Chapter 2 Plaux

It was supposedly going to be our first "night" in Plaus. However since there were two suns in Plaux, it meant that we had to sleep with the sun still out. Time was becoming irrelevant but according to our mission watches it was 18 hours in. In the academy, we're trained not to have a camp. That way we could just be ready to jump into action without any need to pack anything. Food for us were these pellets with nutrients packed into them. A wonder of the old world that still remains today. For every class, we'd have to pack one hand held box that we'd attach to part of our legs. Just 1 pellet could help starvation away for another day. Though these provide nutrients, they don't provide any flavor or anything else. That's why it's quite rare for academy students to be as muscular as Terra. It meant that she went through extra training despite the numerous required exercises that magic born are given already. The first shift of sleep was to be given to the healthiest one of the group which meant me. Terra was injured and shouldn't move for another few hours. Despite magic existing in our generation, healing magic was scarce. Those who were gifted would never be sent on S classes. Since I'm second in command, I've decided that we halt the class for now. Terra was positioned with Nitra by one of the trees that I've hexed while Nex was on the opposite side. No matter what, I've always wanted to protect my classmates but this was hell. Luckily we've located a grove of trees nearby that had moderate shade for us to rest under. The trees of this planet have grown to such heights that most of the wild life here were living on the branches. Just by being on top of these trees could induce a fear of falling. It's quite the height to be honest even for experienced teams. Though it doesn't beat the height of the cliff edges of Norld. However, that shouldn't be a problem for us right now. I've hexed the earth on the ground to be soft. If someone were to fall it wouldn't be certain death. As I moved closer to the trunk of the tree, all I could think of were the numerous classes that we've taken already. All the classmates that we've lost. Strange how some people just want to forget about all the others so easily. The only way I could rest was leaning on the trunk of this enormous tree. Suddenly a strange sound was coming my way. My senses started to sharpen but as soon as they did, Nitra had appeared instead. That strange sound was the whizzing effect that her mini hurricane was producing. She used it to float by me. Her face seemed a bit concerned. I would be too if I had almost caused the demise of a classmate this early into the class. She moved past me then to the second branch next to me. Her expressions were gloomy but still did her best to smile. Nitra sat by the neighboring branch to get some rest as well.

Nitra: I'm sorry about today…

Arc: There's no need to be. Everyone can make mistakes. Just don't do it again. This isn't some kind of normal mission. It's an S.

Nitra: From the sounds of it, you seem to be quite experienced in S missions.

Arc: That's because that's what we agreed to.

Nitra: Huh? What do you mean?

Arc: Our class in particular. Don't you think it's a bit strange? Our composition? Our mission difficulty? Despite being S it's still terribly hard.

Nitra: I still don't get it.

Arc: Have you ever been in an S class before?

Nitra: Now that I've thought about it. This is my first S class.

Arc: That's because we're the only class taking them. We made an agreement with the dispatchers that we'd take S classes. That's probably why our rotations are so different from each other.

Nitra: I've only had 16 rotations. We can't be too far apart.

Arc: 15 rotations.

Nitra: That's not so far apart.

Arc: I guess.

Nitra: So… Do you remember when it happened?

Arc: 10. It was 10 rotations. I think it took longer than the rest because I didn't want to be part of the Academy. I knew what happened to children who went.

Nitra: 8 rotations.

Arc: That sounds about right amount of time for someone to be sent off. Inspection days were always the worst. Taking people like us away from children.

Nitra: I'm surprised you managed to evade inspection so easily. I'm even more surprised that you can remember other children besides your own familia.

Arc: I think it was because I had plenty of siblings with friends. They'd sometimes come over to our platform to play. Though it was quite rare for someone from the Arc family to have a magic born. I am the 24th.

Nitra: We're not so far different. I'm the 30th. Hey, I know it's against the rules but can you still remember your name?

Arc: Name? Oh you mean before the designations?

Nitra: What else would it be.

Arc: I can't remember anymore. It's been so long since the academy changed it. It's also not in protocol to talk about it. Do you still remember?

Nitra: It was Alice. If it was one thing I didn't want to forget, it would be my name.

Arc: Maybe it's cause we're always the ones doing so much dirty work that I don't have time to remember.

Nitra: How many classes have you been in?

Arc: Can't remember. Too many at this point.

Nitra: Sorry, I'm just curious is all. I've never been on these kinds of missions. Compared to other missions I've been in, this one already feels like I'm not going to make it.

Arc: I guess you get used to it. Sometimes, I wished we could take the easier classes. But I wouldn't want anyone else doing this scummy work.

Nitra: How long have you been teammates with those 3?

Arc: You talk a lot don't you? I don't want to talk about these kinds of stuff. It's depressing!

