Chapter 30

“Roxy!” Julius shouted as he tried to get through the invisible barrier. “W-why can’t I get through? We have the same magic?!” Julius said angrily. “I’m sorry human but you do not possess the same magic.” Everyone was shocked to hear a stranger’s voice. The group turned around and saw four hooded figures. “It’s been too long Captains.” One of the hooded figures said as he revealed his face,

“P-Patri?!” William said shocked. All the figures revealed their faces revealing the only surviving elves Fana, Patri, Rhya and Vetto. “What are the elves doing here?” Nozel said coldly. “We sensed something odd in this area and decided to investigate it.” Vetto said. “And why are you here?” Fana asked. “I see that girl is causing trouble again.” Rhya said sarcastically. “Show some respect elf.” Nozel said. “Why is Roxy in the shrine of Chronos?” Patri asked.

“We came to meet with the God of Time Chronos. Apparently Queen Roxy is his descendant.” William said. “But for some odd reason we cannot enter the shrine area and only Roxy could. But when she reached the shrine she fainted.” Julius said. “Well the reason why you cannot enter is, is because none of you are descendants of Chronos or celestial beings.” Patri said. “We’ll look after her so you all head back.” Fana said. The group of elves entered the shrine area and shocked the captains. “We won’t leave the Queen in…” Nozel was interrupted. “Let’s head back.” Julius said. Everyone saw a change in Julius’s demeanor.

Meanwhile back with Roxy. “W-where am I?” I asked as I sat up in an unknown field. “You’ve came my dear Roxy.” A voice said. “W-who’s there?!” I said alert. “I am the God of Time Chronos and it is so good to meet my descendant.” Chronos said as I stood up. Suddenly a cloak was put over me hiding my face. “Where are we?” I asked.

“I’ve brought you to the era where I was born. This was at the end of the era of the Gods. I want to show you my story and this will give you the answers you are seeking. Now follow me.” Chronos said as a small ball of light appeared. I started to follow it.

“As you might not have known, I was the last God to be born and thus I was looked down upon. Mainly because I showed no signs of having magic when I was born. You see whenever a God is born they immediately are able to use magic. But I was different. I only manifested my magic right before my death.” Chronos said as we reached a town. “Wait I thought God’s couldn’t die?” I said. “Indeed but since I was the last born God I didn’t reach the age where I got my immortality. And thus I could be killed and there was one other thing that could kill immortal beings.” We reached a nursery area where I saw how Chronos was born and how he was misused.

(A/N The rest will be in the POV of Chronos from here on out.)

“Did you hear? A new God has been born without magic!” Someone said. “No magic? You sure it’s a God then?” Someone else said. “It won’t survive.” Murmurs were heard through the town where humans lived.

One thousand years have passed since the birth of the unnamed God. “Get out of my sight you lowly piece of trash.” One of the Gods said to the unnamed God. “Why am I being treated like this? What’s wrong with me?” the unnamed God started to cry. “Maybe I should leave the Celestial plains and live with the humans.” Suddenly the heavens shook. “W-what’s going on?!” Someone shouted. “We are being attacked by devil worshiping humans!” “They are attacking our shrines!”

The Gods were being attacked. All of them left the celestial plains to defend their shrines and people. This event became known as the great celestial war. During this war the unnamed God was helpless. He was summoned to appear in front of the Greater Gods, most likely to be killed since he was useless.

I was on my way to meet with the Greater Gods already knowing what my fate would be. As I reached the temple of the Greater Gods I felt something off. “They are going it be killed!” I said to myself and rushed to meet them and tell them that they were in grave danger. I rushed into their meeting room “Please everyone get out as fast as you can! If you do not you will be killed!” I said and everyone looked at me laughing. “Such a delusional boy isn’t he.” One of the Greater Gods said. Suddenly a ray of darkness pierced through one of the Gods killing her.

“H-how?!’ Was her last words. “Boy how did you know this was going to happen?” the head of the Gods said. “It’s because I saw the future!” the unnamed God said. “Now will you all listen to me and get out of here! If you stay you all will be killed!” The unnamed God said.

It was too late. Suddenly a mirage of black spears. I was able to dodge all of them and tried protecting the Greater Gods. But unfortunately most didn’t make it. As the head of the Greater Gods were busy dying I comforted him. The attacks stopped. “You do have an amazing magic it seems. … I think the name that will fit you perfectly would be… Chronos,” The head of the Greater Gods died after giving me my name.

Nothing was the same after that. Lower Gods tried their best to gain the rank of Greater Gods. So much though that it caused the great celestial war. The first thing every lower God did was trying to kill me, since I could see the future.

(Back to Roxy’s POV)

We were now in a void full of flames. “Unfortunately they succeeded in killing me.” Chronos said as we saw his execution. “I knew I would be killed so I made what you would call a contingency plan. In secret I fell in love with a human girl … and we had a child. But the child was completely human. But I put a charm on the child to pass down my linage and have a Demi-God child of mine to be born when the world really needed them.” Chronos said as I saw the many generations of Novachrono’s being born and die and come to a stop when I saw myself. “I’m glad to see my plan worked since here you are, my true child. The Demi-God of time, Roxy Novachrono!” Chronos said and I was shocked. “Your duty now is, is to protect the world from the devils. Please save this planet!” Chronos said and started fading away.

I slowly regained my consciousness when everything went to hell.

~~Chapter 30 Done!

Clover fact #30: Mereoleona's favorite things are drinking sake in hot springs and wild game cuisine