Lolopechka’s curse has been broken and her body needed to heal and two Queen Roxy had a rough few days and she broke Queen Lolopechka’s curse and restored me to my former self, resulting in her using too much mana. They will be okay. They just need their rest. So while the Queens rest we can prepare a plan of action to take down the devil users. According to Queen Roxy, one of the devil users have been severely injured by her celestial for and there is no chance of him healing, which will make him an easy target for us to defeat him. But he is also very dangerous since we do not know who the demon is he made a pact with.”
A few hours passed and everyone were having lunch when suddenly the doors opened, and a half-awake Roxy walked in rubbing her eyes and looks like someone who just woke up after a long night of gaming.
“Good morning everyone.” I said taking my seat next to where the head of the table would sit and yawned. Everyone was silent and I noticed it. “W-what’s wrong?” I said.
“Uhm Roxy… you’ve been asleep for two days now and it’s afternoon actually.” Julius said while scratching his cheek. I stared at Julius with half lidded eyes for a few minutes. I then hit my head on the table muttering some inaudible words and the entire room started laughing and/or chuckling.
After lunch I decided to go check up on Lolopechka to make sure she was okay I also decided to grab two plates of food. One for Lolopechka if she was awake and the other one for Gadjah since he never left Lolopechka’s side.
I knocked softly on Lolopechka’s door and entered softly when no one answered. As I entered I saw Gadjah siting near the window struggling to stay awake. When he saw me move closer to him he was startled and wanted to Attack me but soon saw it was me. “I-I’m sorry Queen Roxy.” Gadjah said bowing. “It’s okay.” I said and shoved the plate of food into Gadjah’s hands. “Eat... now! That’s an order.” I said with authority in my voice. Gadjah stared at me for a moment and started eating.
“How is Lolopechka doing?” I asked changing the cloth on her head with a colder one. “She has been sleeping peacefully, barely sturing in her sleep.” Gadjah said. I then looked at her stomach to see if the mark is gone. “I’ll do another spell to help her body recover.” I said bringing one of my grimoires to me. “Tempus sanitatem (Time Healing)” I started healing Lolopechka while Gadjah was eating.
“You should get some rest Gadjah. You won’t be able to protect Lolopechka if you are this tired. Those devil users will come at us with more vengeance. That might be entirely my own fault though but they will be coming for Lolopechka’s and my heads. Lolopechka will have less of a burden on her since I have taken over your barrier.” I said as I healed Lolopechka. Suddenly Lolopechka started opening her eyes slowly. “Your Majesty?!” Gadjah said rushing to Lolopechka’s side.
~~~Chapter 25 done!
Clover fact #25: Noelle is the worst singer