Chapter 37

Tybalt and I were on our way to see Lolopechka. When we reached the gathering room we entered and saw all the magic knight captains and some of their squad members as well as Julius. I made my way towards my seat and just quickly glanced at Nozel but saw him acting his normal self.

After a little discussion about our plans going forth Julius stood up to speak. “Also I have decided that it is best to return Roxy back to the Clover Kingdom and keep her away from the devil users from now on.” Some were shocked at what Julius just said, me included, but others agreed. I opened my mouth to protest but I suddenly stopped, knowing full well that was for the best. I dropped my head a bit. “I understand.” I said and most was surprised I didn’t try to argue.

“Not only will you be safer back at Clover Castle, you’ll also be much stronger.” Julius said. “Stronger?” Asta asked. ‘Yes indeed. It is well known that monarchs of most countries get a power boost when they are in their Castle or near it.” Fuegoleon said. “You will return tomorrow morning but we are using a different route than usual. Unfortunately this will mean traveling by horse most of the time. It is also best to have your own personal guard squad accompany you back.” Julius said. “I have a request also.” Nozel said. “Go ahead Captain Nozel.” Julius said. “I would also like to send Nebra and Solid back to the Clover Kingdom. They both got some injuries too.” Nozel said and Julius looked at me to see if I was okay with this. “Sure.” I said. We all then went to bed.

The next morning I got ready to head back to the Clover Kingdom. Tybalt came to escort me outside. I was wearing a cloak that will hide my face. We arrived outside and saw our horses. I said my goodbyes. Most gave me a hug to say goodbye and everyone was shocked to see Nozel giving me a hug. “Once we defeat these devil users I will be coming back and claiming your hand.” Nozel whispered to me and my face turned tomato red. He saw my red face and pulled my hood over my head to hide my face from everyone. Lastly Julius came to give me a hug and I headed towards my white horse. I was helped onto the horse and before we rode off I gave everyone a final command.

“Please everyone defeat those devil users and return home safely. That is a command!” I said and everyone gave the three finger salute.

“Yes Your Majesty!” They all said and I gave Nozel a last glance and we headed back to the clover kingdom.

After about eight hours we reached a small city near the border between the Heart and Clover Kingdom. We decided to spend the night here since the horses and everyone was tired. We decided to rent an entire inn that had a nice stable where the horses could be kept. I let Tybalt do all the talking and just stood next to him making sure that the lady who ran the inn didn’t see my face. Unfortunately another rule I had to follow was to stay close to Tybalt as possible.

Everything was settled and we were assigned our rooms. “I’m sorry Your Majesty but you will have to share a room with Lady Nebra.” Tybalt said giving me the key to our room. “It won’t be a problem.” I said with a smile. When I told Nebra this she was shocked to see me happy to share a room with her. She would’ve thought I would demand my own room but she realized that I wasn’t as self-centered as she would’ve expected.

While we were busy booking the inn the other knights ensured that our horses were safely in the stables and received some food. Nebra and I went to our room to relax for a bit before we got some dinner. I then brought up a crystal that we used as a communication system. I phoned Julius since he wanted to know where we were when we stopped.

“Hello Roxy.” Julius said and I could see Lolopechka near him. “Hi Julius. I’m just letting you know we decided to stop at a small village near the border. We rented rooms at the Boar house Inn.” I said and waved to Lolopechka. “Boar house Inn?” Julius thought and looked for it on the map. “Wow you all are making such a nice time. You will be back to Clover castle in about two days. Well thanks for reporting it to us.” Julius said and ended the call.

Tybalt then knocked on our door and told us to come for dinner. Just across the Inn there was a tavern where we could get something to eat and the knights could have something to drink. Tybalt already told them not to get drunk since they will still be on guard duty.

We ordered our food and the knights were enjoying their drinks and even offered one to me. I politely declined. “I’m sorry but I don’t drink.” I said with a smile. Everyone was shocked to hear this. Our food arrived and everyone happily ate.

After dinner we all decided to take a dip in the hot springs. Like usual we rented the entire thing to ensure my safety. The men headed towards their side and Nebra and I went to our side. While we got undressed Nebra saw some scars on my back and grew sad when she remembered how I was tortured during the elf saga. “What will Nozel think when he sees those scars?” Nebra thought. She then brightened up when she thought of Nozel and Roxy being a couple. “I should ask her about their relationship.” She thought since she saw my face go bright red when Nozel hugged me.

Nebra and I got into the hot spring and all we could hear was the commotion made by the men next door. I saw Nebra blush. “Don’t worry they won’t peep. Tybalt will cut them down before they can sneak a peek.” I said as I sat down in the hot spring. “Y-yeah.” Nebra said. We sat there in silence and I was just enjoying the nice warmth of the hot springs when Nebra asked me something unexpected

“L-lady Roxy can I ask you a question?” Nebra started. “Sure and you can just call me Roxy.’ I said not opening my eyes. “O-okay. So Roxy, what is your relationship with Nozel?” Nebra said with a small blush on her face. I was startled by her question.

~~Chapter 37 Done!

Clover fact #37: Mimosa is a genus of herb and shrubs, fitting as she uses Plant Magic.