Nitra: I'm sorry! I just… it's pretty lonely…

Arc: Argh… My bad. I lost my cool there. It's just hard to talk about classmates. Any mission can be our last mission. Being attached to them will be the death of me. Judging by the way you act, you've never experienced losing a teammate. Or worse a wipe.

Nitra: No… I haven't…

Arc: Then please. Just don't bring it up. Just be glad that you weren't talking to Terra. She gets really touchy about these kinds of things.

Nitra: I'm sorry…

Arc: Stop that! You don't need to apologize all the time. Just take this seriously! This isn't a game for me. I don't know what kind of missions you've been in but this isn't like those. We don't have second chances. We only have each other.

Nitra: I've been in tough classes too y'know!

Arc: Tough huh? Like what? Kill classes?

Nitra: Yes!

Arc: That's naive of you if you think kill missions are tough. Tell me when they've sent you on classes on the planet Modos where we've had to extract a missing researcher out of the depths of a subterranean ice world. It was so cold that we could barely feel our fingers. They didn't even give us a clue on where to find him just like this mission. They just dropped us in. That class clocked in 3 months. Or maybe the class where they sent us to uncover plans for a rebellion struggle on the moon of Ekos. Do you know what it's like to see millions of lives clawing for life, only to crush it down right after? A mission that involves killing a target then ending the mission sounds like a cake walk for me.

Nitra: I didn't think… they sent you out on those kinds of classes.

Arc: No! None of you know what the three of us have been through. That's why seeing Terra hurt so early makes me so mad!

I couldn't help feel the rage inside me swell up that I punched the tree trunk quite hard. It scared off some of the birds hanging on the tree as well as Nitra. Maybe I've grown soft for my team. Everything about this feels like any other mission to be honest. A sense of hopelessness when things just get a bit hard. But that's just how it is for our team. Nitra looked like the guiltiest person in the universe right now and that's exactly how she should feel. This isn't a joke to me!

Nitra: I get it… You don't need to say anything else. I'll pull my own weight. I promise.

Arc: Don't promise me, just do it.

NItra: Despite being so tough on the inside. You must care for them a lot.

Arc: Of course I do. I'd be dead with Terra and Nex. But that goes for you too. I want to make sure you're safe despite the dumb things you say. I still care about you.

Nitra: Geez, just pick a mood already. Hmph!

Nitra had blushed a bit from what I've said but I don't think what I've said was something to blush about. It's only natural that I should care for her. She's my teammate. I sat back down to calm my nerves. It was just too early to be stressing out this bad. I popped in another pellet to start the cycle as well as Nitra. Seemed like she had started to calm down a bit too. This place did quite felt like some kind of relaxation paradise if I pictured our the mess we're in. A perfect place for a time of rest. What did they call that in the old world again? A "vacation"? Is that what they called it? I wonder if those ideals still work for us. It was a peaceful planet on the surface at least. Organic wood, multicolored birds that didn't have any metallic augmentations, and non synthetic ground. Nothing like anything I've felt before. Not a single metal gear clicking or people scrambling around. A planet devoid of the old world's philosophies and skewed ideals. Looking at Nitra, I could feel her innocence springing out as she played with her magic. It gave me a sense of peace that people like her still exists.

Arc: How do you do it?

Nitra: How do I do what?

Arc: You're still peppy and overall so caring. I can just tell from how you rushed in.

Nitra: I guess it's because that's what my other classmates would've wanted. But who am I to say what they wanted. They didn't expect this kind of life and neither did I.

Arc: They said it was going to be fun right? Or at least that's what my siblings would say.

Nitra: I can still remember our faces when we first learned that we could do amazing things. I thought it was like one of those stories of old. That was a big lie. Now we're just soldiers huh.

Arc: Guess we are...

She wasn't naive enough to not realize the reality that she lived in. Rather she still wanted to believe in her own lie. I don't blame her for wanting to. It must be easier for her to accept this way than the other. After getting a better look at her, she must know what actually happening. She's a killer in the end just like the rest of us. Behind that smile of her was someone's blood.

As the hours had passed, the tropical planet started to cast it's winds. Looking at the view I have right now, I'm glad this was the place we've been assigned to. At least it was dry. Compared to other planets we've been sent on, this was much tamer. Though I've heard that the locals on this planet were something else. It was finally my turn to take a proper rest before suddenly something had activated my snares. An energy spike had been activated a few meters ahead. This was only something I could sense. A hex is like leaving behind a bundle of string. However, unlike any normal string I tell if someone had touched it or activated it.

Arc: Nitra! Wake up!

Nitra: Huh?! I'm up!

Arc: Something activated my snare. Go find Terra and prepare for support. We don't have our front liner so we might have to run.

Nitra: Roger! What are you going to do?

Arc: I'm going to survey who sprang the trap. I won't take any fight. Just stay with Terra and Nex.

Nitra: Adam be with you.

