Chapter 12 Plight

It was another day into our confinement but my bones still haven't healed quite right just yet. I could still feel the pain of growing bones as I kept moving around. If only I had healing amplifications to help me out. Nex was talking to Eliza in her office about something while I was heading towards the gym. There was something that I was still curious about. This type of training shouldn't be straining. It's just more manipulation magic. My abilities allow me to have a single power be amplified within me. In short, I can be a jack of all trades but with a particular limit. Entering the gym, I headed straight for the weapon rack. Theoretically, I can use weapons and embed them with some other magic. Back then, I did use particular elements such as ice to create a dagger to stab an Artuskan. Though this doesn't have to do with creating a weapon. Up in Talos, I felt like I was completely useless. Everything up there was made from artificial means. All I could do is break stuff because I can't manipulate metal! But if what Eliza said was true then there has to be a way. I just haven't found that flow state to understand. Theoretically, I can do it. Walking into the gym, I went over to a small metal ball. This kind of ball was used for hurling at people. Though I can probably use this for my training. I sat on the ground by the various weapons rack. Holding the ball, I couldn't feel a trace or a feel of dirt. The surface was just too metallic feeling for me to think of it as dirt or ground. When I manipulate things, there are usually particular feelings that I hold to understand my magic. When I deal with fire, it feels loose at it's raw potential. All I have to do is shake that raw feeling more till I can use it at will. For water, more often than not, the motion is similar to scooping. I'm basically scooping water constantly with my particles. Air is a lot more useful because it's the easiest to manipulate. Probably, why I use it more often compared to the other elements. All I would need to recognize is a pushing motion then keep amplifying it. By then, I'd have produced a hurricane if I wasn't careful. There are more situational elements like ice or crystal but I prefer to use purer forms. As I held the metal ball, I couldn't feel a single ounce of anything I could manipulate. But I just wanted to try and get stronger. There was no way that I wanted to feel like I can't keep up with Terra. If I was going to bring her down then I needed to do new things. She knows almost every way to fight. However, she has a clear weakness. Terra loves the thrill of the fight too much. I need to make her make a mistake during those times. Until then, she'll be in a well guarded state. My hand wrapped around the ball again. Closed my eyes to focus even more. The grip I have on this ball was pretty tight but I couldn't feel anything that I could manipulate. It just felt like some kind of metal ball on my hand. Frustration started to build because it felt like the first time I wasn't good at this. When I was much younger, I was able to manipulate basic elements with ease. The academy even said that it was strange that I didn't have a special affinity for an element. Those other kids in the academy were quite annoyed that I was able to do ground elemental magic much quicker than them. So this is how they've felt. Maybe I just need to find it just once and I'll be able to feel it from there. The problem is I can't find it! Before I could get any more frustrated, Nex had walked in the gym.

Arc: Oh hey, did you clean the room?

Nex: No thanks to you.

Arc: It was much dirtier before you got there. So be thankful that I didn't make you clean the entire thing.

Nex: Whatever, just what the hell are you doing anyway? Are you thinking of using a weapon too?

Arc: Using a weapon against Terra isn't going to help anyone's odds. It's most likely you're lessening it for relying on it. She can just break it with a dome burst. Now you're just going to have to go back to square one.

Nex: You sure do know how to approach Terra. That fight looked quite evenly spaced.

Arc: I guess. Terra wasn't in a full fighting condition though.

Nex: But you still managed to get in some good hits.

Arc: There was clearly someone with an advantage in that fight. I'm just not sure if you're able to notice it.

Nex: You clearly had better spatial skills in that fight.

Arc: That doesn't matter. I'm talking about our motives. She had all intentions to kill me while I didn't. Just that already tips the advantage to her. She barely held back while I had to. There was no way that I was going to try and kill Terra. That's why I never even aimed at her head or any vital points.

Nex: Oh… I see…

Arc: I had never intended to in the first place. Which makes it feel even worse fighting her. What kind of reason could she have to try and kill me?

Nex: We'll have to find that out together! I'm sure by then we'll also have Nitra with us.

Arc: I just hope Nitra is okay. She's the only person we haven't spotted yet.

Nex: I know she's fine. She can take care of herself. Nitra was on "that" squad afterall.

Arc: Hard to believe a sweet girl like can be from "that" squad. Even stranger is how she got into this class.

Nex: I think from what I remember about the platform telling us. She asked to be in our class.

Arc: Our class? Why would anyone want to do that? Almost everyone in the platform stays away from us because we take these missions. Nobody wants to be part of our exclusive suicide squad.

