The Ev3 unit was exactly where I left and it seemed to notice me as I came closer. It jumped for joy which was weird for something like it. Usually Ev3 units would usually barely even have components like speech or free movements of expression. In fact, it was a miracle of science and magic that it can move on it's own without a prime directive. Terra was extremely cautious as she raised her hand at a ready position while Nitra and Nex were right behind her. This was, in the end, a class filled with killers. We don't normally trust any of the locals in the planets we've visited but perhaps this was an exception. Golems don't have any parameters to lie. If one did then it must've had it's memory banks altered. However, no one had the energy or resources to do that especially without Foxphite readily available. I wanted to make first contact with the Ev3 unit so everyone could calm themselves down. As I approached, there was magic already in the air. This was NItra's air mod ready to strike it down and Terra's subtle vibration missiles ready to launch.
Ev3: Welcome back friend! I waited for you just like you asked!
Arc: Yes, these are my companions. Please don't make any sudden movements. They're quite twitchy because of an earlier event. It's would be best that you don't do anything I wouldn't do.
Ev3: Oh no! I'm in danger! Anyway, let's go friend!
Nitra: Eh?! Can we really trust that golem? It seems to be a bit of an airhead.
Terra: We never trust locals. That's part of the team rules. But we don't have a choice. That thing is the only real lead to finding anything remotely close to our mission objective. Besides, we're accustomed to having no leads at all. This is basically a blessing for us.
Nitra: You guys sure have it tough.
Terra: You're just lucky.
Nex: It wasn't like this at Modus that's for sure.
Terra: Let's not talk about Modus.
Nex: Agreed.
Ev3: You four seem so close!
Terra: Shut it tin can. Just move.
Ev3: Oh my! I've been called a can! Marvelous!
Ev3 strutted forward with me closely by its side. The others were at a comfortable distance while I wanted to look at this thing a little bit more. It clearly had nothing to power itself yet it was moving like it was at full capacity. Normally older units wouldn't even have speech attachments, this one had one of the best ones I've seen. The ones at the platform had theirs removed a long time ago to prevent them from being given questionable directives. Most of his brethren are now attached to the walls of the platform being fed Foxphite through a tube. A part of me felt like this one was probably a special design by their mother. No one in the universe that would believe me if I told them about this unit. We continued to walk the soil terrain for a couple more hours till we finally met a spot that spilled mild trouble. It was a cliff and we were at the bottom of it. We weren't sure on how this unit managed to get down here from all the way up there without being wrecked. The next thing we knew was that the Ev3 unit just kept jumping up but to no avail.
Ev3: It appears that I can't reach the top friend!
Arc: How the hell did you even manage to get down here then?
Ev3: I'm not quite sure. But I know what's above! It's the madison railway. Constructed by the rich governor of Plaux during the years of its operation. It was supposedly the main transport system of the planet but because of funding being cut, the system never completed. Lucky for us friends! I used to be a tour guide!
Arc: How does that help us? I thought you were going to bring us to Talos?
Ev3: We are near Talos! We just need to get above the system. The railways go down to the entrance of the city!
Arc: I always thought your brethren would've built it a bit more underground than near a railway system.
Ev3: Maybe. But the entrance of Talos doesn't stay still.
Arc: You mean it moves?
Ev3: You're so smart friend! The entrance moves destinations whenever the timer ends.
Arc: When does the timer usually end?
Ev3: I'm not sure! This was the security measure that was placed so only golems would find the entrances. Lucky us!
Nitra: It's a teleporter isn't it? The entrance moves around because it can't sustain its own tech. That's a common problem that occurred during the old eras. I've read about it from history books.
Ev3: Wow! A history lesson! You must be a teacher!
Nitra: Thank you!
Terra: Nitra focus up. Y'know what to do. Let's get up there.
Nitra: That's a negative. The cliff is far too high to boost us upwards. I can't hold all five of us. Even if it were 2 at a time, my magic can only push us upwards to a certain limit. Judging from the erosion of the cliff, It's much higher than we think it is.
Terra: How do we scale this arc?
Arc: I have an idea but it might take us longer to get up and if we do make it on top, there's no guarantee that the entrance might be there.
Terra: Try it anyway.
Arc: Roger that.
I came close to the side of the cliff then placed my hand on it. A surge of energy passed through my arms towards the tips of my fingers. It was like a jolt of electricity being dispersed on the rocks. After a couple seconds, a tremor could be felt and sooner the tunnel. A loud shock came to the side of the cliff. The ground started to split from each other like a giant round doorway. Sounds of the cliff tearing itself apart was like music to my ears. Seconds later, a tunnel was properly produced. It's entrance as well it's spaces were quite small because I had finally hit a limit. I panted because that took a giant chunk of my power. Rest was the only thing that my body was asking for. However, we still needed to keep pressing on. This tunnel I created would be like a staircase going upwards to the top but that would mean we would have to walk. There wasn't going to be any light either since it was a tunnel. Terra then the rest started to move in as the unit moved inside without hesitation. Seemed like that was the right call after all. We all turned on our modified contact lenses to see the dark then approached the tunnel.