Arc: Adam be with us.

The hex was activated more than 10 meters, that means I should be able to see who it is from a distance. I'm quite positive that it could just be a stray patrol moving about the trees. I've made sure that I didn't stray too far away from the group or my air modded boots would vanish. My legs leapt from branch to branch making sure that my steps were concise. The height of these trees were still dangerous even with air modded boots or softened ground. As I moved farther and farther, I started to notice something on the ground. There were more scrap parts than last time. These things weren't here before. Or were they? The hex trap was now within looking distance but there wasn't anything moving on the area. However, there was something trapped in the trap hole I made. Was it a stray wildlife? It can't be. We aren't in the section with quadrupedal animals. I knew that it was going to be a risk but I wanted to see what was snared up. I dropped down onto a lower branch to get a better look. To my surprise, it was a golem! Actually it wasn't just a golem. It was the Ev3 golem from earlier! How was it moving? I looked closer to see if there was anything strange but there just wasn't! It was moving without the help of any other machinery. Except, that shouldn't make any sense because golems need Foxphite as a power source. There wouldn't be any unless someone brought some. I looked around a bit more just in case someone else was around. After a couple more minutes, there wasn't. My guard probably lowered more than I'd like because I jumped down to it. The hole was deeper than I thought it would be now that I was down here. It would've broken someone's neck. Though that's probably what I hoped for. The golem looked up and blinked? This was an old model too back before the war. One eye, no exoskeleton armor, and only a skeletal framework. I could easily see it's wiring from all the way up here. As it moved, it raised his hand up to me. It waved at me.

Golem: Hi friend!

Arc: What is this?

Golem: It seems that I am stuck. Oh no!

Arc: Okay?

Golem: Oh well.

It even had a voice modification?! That's quite rare even for an ancient model. Now it's just standing there. It didn't seem keen to get out either. Looks like it just decided that it was stuck in there. This golem clearly wasn't going to harm anyone with it being satisfied down there. Though this was also a big waste of snare if I kept him there. I activated my symbol on the bottom of my boot then stomped on the ground. Suddenly a giant earth column kicked the Golem out of the hole. It fell flat on his frontal skeleton then got back up. The golem was at a much taller height than I thought it was. There so much dust on it that I couldn't even make out what color it was. This thing was just so poor looking that I can't help giving it a bit of a hand. My canteen still had some water on it. I dropped a couple drops on the ground then placed a quick symbol on it. After a couple of glows, the water moved up to the golem to wash him up. I'm not that great at water magic but I know a couple of things. Turns out the golem was color blue when it was cleaned up. Like some kind of blue overalls color. Guess that fits the description. There wasn't any modifications on it that indicated that it was used for something either. Just an empty metal golem.

Golem: Thanks a lot friend!

Arc: I'm not your friend. It would've been a waste of a snare if I kept you in there.

Golem: That's okay! I'll be on my way now! Cool shirt, I wish I had one! Bye now!

Strange golem. He makes his way out but turns right around and falls into the hole again. This time I made sure that he was going to leave before going back to the team. After using yet another earth pillar, he raised his hand up.

Golem: High five!

Arc: Huh?

Golem: Maybe next time?

Arc: What's a high five?

Golem: Oh my.

Arc: Actually now that I've thought about it. How are you active? Don't golems need Foxphite to be active.

Golem: I'm not quite sure. From what I can recall, it was dark. Then a red light appeared. All of a sudden I was awake.

Arc: What's your prime directive golem?

Golem: My name is Ev3 and my prime directive is… I don't have one? I'm sorry friend. Would you like to issue one?

Arc: A reset? But that doesn't make any sense either. Were you perhaps awakened by that giant mutated golem?

Ev3: You mean mother?

Arc: Mother?

Ev3: Oh yes, she was the big boss. If that is the case then no. Mother was only protecting her children.

Arc: How?

Ev3: Hunters. From what I've recalled from my memory banks, smugglers would come by, then sell our parts. Mother was not pleased. Mother hoarded the rest of us in one area.

Arc: That's interesting but that still doesn't explain how active you are.

Ev3: I wish I knew that myself, friend!

Arc: is it possible to talk to mother?

Ev3: I don't see why not! Lucky days! I have a new friend!

Arc: Can I take my friends with me too. I think they'd wish to see her too.

Ev3: I'm not sure. Mother can be a bit complicated.

Arc: I see, guess this is a solo mission then.

Ev3: Let's go have some fun!

With hop, skip, and a step this Ev3 marched on with an awkward step to a different direction. I'm sorry team but I'll be right back. I need to get some quick information. Maybe I could find a peaceful resolution so Terra wouldn't need to fight. We headed back to where we first came but Ev3 didn't stop. It kept going onwards ignoring where the building was.

Arc: Wait! Isn't this the place you said mother was?

