Chapter 11 Theory and practice

The halls were starting to feel more and more distinguishable now that I've spent more time here. Some areas I could finally see the difference even if the genre books had the same colors. I guess I could say that I'm starting to get used to this place. Able still hasn't returned yet so we don't know the extent to what Talos is doing right now. From the readings of my watch, there were too many patrols now. The tremors would pop up more often than usual which meant the damage we've caused must've been more than we initially thought. They might need to deconstruct some parts of Talos to make room for optimized areas. More factories, more golem dispenses, and more military. Whatever was awaiting for us upstairs couldn't be any good. It was only a matter of time for us to go back up and explore but I still needed to rest. Eliza had walked with me towards a new part of the underground library. This was a part of the facility that she said she needed to show me. I didn't know what to expect because it seemed like she spent most of her time in her office. She walked with a tired step as she continued through the self help and herbology section of the maze. Those books that looked quite interesting. Personally, I'm a fan of reading plant life because of how diverse they could be. Remedies, serums, and food. All of these can be quite helpful in long classes like this. Who knows, I might be able to learn something that just might save my life in the future. As we continued on, we finally reached a door with a lock. This one looked much more serious than the other parts of the library. Though it wasn't made out of Dioxirite, it was clearly made with a strong metal substance that I couldn't identify. Eliza placed some codes on the dock of the lock then with a quick second, it was unlocked. The door opened a dark room. Eliza didn't hesitate to enter, I followed her into the room. With a click flick of a switch, the room was filled with random crates. Some overflowing with objects that I wasn't sure about. Dust flowed around the room which made me cough a bit, I guess Able stayed out of this room. She continued to walk into the room with a bit of sadness in her expression. Walking over to one of the smaller boxes, she opened them. The room seemed to act like some kind of storage room. Though for some reason a bed was nearby or at what looked like a bed. I could even barely see it because of the amount of crates blocking it. Lights flickered so even the power distribution wasn't optimal in this part of the facility.

Eliza: This was Peter's bedroom. Or at least what's left of it. I've used it as somewhat of a storage room. I guess I was a bit bitter when it happened but that's usually how breakups go. You tend to feel like the world is going to blow up. Though I could never get myself to hate Peter. He's been there for the longest time. Maybe this is my way of just treasuring all of the things he's done.

Arc: Even the bad ones?

Eliza: The thing about the bad things is that in the end you'll treasure them.

Arc: Why?

Eliza: Because they make you stronger. They make you the person you're destined to be even if you don't like them. That's why memories are important.

Arc: I see…

Eliza: You must be wondering why I brought you here.

Arc: I am. Personally, I'd want to return up there but my body is in a bad condition.

Eliza: You know when your bones rattle the way yours do. You'd do much more resting than just a few hours.

Arc: It's because of the pellets. They work to increase your natural regenerative ability. Though in the tests I didn't have any good marks on it. Nex has great natural regenerative ability compared to me. If he had to take some pellets then he'd just heal this stuff away in just a few hours. But I have to wait a couple more cycles.

Eliza: Magic must have pretty good medicines then.

Arc: I've mentioned before we generally use magic to bridge the gap. We do have researchers that create vaccines and drugs. Some help increase our abilities and some for illnesses. Though most teams prefer not to use power increasing drugs because of their side effects.

Eliza: I wonder what kind of diseases are out there besides human kinds.

Arc: There are some that I've encountered that were especially brutal. Luckily we've created some remedies for them. However, with our magic we can avoid diseases of the planet.

Eliza: Do you guys use scientific instruments to help you create these medicines?

Arc: Some we purchase from galactic merchants roaming. However, there are things that we don't need because we bridge them. We have optical magic to help us see microbes with just our eyes. Another would be remote magic, we use tiny creations to move the microscopic things. It helps with precision and time.

Eliza: You guys really do have it easier. We have to rely on our dozens of creations to just reach those levels. But what does bother me though is how you guys can understand us. Wouldn't we have different languages?

Arc: That would be an innate magic born trait. All magic borns have innate cognitive magic abilities. You might not know it but to me you're speaking Adamic. That's the name of our language. The same language that Adam himself spoke. Our magic allows us to send our knowledge of language to anyone. Though without us in the area, you wouldn't know how to speak it anymore.

