A few hours have passed and we instructed the remaining magic knight captains to go to our family’s lake home and try to find the Altar of Chronos. We knew it would take some time to get there and search so we all went to have lunch and wait for news.
A day later we were contacted by the remaining captains. “We were unable to find an Altar but the Sundial had a strange language that we couldn’t read.” Charlotte said. “Let us see the writing on the Sundial if you don’t mind Charlotte.” Julius said and we saw what was written on the sundial. It looked like some type of hieroglyphics. “Oh that’s the same writing style we have in our grimoires. We can easily decipher that!” I said and Julius nodded. “Now let’s see.” I said as Julius and I examined the sundial.
“Here lies the beginning of time itself. This sundial is the protector and servant of the God of Time Chronos. Descendants of Chronos are the key in finding the lost Altar of Chronos.” I said but then stopped since I couldn’t read the rest of it because it was damaged.
“That’s about all we can read due to the rest being damaged.” I said. “Maybe the key is to use time magic at the sundial and it will show us the way to the Altar?” Julius said. We decided to get ready to head for our lake home and decided that we will traverse there with boats since it will give me enough time to regain my mana since i was still exhausted from using Chronos’s magic.
The members who would accompany us to the lake house would be Julius; Fuegoleon; Nozel Tybalt; Mimosa and I. The rest were tasked to stay in the Heart Kingdom and protect Lolopechka. “Please be careful Roxy!” Lolopechka said as she took my hands. “I promise I will!” I said and then got onto the boat and we headed back to the Clover kingdom.
During this voyage Julius put me under a sleeping spell to help me regain my mana faster. Everyone was also tasked to be by my side at certain times and then be on lookout duty as well. Mimosa was first to look after me.
A few hours passed and Nozel was looking after me. He was a bit irritated but he had to brush it off. He didn’t know why he got so irritated around me. He knew he didn’t dislike me but something inside him clashed with his Tsundere personality. His train of thought was interrupted when I suddenly stirred in my sleep and the moon’s light shown on my face making it look like I was glowing. Nozel blushed at this and found it kinda cute seeing me looks so at peace after what has happened lately. “You know Roxy, you are really strong and brave for a Queen. And not to mention selfless…” Nozel was interrupted when he heard someone coming towards the room. It was Fuegoleon. He was here to take over guard duty. As the two noble men passed each other they gave each other a certain look. They knew one of them will be chosen as the next king eventually so they needed to be on their best behavior when they were in the presence of Roxy.
The journey finally came to an end as two day have passed and about three hours before we arrived at the lake house I was awaken, my mana fully restored. “Land ho!!” Tybalt yelled as we neared land. We saw the lake home too and I got a little nervous but my daydreaming stopped when I suddenly heard a voice again. “Come to me Roxy! You are close! Come to my Altar.” The voice said and everyone saw I was spacing out. They took this as a sign that that voice was speaking to her.
We made landfall and was greeted by servants. The head servants came and welcomed us. “Master Julius and Mistress Roxy! How good it is to see you and my how you grew.” He said, making Julius and I smile. As everything was settled we made the track to the Sundial. “The mana is getting stronger and thicker.” Mimosa said. “Really?” Julius and I said shocked. “We haven’t felt a change at all?” I said. “Maybe this is how so little people could reach the sundial? Ward off intruders by making it hard to get through the thick mana?” Julius said in thought.
We finally made it to the sundial and saw Charlotte and Rill waiting for us. Julius and I could see most of the captains were wearing their mana skins due to the thick mana and Mimosa had to return to the lake house due to not being able to handle the mana.
Julius and I touched the sundial and suddenly our grimoires got new spells. “Wait what just happened?” I asked. “Maybe we need to cast this spell to get to the Altar?” Julius said and we looked at each other. The captains decided to step back to not get caught in the magic.
We started to cast the spell but nothing happened for a good 10 minutes and I could see Julius was getting tired. As he stopped his spell I was still holding the spell when suddenly I went into a daze. “I think you should stop now Roxy!” Julius said worryingly. Suddenly the ground shook and I let go of the spell and started flying towards thin air. The captains looked at each other and followed me. I suddenly disappeared and everyone was shocked. “W-where’d she go?” Charlotte asked. “Let’s move forward!” Julius said and suddenly they all entered a portal that leads them to the Altar.
“It’s the Altar of Chronos!” Julius shouted. He saw I was entering the shrine area and everyone tried moving faster but just as they were trying to enter the shrine area an invisible barrier blocked them. Their eyes were all fixed on me and they were shocked when I collapsed onto the floor. “Roxy!” Julius shouted.
~~Chapter 29 done!
Clover fact #29: Charlotte is the worst drinker