Ev3: That's not where mother is. This is the graveyard! This where we lay the spare parts of the others. Be careful though. A guardian keeps them safe!

Arc: Then what the heck were you doing down there?!

Ev3: I like to pretend to be furniture sometimes. It keeps the guardian away.

Arc: So that thing in there was a guardian?!

Ev3: Yes! And there's more of them within Talos.

Arc: Stop right here Ev3. What's Talos? Isn't this Plaux?

Ev3: Talos is where all of us live! It is the great metal city!

Arc: You guys built a city… But how? I thought every single one of you were deactivated when the war started.

Ev3: My records aren't quite sure. But perhaps the library can help.

Arc: Are there humans down there too?

Ev3: Humans? Is that what you are?

Arc: Yes, Human!

Ev3: No, sorry friend. Just the golem citizens. It's quite nice down there. We have dozens of repair shops filled with scrap and wonderful places too.

Arc: Would there perhaps be a record on how the people of Talos or mother were awakened?

Ev3: Maybe! I can help you search! There's one place that comes to mind!

Arc: Wait. I really don't think I can come with you if I don't bring my team with me. We promise not to hurt anyone down there.

Ev3: Okay! That's a promise!

Arc: Thank you. Please meet me here in a few hours.

Ev3: Okay! I shall wait here for a few hours!

Arc: Wait, don't you have somewhere to be?

Ev3: Nope!

Arc: So you're just going to stand here till I get back?

Ev3: Absolutely Friend!

Then Ev3 gave me a thumbs up. What a peculiar golem. But that just changes everything. With Ev3 I could help make sure this mission could be a success. Rushing my way back was easier because this time we've finally had a solid hit where to go. It's a good thing too that we wouldn't have to deal with those deadly guardians. But we have to make sure we don't mess this up, if what Ev3 said was true then we wouldn't just have to deal with one guardian if things go sour.

I made my way back to the camp where Terra and the rest were in. Terra was already prepared to fight while the others were right behind her. As I walked into their vision, they stood down. The atmosphere here was starting to get tense as I made my way to them. Terra was still recovering with some makeshift splints and bandages to help her heal.

Terra: What's the situation? Was it just a random patrol or the wildlife?

Arc: It was an Ev3 unit. It was alive.

Terra: What?!

Arc: The golem didn't appear to need to be connected to a cell supply nor did it have a Foxphite cell on it's mechanisms. That Ev3 unit was completely alive and we might be able to find it's source.

Terra: A scouting mission would suffice.

Arc: We might not need a scouting mission. I know where they're hiding.

Terra: Isn't it the place where that thing was?

Arc: No, the place we were just in was just the tip of the iceberg. There's a whole city under this planet.

Terra: Impossible! If there were any other building structures. Then I would've felt it when I recon'd the area.

Arc: But what if it's much deeper than we think it is?! Golem's don't have it in them to lie about this. And that thing inside was just a guardian. One of the many in their city. This could be a gold mine of information.

Terra: Sounds like there's something else that you've discovered.

Arc: There's someone or something down there that can bring golems to life without the need of Foxphite. The only lead I have currently is something that the Ev3 unit called Mother. Though I'm afraid it might be heavily guarded by guardians.

Terra: There's more… That's a problem then.

Arc: You're injured enough already Terra. We don't need to burn this place to the ground. What we do need is the schematics of how they're alive. Retrieving that is our first goal.

Terra: Shut it already! I get it! It's just too dangerous to go into an unknown area filled with those behemoths.

Arc: That's why I'm asking you to stand down for now. You need rest above everything else. We can station ourselves close to the entrance of Talos. That way you'll still be able to track us still.

Terra: The way you sound so confident pisses me off sometimes. We're a team and we stay together.

Nitra: I wouldn't want to separate from each other either Arc.

Arc: Y'all can be so naive sometimes… But are we in agreement that we recon Talos?

Terra: Seconded. Like I had any choice in the matter.

Nitra & Nex: Adam be with us.

Arc: We'll leave right now.

Terra: Arc. Before anything else. This is a city right? A city filled with living golems?

Arc: I assumed so.

Terra: Then you know our secondary orders from command still stands.

Arc: I know…

Terra: Prepare for class action 0 when we arrive. We have to find those schematics one way or another.

Arc: Adam be with us.

As we walked back to Ev3, all I could hear was the excited talking behind me. They were wondering if this place could be a mechanical wonder. Something about this place caused me to have great anxiety but I had to keep it cool. Terra wouldn't be afraid of this place if she wasn't injured and I shouldn't be either. For all I know, this could also be a trap. My head started to spin a bit because my memories were starting to act up. Just a part of being an academy, they don't just erase names but memories as well. The problem with me is that I'm resistant to memory modifications. But I'll never tell anyone that. Not even these guys because they aren't even my first team...