Eliza: Amazing! So I'm speaking Adamic right now?!

Arc: Well to me yes.

Eliza: It feels like I'm speaking english!

Arc: Yes, that would be the point. It helps us talk to the locals of any planet. Though it's only limited to those who have a well developed brain. So don't bother asking me to talk to a Hoiber.

Eliza: A Hoiber?

Arc: Yeah, it's a small four legged creature that seems to have a species in the galaxy. It's got a snout with a black nose. Has different kinds of fur or hair depending on the species or region it's located in.

Eliza: That sounds like a dog to me.

Arc: What's a dog?

Eliza: Never mind that. I feel like that's a question for another time. I've brought here to help me move some things. Able isn't here to do this with me. Since you refuse to rest. You can help me out with your magic.

Arc: That sounds like a drag.

Eliza: Just use your magic.

Arc: Magic doesn't work that way.

Eliza: But I just saw you flip those papers around the other day.

Arc: I did but that was because papers are easy to lift and control. These things look fragile and heavy.

Eliza: Does weight matter?

Arc: Yes and no. I'm just manipulating the wind with magic particles. The more power I use the more destructive the particles move around the wind. If you told me to move around objects on the ground then terrain magic would work better. However, these floors are made out of a different material. I can't just use break the floors either.

Eliza: But metal has parts of dirt in it. It's just a refined version of it. Theoretically you can manipulate it the same with ground or dirt.

Arc: That sounds a bit outlandish.

Eliza: Have you tried it?

Arc: No…

Eliza: Then how would you know unless you try it?

Arc: Good point…

Eliza: Here, take this for an example.

Arc: Hm?

Eliza took out a notebook out of her lab coats inside pockets then ripped out a piece of parchment. She then folded it a bunch of times. With a confident expression handed it to me. I wasn't sure what she was going for but I just took it anyway.

Eliza: You have no idea what this means. Do you?

Arc: No, not really.

Eliza: I underestimated my teaching skills.

Arc: You didn't even teach me anything!

Eliza: My bad hahaha. I think I just simply forgot to explain it.

Arc: Clearly.

Eliza: Think of this paper like dirt. Usually when you need some technology but theoretically you can turn it into metal. Like you said before, you would use magic to bridge that gap. Now think of it this way. Dirt is like this paper. Even if I fold it around or maybe crumple it up, it's still going to be the same paper. Even if the metal is quite refined it still has some traces in it. In the end, it's still dirt. Therefore, you can manipulate metal the same way you can manipulate dirt.

Arc: It's a bit of a stretch isn't it?

Eliza: It's not impossible though.

Arc: I've tried to manipulate metal before. It didn't work.

Eliza: Maybe before but maybe that was because you thought you couldn't. Give it a chance when you have some spare time. But for now, help me move these boxes.

We carried those boxes into a proper storage room with back breaking intensity until there was nothing left. However, the room was still pretty dirty. The bed was finally seen from all the mess. It still had it's covers and pillows. Somethings that even the platform didn't have for us. None of us had the privilege in the academy to sleep comfortably. They kept telling us that we had to get used to sleeping on any surface or we'll never survive. I've only seen these items on a bed on different planets. I've also had them before I was sent to the academy. However, those were rotations ago already. It's been since I last stayed on that bed of mine. Though those throw pillows from earlier did give me a bit of a better time than the ground. There were other things in the room too that weren't seen but now are. A wooden closet filled with the same outfits and a foldable table on the wall. Eliza came inside the room with cleaning supplies. Her face looked more tired as the hours passed. Looks like the job doesn't end here.

Arc: Are you going to use this room when it's done?

Eliza: My room? My room is the office.

Arc: Then why are we cleaning this place up?

Eliza: Well obviously it's for you guys. You guys just can't sleep on the office floors. Even I wouldn't do that to Peter.

Arc: Why though? We just met and I don't think we'll be staying long.

Eliza: I guess it's just my way of doing things. I want to be kind to those around me. Call it a mother thing too. It does make me feel a bit nostalgic of how our home was.