Ev3: Woohoo! This is fun! My sensors are telling me that the tunnel you created is almost perfect. It reaches to the top but not towards the entrance.
Arc: Geez, I'm fried.
Terra: Good job Arc. I'll take the lead now.
Nitra: Take a slower pace with us for now.
Nex: Show off…
As we pressed on through the tunnel, Nitra would constantly tunnel in cool air. It made walking upwards feel a bit easier especially in my condition. Nex was next to me while Nitra was much closer to the Ev3 unit. She seemed quite curious about it now. Though I think she got quite engaged with its air headed personality. Fitting for them to get along if it happens but that would definitely offend her if I said that out loud.
Nitra: Tell me golem. What is it like to be a golem?
Ev3: I'm not quite sure. But I can tell you what it's like to be a window washer!
Nitra: I think I'm good. That's not exciting at all.
Ev3: It's quite exciting for me! You get to see all these amazing things happen! In one window, I've even seen someone getting murdered! It was an experience!
Nitra: Murder!? Did you report it?
Ev3: I don't think so! But that's okay right?!
Nitra: EH?!
Ev3: Oh dear.
Nex: You're spending too much time with that thing y'know.
Nitra: Aw but it's so adorable sometimes. It's so clueless about some things. Even though it is a bit ugly. It's still a bit cute in an ugly way.
Ev3: I'm cute! Hooray!
Nex: She also called you ugly you know.
Eve: I'm ugly! Hooray!
Nex just slapped his forehead for trying to make sense of some weird golem. Though I get what Nitra was trying to say about this thing. It's oddly endearing how innocent it can be. Nex looked a bit annoyed as they kept talking about random things. Maybe he's finally realizing how relaxed Nitra can be that it's getting to him. He started to look at me with some kind of silly face.
Nex: I can be cute right?
Arc: Why the hell are you asking me? Shouldn't you ask someone like Nitra?
Nex: I can't… It's embarrassing to ask girls that. It's better if another guy says it.
Arc: Hey, platform to Nex, you look like a girl remember? You're going to end up looking cute to everyone no matter what.
Nex: Yeah but sometimes that doesn't matter. You can still be girly looking but not cute.
Arc: You're not making any sense right now. Just go ask them already. They've been our teammates for the longest rotations already. There's no harm in asking a bit of honesty.
Terra: I think Nex is cute.
Nex: HUH?!
Terra: I have super hearing remember? To me, everyone is talking right next to my ear.
Nex: Wait! I wasn't prepared to hear that. This is so embarrassing!
Terra: All girls are cute don't you think Nitra?
Nitra: Of course! All girls are naturally cute! That's a fact. If they don't then we can always try to make them cute! Though something is a bit weird to me.
Arc: What's that?
Nitra: They said during my transfer that there were two guys and one girl in this squad. Yet when I arrived, there were two girls and one guy.
Terra: I've always thought that was an error. We've always had only 1 male in the group and that's Arc.
Nex: WHAT!?
Terra: You didn't notice that too Nex?
Nex was on the verge of tears but it looked like he didn't want to give in. Though his entire face was bright red, it almost started to emit light. His face turned to me and I guess I have to save the day once again. Terra was looking quite puzzled right at me as well as Nitra. Those two really are clueless about Nex. I'm mostly surprised at Terra for never noticing. With a deep breath, I tapped Nex's shoulder.
Arc: Uh… I hate to break it to y'all. But… Nex is a guy. "He" was always a guy.
Terra & Nitra: WHAT?!
Nex: I'm going to cry. This can't be happening to me!
Terra: That can't be right! Nex? Nex?!
Nex: I'm a guy…
Terra: But we've been teammates for rotations! I would've known! And you definitely look like a girl! That haircut and everything! You're even wearing the leggings that women use!
Nex: I'm sure I kept telling you that I was! This is the boys issue too! It just looks slimmer on me for some reason...
Terra: Is that why you didn't want to take baths with me?!
Nex: That seemed obvious.
Terra: I thought you were just shy! I could've sworn that your breasts grew too.
Nex: WHAT!? NO WAY?!
Nitra: Nex is a boy… Nex is a boy… Nex is a boy… Nex is a boy… Nex is a boy… Nex is a boy… Nex is a boy.. .Nex is a boy...Nex is a boy… Nex is a boy… Nex is a boy… Nex is a boy…
Ev3: Oh my! Your friend appears to be broken! Call the mechanic!
