After Nori told me of the plan I went to bed but I knew I would hardly be able to sleep since I was near that creep.
A few days have passed since I regained my memories and I must say it was so hard so pretend that I didn’t have my memories and that I was into Dante. He did the creepiest things around me. He kept kissing my forehead and made it seem like we were a really happy couple. I was in my room getting ready to escape. Nori managed to get permission from the Spirit King to let Finral, Langris and I to pass through the spirit realm. Nori showed the Vaude brothers through the Spirit realm and got them to where my grimoires were and after they successfully manage to get the grimoires they can just use their magic to return to the Heart Kingdom.
Once Nori got them into the Spade Castle Nori came to guide me back to the Heart Castle. “Roxy are you ready?” Nori asked and I just nodded. “Let’s get out of this place.” I said and Nori opened a portal to the spirit realm. Nori made a duplicate of me that would attack Dante when he came to see me. Before I could enter the portal I heard a commotion signaling that the Vaude brothers were detected and I could see them running and disappearing threw portals with my grimoires. “Nori let’s hurry I said and entered the spirit realm. “Right!” Nori said.
I was in awe how beautiful the spirit realm was. It took us about an hour of walking before we reached a portal that would lead us to the Heart Castle. “Roxy check this out.” Nori said as I was handed a projection of what is happening in the Spade Castle. My duplicate attacked Dante and he killed it within seconds and went berserk when I found out I escaped.
I was kinda scared now. He went on a mad rampage. I was worried that he would go on to attack the Clover Kingdom now since there was no barrier protecting it. “Don’t worry Roxy; Lolopechka extended her magical barrier over the Clover Kingdom too.” Nori said. I breathed a sigh of relieve.
Meanwhile back at the Heart Castle the Vaude brothers returned with Roxy’s grimoires in hand. Everyone was relieved to see her grimoires still perfectly fine. “Did you manage to see Queen Roxy?” Fuegoleon asked. “Unfortunately not, but I did get confirmation that Nori and Queen Roxy have entered the Spirit Realm.” Langris said.
Suddenly my grimoires started to glow. This took everyone by surprise. Suddenly a portal opened and the grimoires circled it. First Nori came out and then did I. Everyone was so happy and relieved to see me. I then proceeded to tell them what had happened and that the devil users have had discovered how to block my clairvoyance. I then realized that Nozel and Julius weren’t here. This made me worried. “They are fine. Captain Nozel is at the top of the Heart Castle and I’ll show you where the Wizard king is.” Lolopechka said seeming to read my mind.
I then followed her to where Julius was. He was locked up in the dungeon with his back turned from the cell bars. He wasn’t informed of me being alive. Lolopechka opened the cell door and Julius still didn’t turn around. I approached him and gave him a big hung as I started crying. Julius was shocked. He didn’t move. I then proceeded to move in front of him. I saw him crying. He took me into his arms ad gave me a big hug crying and repeatedly saying he was so sorry. “It’s okay Julius. You did the right thing. “I said as I patted his head.
After a short while I was shown to my room. Lolopechka said that she’d get someone to bring Nozel to my room. I heard a knock on my door. “You may enter.” I said. I then saw Nozel enter. I couldn’t speak. I saw his eyes were dark. Nozel then came closer towards me and rested his head on my shoulder. I was shocked. I couldn’t find words to say. I knew my face was beat red.
Nozel suddenly pushed my back onto the bed and held my wrists above my head and hovered over me and just glanced at me. He then proceeded to lean closer to my face and suddenly kissed me. This made me tear up. I could feel all of the emotions he was holding back being trusted onto me. After what felt like an eternity we broke our kiss, both panting heavily. Both of our faces were so read. I finally understood what I was feeling towards Nozel. It was love. “I-I’m in love with Nozel Silva.” I said to myself.
“N-Nozel I-I…” I managed to say but was interrupted by Nozel. “Do not ever make me worry like that!” Nozel said with sadness. I was still shocked. “I-I promise.” I managed to say and Nozel leaned back down to kiss me again. After a few moments a knock came on my door again. “Your Majesty you are being summoned by Queen Lolopechka.” Tybalt said. “G-give me a moment please Tybalt.” I managed to say. Nozel gave me a final peck on the lips and straightened his clothes and exited my room. “Oh Captain Nozel. I didn’t know you were here.” Tybalt said and Nozel just nodded. “Your Majesty I am coming in.”Tybalt said and saw me a blushing mess. “Y-Your Majesty, w-what happened.” Tybalt said concerned. “N-Nozel j-just t-took m-my first k-kiss.” I said stuttering. Tybalt then blushed and became very happy.
After a few minutes we went to see what Lolopechka wanted.
~~~Chapter 36 Done!
Clover fact #36: Nozel is the third worst drinker