Nex: I know but the matter still stands that she still wanted to be part of this team. She chose to be in our class.

Arc: That's what bothers me. What sane person would do that?!

Nex: She has her reasons.

Arc: You sound like you know her better than me.

Nex: That's because I actually talk to our teammates before the mission, especially if it's a new one.

Arc: You already know why I don't like talking to y'all.

Nex: I'm sorry. I sometimes forget.

Arc: It's alright…

Nex: Lately, I've been trying to remember everything. Things that you said too. They always said that erasing our memories was optional. But is it really worth it? I always thought that it would help us. They have but now that I've thought about it. Something comes out completely different to my mind. It's driven me a bit annoyed because I'm scared that this might not even be the first time I've brought this up.

Arc: I'm not sure of the answers myself. Though lately, things have been different and I'm not just talking about me. You've changed a lot over time. Maybe it's because of the unique situation we're in. This class isn't just a normal class...

Nex: Maybe… I'll just do my best to keep my memories.

Arc: I would appreciate that.

Nex: So, what are you doing right now?

Arc: I'm thinking about what Eliza said. She said theoretically I can manipulate metal. It's just dirt that's been refined. I've been here trying my best to figure it out.

Nex: That's pretty interesting!

Arc: It's mostly just me wanting to have a better edge to fight our next battle. It's only a matter of time when we see her. I better come prepared with everything I got. Even if it means trying to learn a new type of magic itself. I can't stop where I am.

I continued on for another set of minutes holding the metal ball but to no avail. There was just something in my head that I couldn't understand. Maybe if there was a magician that had a metal affinity then maybe I could have an idea. My focus was purely on the ball now. I couldn't even feel Nex's presence because of how focused I was. There has to be some kind of hidden trick like how I've learned the other elements. This one is no different. I'm just overthinking this aren't I?

Minutes, turned to hours. Hours that I've spent just sitting down with a metal ball in my hand. At this point, I've heated the ball enough to cook something on it. I just couldn't find that special technique in here. Maybe some other day, a new cycle was going to start soon. I opened my eyes and I was already on a bed. How the heck did I get back here? As soon as I turned around, a single red eye looked at me.

Able: Hello friend!

Arc: Oh geez! Where did you come from?!

Able: I carried you here friend. You wouldn't wake up.

Arc: I didn't ask to be carried back here.

Able: You didn't but I obliged.

Arc: Wait a minute. If you're here, then that means you're done with your tasks up above.

Able: That is correct friend! I used to be an electrician too!

Arc: What is it like up there?

Able: I'm sorry I don't know how to answer that. Are you talking about Plaux or Talos?

Arc: Talos obviously! Eliza told you to create some new survelances and repairs upstairs didn't she?

Able: It was terrible!

Arc: What happened?!

Able: I got stuck on some construction nets. So I couldn't move.

Arc: No, I mean what's happening in Talos.

Able: Oh! Nothing much friend! Except there's been new towers. New security golems. Also that scary lady is running around the place.

Arc: Well fuck.

Able: Indeed! Other than that my mission was a success. Everyone's waiting for you now at the office.

Arc: I must've been super focused. Too bad I didn't make any progress.

Able: Were you working on something, friend?

Arc: I've been wanting to manipulate metal. Though I don't think it's going to be easy. No matter how much I imagine that I can. The metal just won't move or budge.

Able: Have you tried thinking of it like a piece of paper?

Arc: No… Are you thinking of folding a piece of paper like Eliza?

Able No…

Arc: It's not simple as folding paper. I need to manipulate the magic particles to move the dirt but because it's so refined it's hard! There's just way too much other compounds combined into it.

Able: You're overthinking this friend!

Arc: Maybe I am. But even if I try to simplify it simply as dirt, I can't. However, I can't stop here. I need to keep moving. Forget it! Let's just meet up with the rest.

Able: Okay friend!

I kept the small ball in my pocket as I left the room with Able. He seemed to have a better spring his step compared to the other times we've seen him. Did Eliza fix something with his legs? The last time I saw him, he used to walk like he was on stilts. Now his leg movements were quite similar to ours. We continued on into the hexagon office once again. This time everyone was waiting for me by the computer terminal. There was now new footage of the entire Talos on screen. As I approached the computer, something felt a bit strange about Talos. The restaurants, mini offices, garages, and other shops that were once there were now gone. It looked like everything was demolished to create new buildings. Just like Able had said, there were towers erected on certain points of the city now. They looked like they were used to overview the whole place. Though another strange part of the city were large metallic bidents on certain locations. Those things seemed to surround the city. What were these things?

