“Your Majesty how are you feeling?” Gadjah asked. “I’m feeling better now.” Lolopechka said with a weak smile. I sneaked up to Gadjah and Lolopechka saw this and knew what I was doing. I hit Gadjah on the back of his neck but not very hard. “See what I meant. Your reflexes are bad because you are tired. If you weren’t you would’ve been able to dodge that. Lolopechka may I give Gadjah an order?” I asked Lolopechka. “Sure?” she said confused.
I quickly exited the room and came back with Tybalt. I cleared my throat and spoke. “As of this moment until Gadjah has fully rested Tybalt will protect Queen Lolopechka. Gadjah I order you to go rest and get some sleep!” I said seriously and Tybalt was confused but then realized that he must protect Lolopechka and leave me unprotected. “I know that look Tybalt. The captains will protect me so your job now is, is to protect Queen Lolopechka until Gadjah is fully rested!” I said. Lolopechka just smiled.
Suddenly I felt something strange. It was a kind of tingly feeling. That’s when Captain William came rushing in. “Your majesty the barrier is under attack!” he said. “Tybalt stay here and protect Lolopechka. Gadjah get some sleep now!” I said as I rushed out of the room and followed William.
As I reached the room where everyone was gathered they were already discussing a plan of action. “…That is what we are going to do.” Julius said. Julius then divided everyone in groups except for me. “Roxy you will stay here! We can’t let them take you again or worse, kill you.” I couldn’t believe my ears. Julius was saying I should stay behind. “No way in hell. I can wound them. I can…” I was interrupted by Julius. “ROXY YOU WILL STAY HERE AND TAKE YOUR POSITION AS QUEEN SERIOUSLY. If you fall the barrier protecting the Heart and Clover Kingdoms will disappear and then no one will be safe.” Julius said. I was shocked. I couldn’t speak. I was looking down as everyone exited the room. “He said I can’t go with them. He never said I can’t cast attacks from here!” I said.
The captains and the rest rushed towards where the devil users were. Once they arrived they were shocked to only see two of them. A male and a female. “Aww Queenie doesn’t want to play with us.” Vanica said. “Indeed. I wanted to see my precious angel again.” Dante said. “How dare you say those things?!” Julius said with anger building inside of him.
“Oh but she is such a beauty. Her body is so perfect. And I love the way she screams out in agony. It turns me on so much!” Dante said with a smile. “Let’s make a deal why, don’t we? If you hand over Queen Roxy and let me marry her and do whatever I want with her I will call off the attacks and leave all the kingdoms alone, I promise!” Dante said with a big grin. Those words pushed Julius over the top. He charged towards Dante. “HOW.. DARE.. YOU SAY THAT ABOUT MY SISTER!!!”
Dante dodged Julius’s attack. “Oh so you’re my future brother in-law. It’s nice to meet you!” Dante said with a bigger smile.
Meanwhile at Heart Castle I was scaling up the towers of the Heart Castle trying to reach the top to help everyone from afar. When I reached the top of the castle I scouted for where the groups of magic knights were and found them. Julius was attacking Dante out of rage. “Julius what are you doing?! Why is he in such a rage.” I said to myself. “Archangels please lend me all of your strength!” I said and took my celestial form. “Bow of Michael.” I said making a great golden bow and arrow appear.
I gathered the mana I needed to use the spell. “Heaven’s spear!” I said sending a massive spear of light towards the devil users. Dante and Julius separated trying not to get hit by my attack. They were all shocked but shocked in different ways. Dante was smiling happily and Julius frowned in anger. A sudden voice transmition popped up. “Roxy what the hell are you doing!?” Julius yelled. “Your exact words were I should stay here and take my position as queen serious. Well I am and I haven’t broken my promise.” I said angrily. “Ah how good it is to hear my Queen’s voice again! Darling please call of your troops and lower the barrier so we can go home!” Dante said creepily. Everyone’s eyes were on me and saw me cringe. “Like hell I’d do that you creep!” I yelled and sent another spear of light his way. I was still wondering why it was only the two of them here and where was the other one.
Suddenly the earth rumbled underneath the magic knights. All were in shock. “W-why is the ground shaking!” Asta yelled. All the captains’ eyes were turned to my direction when they saw me pull up a map of the barrier. “Roxy what’s going on?” Julius asked. “It seems that the third devil user is trying to breach the barrier and is giving it a run for its money. I can handle that one. He is still wounded.” I said as I flew to where the third member of the dark triad was. “No Roxy you will...” The transmition was cut off.
I sent a spear of light towards Zenon as he moved away from the barrier and the shaking of the earth stopped. “I must admit I’m surprised you are even touching the barrier. It’s made up of celestial magic. Something you most certainly know you are weak against.” I said. Suddenly Zenon laughed and started transforming into someone else. “Wait you are...” I was cut off. “Oh my sweat angel nothing will keep us apart.” Dante said as he broke through the barrier. A loud smash was heard, the same as what you hear when glass broke. Suddenly the barrier was cracking and fell to pieces. As the barrier fell he Dante that was by the magic knights morphed back into Zenon.
Everyone was speechless. Everything went by so fast. The moment the barrier was destroyed Dante rushed towards me with inhumane speed butting an anti-magic collar around my neck and it negated all the magic I was using. It shocked me painfully and I was screaming out in agony as I plummeted towards the body of water beneath me. Once the captains heard my screams the tried rushing towards me but were blocked by the two other devil users.
I crashed into the water bellow and everything became fuzzy.
~~~~~Chapter 26 Done!
Clover fact #26: Sol refers to Charlotte as "nee-san" in the original broadcast dub, but as "Char" in the Funimation dub. This was to keep the affectations of her addressing Charlotte stay personal across the language translations