I couldn't help but smile at them. They're quite the handful at times when we weren't doing anything dangerous. Nex was already starting to feel his own chest just in case he actually was growing a pair of boobs. Nitra was still repeating the same thing over and over while Terra had her eyes wide open the entire time. She must've been shocked the most because her ears were red the entire time too. This tunnel just doesn't end.
Our watches started to ring again signaling another time to take our pellets for the next cycle. This also marked our first day in Plaux. The tunnely felt like it wasn't going to end but I knew it was going to. I've made sure that it would. Yet, this tunnel just keeps going on and on. This must've been quite the high summit. Finally, it was my turn to walk forward with Terra next to me. She still hadn't looked winded yet despite the amount of hours we've walked. What impressed me is that she didn't show any signs of trouble walking with that injury. Once again showing off that she was the most physically built in our team.
Terra: How long till the summit?
Arc: You should already know how far. You've probably felt it. You can't right?
Terra: That's what worries me. I thought you would've felt it too.
Arc: We can't possibly go in circles. I made this tunnely myself.
Terra: I know. But this is just a lot of walking. If I can't even feel it then how deep were we earlier? We would've noticed this giant cliff area when we dropped down.
Ev3: Are you perhaps wondering about the terrain?
Terra: Oh, well yeah. It feels like we've been going on for no reason. Also this cliff is unusually large for something we wouldn't notice on our way.
Ev3: It must be the work of the Tortoise plates.They move of their own accord and we wouldn't notice.
Terra: Tortoise plates? So it's one of these kinds of planets huh.
Nitra: What would that be?
Arc: Planets that are governed by massive creatures. These can range from Tortoise plates, Petrified creatures, and Leviathan cities.
Nex: I personally hate visiting Leviathan cities. It's always so icky and gooey but none of the people have a choice. They'd drown without these deities.
Arc: At this point, it doesn't matter what time or area you're in. It's governed whether the creature wants to or not. That's why we wouldn't have noticed Talos. We're only experiencing the formations on the Tortoises back. Talos is beneath. That would explain the teleporter needing to move.
Nitra: Y'all have such big adventures. It's a bit daunting how far everyone has traveled.
Nex: What was your last mission like?
Nitra: I don't remember.
Nex: Erased huh. Guess that's what happens when you're always sent on kill missions.
Nitra: Guess so…
Terra: Always a pain being on these planets. I'm never always sure what's real land or just the creature.
Ev3: Look here friends! We're almost there!
As we looked forward, there was a small area filled with roots going downwards. This was usually the sign we were closer to the end of the tunnel. But since the wildlife had grown to such proportions, these roots also meant that we're still quite far down. Terra felt like it was time for her to shine, her eyes started to glow then gave a strong uppercut to the dirt above us. The vibrations that were sent upwards were strong enough to make an almost perfect tunnel directly above. Nitra proceeded to create an air tunnel that would send us all the way up. I came up first then released my own energy on the tunnel strengthening the air current. One by one, everyone was shot up until me and Nitra were the last ones.
Arc: Ladies first.
Nitra: Oooh, quite the gentleman.
Arc: Manners before the elements.
She jumped in and got spat upwards. As I got spat out of the hole, I was amazed with the scenery right after. My feet landed right on an exterior part of a giant tree root. Right in front of me was the massive outlook of Plaux. A rich biome filled with natural wildlife and vegetation. From here, I was able to see the two suns racing each other. Too bad, I couldn't enjoy this view any longer but I say that to every planet with a view. Terra signaled us to follow the Ev3 unit that was starting to move ahead without us. The tree was completely massive with roots extending down all the way down the mountain. Air was starting to be colder up here meaning that we were quite high up. After a few more roots, we found a metallic doorway by the base of the trunk. It was made up of scrap, gears, cogs, and even duct tape. The thing looked completely beaten up except for the item at the top of it's frame. It was a teleportation sphere. Magic that was so rare that it had to be a government issue to be safe for use. Anything else, a non government issue was bound to fail. Seeing one was even rarer since this was the technology of old.
Nex: Wow! It's really a teleport sphere. Y'know legend says in my familia that the first Nex swallowed one. That's why we can teleport.
Terra: My familia was named after being born from the dirt areas of the platform.
Nitra: Now, now let's just get to it.
Terra: Nex and Arc. Y'know what to do.
Arc & Nex: Got it.
