Chapter 33

We have been sailing for almost a day now. Things were actually peaceful for once. For some odd reason Nozel was acting strangely for who knew what reason. “Did I offend him?” I thought. We decided to stop at one of the border cities to get some more supplies and I wanted to look for a weapon. I had to cover my face with a hood to ensure no one recognized me.

Tybalt accompanied me in town to help me choose a perfect weapon. “Let’s go check out this store.” Tybalt said. “Sure.” I said as we entered the store. “Welcome my young travellers. How may I be of assistance?” the store attendant said.

We went to at least three stores by now and quickly stopped to get something to drink and then were on our way to our fourth store when Tybalt said something that caught me off guard. “So Roxy, do you have feelings for Captain Nozel?” I spit out the drink I was drinking and started coughing. “W-what makes you think that?” I said trying to catch my breath.

“I’ve noticed the two of you act strangely when you are alone and I’ve caught you both blush when you looked at each other without either of you knowing. And then there was the events of that forest walk thing that Julius hosted two days ago.” Tybalt said still looking ahead.

“I’m not sure to be honest. I was never allowed to fall in love when I was young so I am pretty oblivious when it comes to love.” I said blushing. “Ever since I cured Lolopechka I was thinking about who I should choose to be the next king of the Clover Kingdom. The council is growing more impatient with me. I just don’t want to make the wrong decision.” I said looking down.

“I understand but you should also think about if you will be happy with the person you end up choosing. Your happiness is more important than anything.” Tybalt said. “But let me inform you of something. I overheard Sir Julius and Captain Nozel talk yesterday and if it helps you I overheard Captain Nozel say he has feelings for you.” Tybalt said as we reached the next shop. My face was beat red.

We finally got the perfect weapon. It was a really nice sword that can be converted into a bow if needed.

We were on our way back to the ship when Tybalt suddenly shoved us into an alleyway and held his hand in front of my mouth. “I’m sorry Roxy.” I suddenly saw some devil user disciples. “W-what are they doing here?” I said. I then pulled up a map of where my barrier stretches and saw that this town isn’t protected by the barrier. “We should warn the Captains.” Tybalt said. “Let’s hurry back!” I said and we started running back to the ship.

We finally reached the ship and saw the final supplies being loaded. The Captains stopped what they were doing when they saw us running towards the ship. “What’s wrong Roxy? Tybalt?” Julius asked. We stopped when we reached the ship and I tried catching my breath as Tybalt did the talking. “We saw some devil user disciples in the town. We need to get them out of the town.” Tybalt. I was still trying to catch my breath still and everyone stared at me confused. I then felt all eyes were on me and I looked up at them.

“W-what?! That was a long run and I was trying to keep up with Tybalt. Life’s hard for a shorty like me!” I said and some started chuckling. We then came up with a plan on what to do. Surprisingly everyone wanted me to act as bait. I was obviously against this.

I changed used disguise magic like what Julius uses when he sneaks away and turned into an elf girl.

I decided to take this form since i knew that it would catch the devil user’s disciple’s attention. I walked up to an apple stand pretending to look at the apples when the devil user’s disciples approached me. “What is a beautiful elf girl doing in a town like this?” One of the disciples said. “It has nothing to do with you.” I said and that made them angry. “You little…” One of the disciples started to say when the Captains surrounded the disciples as I retreated from the disciples.

As I backed up I felt my back hitting someone and the person tucked a strand of hair behind my ear and came closer to my ear. “Naughty naughty my love. Why are you attacking my little disciples?” the mystery person said and I turned to attack the man with my new weapon when I saw the man was Dante and I managed to miss him and he took the weapon out of my hand and whispered something and then stabbed me in the stomach with the sword. I dropped to the ground and my disguise vanished and I was lying on the ground withering in pain. Strange writing also covered my body. The captains then noticed what was happening and they charged towards us to help me but they were stopped by the disciples and Vanica appeared blocking their paths.

“I wouldn’t do that if I were you.” Vanica said. “You’re precious Queen has a curse on her now which will ensure that she stays with Dante forever!” Vanica continued and started laughing. Dante then put anti-magic cuffs on my wrists and around my neck to ensure me not using my magic. I was about to be taken by Dante when suddenly someone unexpected came rushing towards us. “Who was that?” I tried seeing who rushed towards my aid and I was shock to see it was…

~~~Chapter 33 done!

Clover Fact #33: William's favorite things are little birds