Eliza: Welcome back to the land of the living Arc. Did you sleep well?

Arc: I feel a lot better resting. I think my bones should be completely healed by now.

Nex: You were holding that metal ball for the longest time. I was worried you got possessed by something.

Eliza: I'm sure he was just practicing something with it. But we have more pressing matters at hand with Talos.

Nex: Also we finally found a trace of Nitra.

Arc: Talk to me then. What's happened?

Eliza: While we were down here recovering after the battle. Peter must've been busy creating these long bidents all over the city. These things are completely made out of an experimental substance. It's supposed to be our first step in real teleportation technology. These things can transmit physical data into another bident's location. So theoretically you can shoot someone's data into the other side of the world as long as there's a bident there. However, the research was never completed last I remember. Though it looks like something tells me that someone had a bit of help. Personally, I don't know what these bidents mean. There's no way that Peter would want to transfer people here. Earthlings would never survive Talos' industrial environment. They'd simply die to the air pollution in a matter of minutes.

Nex: Meanwhile, we've found out through these cameras where Nitra could be. She was last seen by the original barricade we've been in. It looked like she was escaping Talos. What worries me is that she was holding a suspicious case with her.

Eliza: So what's your next move Arc? Do you wish to pursue your schematics or do you want to pursue this Nitra person? Whatever you choose determines where we'll place our resources in.

Nex: We'll do what you want to do. You were second in command. I'll follow your orders!

Arc: That's quite the responsibility I've just been dealt.

Eliza: Being an adult means taking responsibility.

Arc: I see, then I'll choose to find Nitra. She's waited long enough without us around. She could've escaped from Peter's facility and from Terra. We did say that we'd meet her to a specific point if something went wrong.

Nex: That's right!

Arc: Though expect that Terra might check that place too because Nitra potentially escaped.

Nex: Then it's decided.

Eliza: Understood. I'll keep surveillance here until you return. Take Able with you too. He knows the Terrain outside, he could make a great asset.

Nex: But you'll be all alone in this place. What if they suddenly want to barge in this place?

Eliza: Don't worry I have my defenses. I'm not that clumsy. If Peter or Terra comes I have an idea on how to stop them. I got this!

Arc: Be sure to be here then. We're counting on you for things below.

Eliza: You got it.

Able: Hooray! Another adventure! This is very cool, friends.

Me and Nex started to synchronize our watches again. Nex's kunai already stitched on his left thigh. Everyone was ready. This time we made sure to remove the tracking feature just in case Terra would use it to find us. Able was also busy adding some hidden attachments and augments for himself. As we gathered around Nex, Eliza was on her chair waiving us with a smile. Let's figure this out for ourselves. Nitra we're coming for you. We held onto Nex's hand then with quick surge, we were teleported outside once again. The bright sun of Plaux beaming down on all of us. It was like something that I've never seen for my entire life. Everywhere was just so blinding. The orange sun was finally setting making the beam much brighter to us. This was going to be our first night event of Plaux. Night time in Plaux could be an entirely different planet. It's night cycle is still a mystery even for people who recorded this planet. Able started to glow up to shed us some light. However, our contacts were enough for us to see through even the darkest of tunnels. The tree was still as huge as I remembered. Our footing was also quite uneven because it was a mountain going upwards. Though the one thing I missed was the fresh air above. I was already starting to feel sick staying within the vicinity of Talos. Nex was already looking around for any clue if Nitra was around. I walked through some of the roots to see something but there wasn't anything. Able was also scanning some of the tracks but there wasn't anything that could lead us to anything.

Able: No signs of a human here!

Nex: I can't find anything either. She should be here. The teleportation only goes in this area.

Arc: Or maybe we're just not thinking like Nitra.

Nex: What do you mean?

Arc: She's not a simple person to just go to an area and stay there. She's from that class afterall.

Nex: That's right! It would make sense that she wouldn't want to be traced.

Arc: She must've modded her boots to make sure no one would track her. If that's the case then where could she go? There's no place out here that we know that we've been together.

As we walked around once more, there had to be something here. It didn't have to be on the ground. She has an affinity for wind so she had to be airborne most of the time. However, the tree right above us isn't anything that we've seen. I didn't notice It's sheer size. It was even bigger than the Talos golem! The branches could even hold mansions. In fact, the tree could possibly hold villages from the looks of it. We continued up the roots to make it to the base of the tree. However, there was something starting to ring behind me. My instincts were sent into overdrive! I grabbed Nex's shirt then activated the ground below us to shoot us off the ground. As I looked below, the sound of something like a loud horn could be heard. This was followed by a strong destructive wave that destroyed the ground that we used. I landed us on a nearby low branch of the tree. There was no way! We looked down to see someone that we didn't need to see. Her face was holding that terrible smile. Here she was again. Her intentions were unknown but now her mind was set. I held my arms, surging an air conon and boot modification. Right into the fight the moment we leave. This definitely felt like some kind of unstoppable force unless we put her down. Terra didn't seem to move and instead just looked at me. We kept our eye contact. I stood up about to drop but Nex held my arm.