Arc: You said you were a mother. Can I ask about your children?

Eliza: My children huh… I guess I can't even call them that now. They're basically grown up. But in all honesty, they probably look way different than I expect them to now.

Arc: Why do you say that?

Eliza: Well, human travel isn't simple. At least for our humans, we don't have quick instant travel like teleportation. So we have to invest time if we travel to a planet. We might not return to the same people on earth. That's just how time works for us.

Arc: So they're all probably…

Eliza: Dead by now. The last time I saw them physically they had just graduated from college. I was such a happy mother. It felt like yesterday that I just tucked them in and told them stories.

Arc: So that's what mothers do...

Eliza: Sorry, sometimes I forget.

Arc: No, it's okay. It must be hard for you too.

Eliza: It always is. But it's not like they died in terrible ways. I've gotten messages from them. However, it's only a one way system. They could send it to me knowing that I've received it but they'll never know what I'll say or think. A bit sad but better than nothing.

Arc: Were they happy?

Eliza: They passed on peacefully. Old age. Strange how they're writing to their mother but they don't know that their mother is much younger than them still. It does give me hope that if I return back to earth I'll still get to meet my grandchildren.

Arc: I'll never understand the joys of family.

Eliza: Maybe not yet. When I was young I never thought that I would want to have a family. I kept saying that "having one is such a hassle" or "I'll just be single and live my life". Well years past, I realized that the world isn't just about me. I wanted to care for something other than myself. It might not be coming to you now because you're so young. But I have a feeling it's similar to how you feel about your teammates.

Arc: It's just that the concept of having a family is strange to me. It certainly doesn't help that our humans come from birthing centers.

Eliza: Not necessarily. You can still have a family normally but you just need a person that you love. Do you have someone like that in your life?

Arc: I wouldn't know what love is.

Eliza: That is true. Well maybe someday.

Arc: If I live that long.

Eliza: Please don't say that. It makes me emotional.

Arc: Apologies…

Eliza: Well, a few more elbow power and this room will be in top shape! I personally wouldn't want a bed room. I have my office. It has everything I could wish for.

Arc: But you do know we won't stay long.

Eliza: I know, but if you ever need a place. Consider this place yours. Clean it up when you can of course. Toodles~

She left with a happy step. I guess this place was better than nothing. Though I am a bit annoyed that I had to clean it. Couldn't she just make Able do it when he gets back? But it does place a bit of a smile in my heart. If this is how a mother feels like then I wouldn't hate it. I walked over to the broom then started to get to work. Though my body was still telling me that it still needed some well deserved rest. This pain was different because it was literally my bones fixing themselves. Personally, none of my fights involved breaking bones. This was definitely a first for me…

It took another hour but it was completely done! With the help of magic of course anything would be easy. Wind magic to gather the particles and water magic to clean up right after. Except, there was just so much dirt around that it took a while even with magic. No wonder the humans left these kinds of menial work to the golems. That reminded me, it was time to clean up my uniform. Personally, I wouldn't change because I can just clean up using magic. Though sometimes it would be nice if I could just take a proper bath instead of magic. I surged up my eyes for a while then touched the water in the bucket. Just like some kind of water portal, it passed through me. This way I can be completely clean. Maybe I'll never understand the concept of relaxing baths if I keep doing this. There were steps coming this way and I assumed that it was Eliza. However, a smaller figure passed through the door. It was Nex looking a bit sleepy still. Just in time too, now he could see the room completely clean. But maybe it would've been great if he had arrived when I was moving some of the bigger items.

Nex: Whoa, this place definitely needs some cleaning.

Arc: I just cleaned it though.

Nex: It doesn't look thorough enough…

Arc: Okay, now I feel terrible.

Nex: Hey, don't take it personally. I'm just saying it still has some dirt and dust there.

Arc: I'm too tired for this. I do something out of character and this is the thanks I get.

Eliza: Hello boys. Looks like you've finally found your new room, Nex.

Nex: New room?

Eliza: Oh wow, this place looks clean.

Nex: Clean?!

Arc: Ha! I told you it was clean.

Eliza: Well cleaner than last time.

Nex: Cleaner than last time?! You mean this isn't clean?

