I tried seeing who rushed towards my aid and I was shock to see it was…Nozel?! I stared at him in shock when a rush of sudden pain rushed through me and I screamed out in agony. Dante kept smiling since my screams were music to his ears. This made Nozel even angrier and kept charging at Dante.
“We need to get these anti-magic chains off of her and fast!” Julius said. They tried their best to get those anti-magic chains off of me but were struggling and I was struggling to stay conscious. I was still lying on the ground still in excruciating pain and I was panting. “I think this is the end.” I thought.
Suddenly an extremely powerful wave of pain went through me and I started screaming on the top of my lungs and rolled onto my back clutching my stomach and tears were streaming down my face and everyone got even more worried. Nozel looked back at me and was sent flying to the ground by Dante.
“She will die if you don’t let me take her.” Dante said with a smile. Julius looked at me and is heart was breaking to see his sister be in so much pain. All the Captains charged towards Dante. Julius sat there with darkness covering his face.
Suddenly all of the Captains and others were trapped in spheres. The same spheres of Chronostasis. Everyone was shocked at what Julius did. He then took the Captains and others and headed back to the ship. “What the hell are you doing Julius!” “You fool! Why are you leaving your sister” …. Everyone shouted at Julius for what he was doing but then grew quiet when they saw him crying.
Julius’s actions confused Dante for a few minutes. I rolled back onto my stomach to see Julius abandoning me. My tears rolled even more off of my face then I blacked out. Dante came and picked me up bridal style and made his way back to the Spade Kingdom, healing me in the process.
The way back to the Heart Kingdom was silent. No one spoke. They arrived at the Heart Kingdom. “Welcome back…” Lolopechka stopped when she saw everyone’s faces. “W…. Where’s … Roxy?” Lolopechka said not wanting to continue the sentence.
Suddenly Nozel hit Julius. This shocked everyone that went with Roxy. Julius didn’t move. He just stood there taking Nozel’s hits. Finally Nebra and Solid who joined the fight against the Spade Kingdom held Nozel back. “Let go of me!” Nozel shouted. “Calm down brother.” Nebra said. “No I won’t. That bastard abandoned his own sister! He left Roxy there… to be taken by the enemy!” Nozel said with tears in his eyes. Julius still didn’t look up and everyone who was with Roxy had tears in their eyes and those who weren’t were shocked. “W-what happened?” Lolopechka asked shocked and with tears in her eyes.
A few days passed and everything was grim in the Heart Kingdom’s castle. No one wanted to do anything. Most were still grieving. They all thought that they lost the war. Julius and Nozel were locked in their rooms since Nozel would keep attacking Julius and everyone thought it was best to keep them away from each other.
News reached the Captains that the barrier protecting the Clover Kingdom has fallen and this made everyone thing of the worst. They all thought that Roxy was dead. No one could get Roxy out of their minds.
Since that day the devil user’s disciples withdrew and Spade Kingdom movement has stopped. The war seemed to be over but everyone knew that the Spade Kingdom has won. They took the one thing precious to both the ally kingdoms. They took Roxy.
Meanwhile in the Spade Kingdom a lifeless Roxy was lying in a bed in one of the many towers of Spade Castle. It has been a week since she was taken. No signs of waking up. A few days later she finally opened her eyes.
“My dear Roxy, welcome back!” Dante said. “Who… are… you?” I barely managed to say. “Where … am … I? W-who … am … I?” I said. Dante just smiled. “You are Roxy. You are my future wife and future ruler of the Spade Kingdom.” Dante said taking her hand and putting his ring on her hand. “What happened? I cant remember much.” I said weakly.
Dante kept smiling. “You fell and hit your head badly. That might be why you have amnesia?” Dante said. He leaned down and kissed my head and pulled the sheets back up and told me to get some rest.
He then left the room never letting his smile fall. “So Queenie is finally yours!” Vanica said with an equally big smile. “Indeed and this time we won’t let her go!”
~~~Chapter 34 Done!
Clover fact #34: Noelle is the worst singer