Nex: No! That's not why we're here. She's just trying to bait you in! We have to find Nitra.

Arc: As long as I'm around she's not going to let us find her. She wants me to fight her.

Nex: I know! But still! We can just run.

Arc: She's not going to let us run. No, correction, she's not going to "me" run. Go find Nitra! She has to be somewhere in the branches. Able, support me when things turn south.

Nex: Roger that!

Able: You got it friend.

With a quick nod, I modded Nex's boots then jumped down. The ground was still warm from the strength of that wave. She was definitely much better now. Our hair flowing down wind. It felt like another battle to the death. Terra cracked her knuckles again signalling she was getting ready to pounce. I wasn't comfortable fighting right after I just fixed my bones but I have no choice. I walked closer to Terra.

Terra: You know… that wasn't polite of you to just run away like that. What ever happened to honor in a fight. It was just starting to get good too. The face you make when you get serious makes me excited.

Arc: I have no obligation to stop a battle. Retreating is good option as long as there's no loss of life.

Terra: I just hate the way you think! I hate the way you speak! It annoys me so much!

Arc: But why?

Terra: Because I know the truth.

Arc: About the platform?

Terra: About magic. This cursed power that we have. This is the root of our evil. I despise who I am and those who use magic. I want to become the anti mage. You will be my first statement.

Arc: An anti mage!?

Terra: I know you've heard the stories. Stories of magicians that fought for polarity. Those who even went as far as creating the technology to create sharks. However, those people didn't have the one thing to kill a real magic born. That was magic itself.

Arc: So this is how you truly feel? This is who you want to be.

Terra: Yes. Hate me. Despise me. I don't care. It doesn't matter to me because you'll be absolved.

Arc: What the fuck! It's like I don't know who you are anymore! Terra! Wake up!

Terra: I have… I'm sorry Arc. Let's make this fun, okay?. Afterall you were the only person I knew that would rival me. Everything about you makes me want to vomit but your fighting spirit is a different story. It exhilarates me!

Arc: You know I'd never want to kill you.

Terra: Then that's your first mistake.

Arc: Please! What about Nitra?!

Terra: She escaped execution. She failed her test. Now I'm here for her too. I'll kill her after I kill you.

Arc: This is crazy!

Terra: The hunt begins. You're my first target. HUP!

Her eyes surged with a bright blue then threw a strong wave my way! I jumped into another section of the tree by just a few seconds. The destruction was enough to move some of the roots of the ancient tree. With a loud crash, the dust fell everywhere blinding everything. I was hanging on a branch to see a visual of her but there was nothing.

Terra: You know. It wasn't very nice of you to turn off your watch trackers. It almost made me feel left out. It's almost like we're not friends anymore. Come here Arc. Be absolved of all your sins! HUP!

Just like a strong horn sound, I leapt into another branch! Looking behind, the entire branch got ripped apart! It was now being flung halfway across the planet. There wasn't any possibility of me winning without killing Terra. That meant my only option was to run! I leapt to the ground then started running. I could hear Terra's voice laughing as she was hot on my tail too. She surged another strong wave my way but I sunk into the ground! There was a system of underground paths in here! Letting go of the root, I started running through this system. Terra was right above grunting in frustration. My legs kept going because I already knew what she was going to do. Terra jumped to smack down the ground! A vibration dome started ripping apart everything! This wasn't the way to find Nitra but there wasn't a chance that I would lead her to the others. I felt her gaze on my back and I instinctively dodged to my right. Yet another strong crashing sound was made! This time the force was strong enough to toss me to another side. That one was stronger! Jumping out of the hole, she looked up. I shot some energy onto the ground. The ground erupted under her making her jump out of the way. Seconds later, everything on the left and right side of the ground started to avalanche into a deep hole. This one was something that Terra couldn't jump out in time. She was sucked into the ground. With a strong surge, I punched the ground pushing the avalanche dirt together like some kind of mixer. That would definitely kill someone but not Terra. WIth a strong scream from the ground, a giant blast came out from the hole mix. Her eyes now starting to be filled with pleasure.