Eliza: It looks clean enough. Though there is some dirt and dust over there.

Arc: Why didn't Terra just kill me.

Nex: Hey, don't say that! It looks clean.

Arc: It's over…

Nex: You really don't like criticism do you?

Eliza: You know people who are naturally gifted in other things can be bad in other things too. It's just a part of life.

Arc: I'm going to beat you up in training.

Nex: Hey! Don't take this out on me!

Eliza: Hahahaha. It really does almost feel like home. My children used to bicker from time to time.

Nex: I didn't know that you were a mother.

Eliza: I was. It's a long story though. Arc will tell you about it if he can.

Nex: Did you have sons or daughters?

Eliza: I had a daughter first, then twin sons right after. I didn't expect them to be twins. But I'd say that it was a happy surprise.

Nex: That's pretty weird. Arc don't you agree?

Arc: That is strange.

Eliza: Having children is strange?!

Nex: No, having twins. Twins are unusually rare for us.

Eliza: I guess if your humans were quite small then maybe it is rare.

Nex: It's not just that. Those with twins usually have split magical powers.

Eliza: Please explain. I'm still not sure how your magic system works.

Nex: That's simple. Each Adam born or magic born is usually embedded with magical power. However, with twins some of their powers become incomplete. One might have cognitive magic while the other doesn't. One might have an affinity for fire but the other doesn't have fire capabilities at all. Those who are chosen by the academy are those with strong affinities. I have one for transport magic while Arc has an affinity for hexes.

Eliza: Hexes?

Arc: I can use seals to amplify a part of my body or area with a single type of magic. Those fights you've seen with Terra were just seals being activated. Though right now I can do it one element at a time. Also seals have a limit to what kind of magic it uses. That's why I can't just cast vibrational magic hexes. I can definitely use elements but complex ones are impossible so far. Spatial, transport, vibrational, cognitive, pure amplification, digital, and many more are off the table. It's a bit like amplifying myself with different affinities.

Eliza: That's strange. You can use fire but not vibrational? Fire is just the vibration of molecules isn't it?

Arc: Maybe I just can't because of my magic particles. They aren't meant for pure vibration on it's own like Terra's.

Eliza: Quite interesting trying to find the science behind your magic.

Arc: It's quite hard to explain when we ourselves are sealed from learning more about them.

Eliza: I see, maybe some other time. Anyways, I'm going to check on Able's status. You two help yourselves to the new room.

Nex: So now what?

Arc: You clean the room.

Nex: What?!

Arc: You said it was dirty. You clean it.

Nex: Why?!

Arc: Because I already cleaned it. I'm going to the gym and punch something.

Nex: Are you that mad?!

Arc: I don't know. This feeling is new to me. I just don't like it when people say I'm bad at something when it's clearly fine.

Nex: You're actually full of yourself aren't you.

Arc: But it's clean!

Nex: It's not!

I don't know how long that argument was, but those moments did feel like I was a kid again. Maybe I was a fool in telling myself that I was already an adult to make everything feel a bit less painful. In reality, Eliza was right. We were just a bunch of kids that were forced into a mess. But how could I face this reality? If I would face it then wouldn't that mean that I would betray the platform? Would they terminate me once I finally exhaust my use? Things are getting messier and messier the more I think about it. In these brief moments, I felt like the universe was smaller than I thought. Now the real test begins. How were we going to complete this mission?! Things have gone completely out of bounds. This wasn't like any other mission now! We're faced with fighting another magician. It wasn't just any other magician though, it was Terra! What made me feel even worse was that Terra was still recovering. That might not have been her full condition. Once I'm fully healed up, we're heading right back out. We need to find the rest of those schematics, subdue Terra, and find Nitra. As I sat on the bed, my worries were just spiking. Nex was busy cleaning the room with short angry grunts. However, I didn't care. He deserved to clean for saying those mean things.

Nex: How long do I have to do this?

Arc: Until you think it's clean.

Nex: Then it's going to take forever! Can I at least have some magical help? I don't have affinities for elements like you do.

Arc: If it's going to take forever, then you better do it faster.

Nex: This sucks!

Don't worry, we'll figure this out. Nitra hold out until then...