Chapter 35

It has been about a week since I woke up. I still don’t remember what had happened before I blacked out. I was still staying in my room but Dante came by every so often to check up on me and we ended up chatting about nothing in particular. “We must have been close.” I thought.

“My head hurts again.” I said and then Dante came in and see me in pain. “Roxy are you okay?” Dante asked worried taking my hand in his. “I-I’m fine. My head just hurts again.” I said as another rush of pain came through. Dante scooped me up and held me in his arms to comfort me. He then kissed my forehead and said some things I couldn’t hear. I then felt sleepy and then fell asleep. “I’m sorry Roxy but I will not let you get your memories back.” Dante said as he turned into his devil form.

“What are we going to do now?” Tybalt asked in the room where the Captains and the Spirit Guardians usually hold meetings. “We are being destroyed by the Devil users’ disciples” Leopold said. Lolopechka looked down to her hands. “Everything went wrong since we lost Roxy.” Lolopechka thought. Everyone knew what Lolopechka was thinking. Everyone grew silent. “She is still alive. Why are you all looking like she’s dead?” Yami said taking a puff of his smokes.

“How can you be so sure foreigner?!” Nozel yelled. Everyone went silent again. Nozel was let out of his room since everyone knew he wouldn’t just sit and do nothing. Julius was still locked up.

Suddenly a glowing ball appeared in the center of the room. “Good I was able to escape.” The glowing ball said and suddenly turned into Nori. “T-time spirit?!” Lolopechka said shocked and everyone was just as shocked. “Sorry give me a sec. it was really hard to get here.” Nori said.

“H-how can you be here if Queen Roxy is dead?” Lolopechka said. Suddenly a loud bang was heard and everyone looked with big eyes towards Nozel who just broke the table. “Like I said… She’s not dead.” Nozel said with rage. “H-he’s right. Roxy is still alive!” Nori said still panting. Everyone looked at Nori not believing the spirit. “H-here look at this.” Nori said and brought a projection up showing Roxy siting in a tower.

“I … I c-can’t believe it. S-she is alive!” Lolopechka said with tears. “But why does she look peaceful?” William asked Nori. “It’s because she has lost all of her memories and the Devil users are feeding her false information in hopes of turning her to their side and keeping her there forever.” Nori said finally regaining their breath.

Suddenly Nozel noticed something on Roxy’s finger. “W-what the hell is that on her hand!” Nozel said enraged. “That’s one of the many lies they are feeding Roxy. She has been told that she is engaged with the leader of the Dark Triad Dante.” Nori said. “Of course that creep would tell her that.” Nozel said.

“I have a plan to get her out of there.” Nori began. “When I woke up I wasn’t near her. Her grimoires have been locked up somewhere in the Spade Castle. I escaped from there by going through the spirit Realm. If I can get permission from the Spirit king I can escort the special mages to where Roxy and her grimoires are kept. But before we do this I need to reach her. If I place a kiss on her head she will regain her memories. I know this seems farfetched but I know this will work!” Nori said and everyone looked at each other and started planning their rescue attempt.

I was finally allowed to leave the tower I was kept in. Dante sent a maid to my room and handed me a dress to wear since Dante wanted to show me around the Spade Kingdom and want to introduce me to his kingdom as their future Queen.

I felt very nervous since something still felt off but I couldn’t put my finger on it. I was finished dressing and was lead down to the throne room. The maid knocked on the door and I heard Dante’s voice. The doors were opened and I entered the room and as I entered Dante stood up and came towards me and hugged me. “You look so beautiful in this dress.” Dante said. “Thank you for picking it out. It is a really beautiful dress.” I said with a smile “And so are you.” Dante said and it made me blush.

The entire day was me being shown the Spade Kingdom. It seems like it was a snowy tundra than anything else. I finally got back to my room getting ready for bed when something glowy appeared. “Roxy!” The glowing thing aid. “W-who’s there?” I asked confused. “I am Nori the spirit of Time. We have a contract.” Nori said.

“You are in danger here. This isn’t who you are! They are lying to you!” Nori said. I was shocked at what the spirit said. “H-how can I trust what you say?” I asked confused. “I know you won’t believe me but please believe me. I would never lie!” Nori said and I got a bit angry but before I could do anything the Spirit came to my forehead and kissed it and I stopped and dropped to my knees. My head started hurting again. Suddenly the door was opened and Dante came in and Nori disappeared.

“W-where am I?” I thought then noticed someone next to me and I was shocked to see it was the Devil user creep Dante. I tried hiding my shock. “Are you okay Roxy?” Dante said coming down to my level. “O-oh yes. I was just feeling tired. I think I’m going to bed now. “I said with a weak smile. “Okay. Sweet dreams my love.” Dante said and give me a quick peck on my cheek and left.

Nori then reappeared and I was so glad to see them. “Oh Nori I really missed you.” I said as I hugged Nori. “W-what’s going on?! Why am I here and why is that creep so close to me?!” I asked. Nori then informed me of what had happened and has told me the plan to get me out of here.

~~~Chapter 35 Done!

Clover fact #35: Charmy's favorite thing is food.