Nex was stamping a seal on the ground while I was rigging a hex on the side of the teleporter. This way if something were to happen, we could transport ourselves back then blow it up. This was just part of our escapes. We'll see once we arrive in Talos. Ev3 went to the machine then went to the mechanism to enter some codes. After a few clicks and types, the teleporter sphere started to glow. With a spark and clangs, the teleporter materialized a path to a metallic hallway! That must be Talos! Without any hesitation Ev3 walked through. With hesitation, all four of us held hands and walked through.
It wasn't my first time entering a teleporter. It's completely normal to feel sick right after going through one. I could barely keep in me but I knew that I would manage. This was an old model of teleportation too. Normally they've beam packets of the target to another like data being sent to another computer. This one was quite ancient using methods like doors. Our first steps of the area were met with a strong smell of Foxphite, oil, smoke, and steam combined. It was like the so-called industrial ages of before Polarity. Back when humanity still felt the need to stay on that adam forsaken rock Eden. There was nothing about the area that wasn't built with metal or something in the same league. This was a bad thing for some of us like Terra and Me. Our magic could be deadly if we weren't careful. There was barely dirt in the area too. The entire place felt like a dome was built around the area. As we moved on forward, the teleporter behind us stopped as it served its purpose. We were on a narrow halfway that looked like some kind of assembly line with golem's of different variants strutting about. Some with two legs and others with tracks. They all followed some kind of line but what was strange was that Ev3 didn't. It walked like a normal being like us. We ignored what seemed like the mindless metal golems as they did us until we hit a barrier. A golden plated golem stopped us from proceeding. It held up a metallic barrier about the height of Terra's upper body. So this is like some kind of border patrol huh. The Golem was attached to the metal booth with it's hand on the lever to lower the wall. It's single eye staring directly at Ev3.
Gold unit: Stop and enter verification.
Ev3: It's me friend!
Gold unit: Stop and enter verification.
Ev3: I don't think this is working friend!
Arc: You're telling me…
Terra: It doesn't seem like any of these golem notice us.
Nitra: I feel alienated.
Neo: Same. This is some otherworldly experience!
Gold unit: Stop and enter verification.
Arc: Okay we get it already! So how do we do this Ev3. We clearly need to get past this to get into Talos.
Ev3: I'm not quite sure!
Arc: What?! You brought us to the gate and that's it?! Don't you have verification.
Ev3: Does a high five count as verification? I'm quite good at those!
Arc: What the hell is a high five?
Ev3: Oh my.
Gold unit: Stop and enter verification.
Nitra: Uh guys… There's nothing stopping us from moving through the barrier…
Terra: Huh?!
Nitra just jumped above the metallic roadblock and the gold unit didn't even look at her. Terra was a bit stunned that these things were actually that dumb. Nex was helped up by Terra then I had my turn. While all of this was happening, the gold unit still stared right at our Ev3 unit.
Gold unit: Stop and enter verification.
Ev3: What about me friends?
Nitra: Uhhh…
Nex: …
Terra: Arc, you say it. You found it.
Arc: Fuck. Hey, Ev3 I got something to say…
Ev3: Oh I see…
Arc: I'm really sorry about this.
Ev3: You four are going to talk to mother to let me in! Thank you so much friends!
Arc: Hm? Oh yeah! That's right! We'll do right that! Sit tight!
Ev3: I'll stay right here friend!
Terra: So much for the cold Arc. Didn't know you actually had a soft spot for machines.
Arc: If it was so easy then you could've done it!
Terra: That's not my problem. Let's get going.
Nitra: I feel bad for Ev3.
Nex: He's just a golem model.
Nitra: But Ev3 is much different than the others! These ones look like drones!
Nex: He's not a pet y'know. He's just a golem.
Arc: He's definitely the most human-like golem I've seen.
Terra: More human than any normal human I know that's for sure.
There were pained tones when Terra said that. It's a sad reality that the kindest thing to a human we experienced was that Ev3. Though it shouldn't come as a surprise that wherever we go, we're just treated like weapons. This city was definitely going to be much stranger than the ones our classes assigned us to. There was a giant escalator going downwards filled with golem units. As we got on to one of the slots, we could see the glowing city. Buildings were being built with surprising efficiency from restless construction golems, a giant mechanical clock at the top of the dome, golem citizens marching in perfect unison. It was all surreal how efficient these things are without anything inhibiting them. We could even hear drills being used on the nearby rocky walls for even bigger expansions. Makeshift restaurants were everywhere filled with golems applying oil to themselves and parts being replaced. The floors looked greasy which made it hard to traverse in. Nex was completely stunned, Nitra was covering her nose, and Terra was filled with determination. She was most likely still thinking of the prime directive. As we got off, I almost slipped because of the oil leaks! Golems bumped us and didn't seem to even notice. These definitely didn't feel like Ev3.
Terra: Now, let's look for this "mother".