Chapter 2

This is my second week in school and it has been nice, lectures have been good too. I haven't really made any friends yet after a whole week.I face palmed.I'm beginning to think my uni life will be just like my secondary schooldays (high school).

Absolutely no fun.

I studied in a reputable secondary school and I was one of the best in my school.Everyone knew my dad was a senator, all these just made people want to clinch to me, not for me but for what they felt they could get, to form groups and cliques for the most influential students, it was just to feel important and I didn't really want that.

Which is exactly why I'm not letting my dad do the whole you are an Idaho and everyone should know and give you the respect you deserve 'thing' here.

All he cares about is his name. Not his only daughter, but he's reputation, that's it.

Anyway, I plan on enjoying uni and to do that, I need genuine friends.

Working on that, to be honest not really, I sigh.

My first class today is by 12, and I don't like it. I prefer early classes. I know, it's weird but I just prefer waking up early and getting ready for class not doing unnecessary stuff to just while away time and yep I have to do that cause no matter what I do, I always wake up early.

It's 11 now and I'm already in school, I just couldn't wait anymore. Also, I wanted to be certain of the venue for my class today. The lecturer for the course wasn't available last week. The campus is huge and it took me awhile to find the venue for my classes last week due to that. The school still had a lot I haven't seen.

While looking around my faculty, I tripped.

I squeaked and waited to feel pain but, I didn't feel anything but hands holding me up, I opened my eyes and I saw his, light, beautiful brown eyes staring right into mine and it seemed like we were like that for a while because his face had the time to change from a shocked expression to a smile. That's when I reacted.

"Em thanks," I said. "You can let me go now " I added.

He continued to stare

"Em, hello? "

That's when he reacted, let me go, gave me his signature smile and said "Hello again, Ese"

"Em hi, thanks again, " I said

"You're welcome" and of course he said that with a smile, his really cute smile I swooned

OK! I have to end this conversation, I'm so not falling for this his prince charming act.

His hands touched his short hair I guess that's a habit, and then he said, " What time does your classes for today, end? I'd like to take you out. Maybe to the cinema? "

I rolled my eyes "I'm not free today or any other day, you have apologized, we are good, no need to take me out"

He gave me a look that basically said we both know that's not true and then he went on to actually say it "We both know that's not true, I know you still think I'm some kind of demon"

I wanted to laugh, he freaking got it, I so know he is a Yoruba demon and so did he, apparently.

My almost laugh was noticed by him, and he said, "You actually think I'm a demon, don't you?" He smirked

"Well, you said it. " I smiled. Wait, I actually smiled at him

He smiled back at me and leaned on the wall and stepped closer to me, with his eyes staring intensely at mine, he whispered, and damn! Did his voice sound amazing. "Well that's exactly why I asked you to the movies, I want to change that perspective of me you have."

Really, this guy, he was so close now, that I couldn't think, and I just wanted to leave before I did or say something stupid. He's obviously a player and I refuse to be played.

I gave him a sweet smile, went even closer to him like I was going to kiss him. I put my hands on his chest and I felt him stiffen. He was obviously affected. Just when he thought I was actually going to kiss him, I moved my lips slowly to his ear making sure my lips grazed his skin lightly as I did and then I whispered, "No thanks, I'll keep the one I already have."

I backed away slowly while still looking at him look at me with longing, then I swiftly turned away and to my surprise he didn't follow, well, I guess I got him this time. I smiled deviously.


"Good morning class, this is SAA 123 and today we will be discussing... "

He went on and on reading everything from a book, I have read all these before, and he wasn't even making it interesting, I looked around the class and virtually everyone was either sleeping or were about to. I saw a really pretty girl, she was trying not to sleep and from the way she was dressed, she looked like she came from money but the fact that she actually seemed like she wanted to be here, despite the boring lecture, was intriguing. She seemed cool and down to earth, and yep, I got all that in one look. I can be very observant. I need a friend in this school if I want to have a social life, and she's a potential candidate I said to myself. I'll try to make conversation with her after class.

Almost immediately, the lecturer started gathering his things and said "I'll take my leave now, see you all in the next class." and those magical words brought everyone to an awake state and students started leaving the class in a rush.

I decided to wait till most people had left and then the girl from earlier came up to me smiling and asked "I love your braids, where did you make it? "

"Thanks, I made it at a hair saloon close to my hostel, they are really good." I said smiling back at her

"Yea, I can see that, what's the name of the saloon? I'd like to check them out." She said

"Luscious hair saloon," I said and gave her the address

"I know that place, it's close to my hostel too. You stay at Bentley Street? " She questioned

I smiled and said "Yea I do, I'm Ese by the way."

She laughed and said " Don't mind me, I can be a bit of a questioner. I'm Eniola but you can call me Eni, so we are coursemates, and we both live close to each other, and I already really like you. We were so meant to be friends!!" She said that last part excitedly

I said, " I totally feel that way too" most people weren't so open with how they felt, but she was, and I loved that about her.

We kept on taking until we realized the class was empty, so we walked out and decided to hang out at the schools' food court that I haven't been to by the way. Eni was so excited to be my tour guide, we took a cab and on our way there I got to see other parts of the school like the health center, Law and also faculty of Medicine and then Eni told me about her childhood friend Tobi. He was in his last year as a medical student and from the way she talked about him they were obviously close, we were going to him meet at the food court.

On getting there, I was surprised cause I was expecting a cafeteria kinda thing but it was more like a big space with different restaurants in it. It looked really nice and cosy. The place was impressive! I guess that's why my dad wasn't so pissed when I chose this school instead of studying abroad, like my brother did. I just wanted to be home but still not home if you get what I mean. I didn't know much about the school before now actually, I just chose the farthest reputable school away from home.

Eni broke my line of thoughts by saying "Food court 12 has the best food in campus according to Tobi, he is a huge fish but I trust his food choices." She said with a smile

We got in and I looked around, the place was kinda dark but I liked it. It gave it this cosy vibe, the sitting area was like a booth which was cool too. There were only two couples in the restaurant, which I loved. I hate crowded places.

We found seats and ordered. While eating and talking, Eni got a text, smiled and squealed "He's here!!!"

She ran towards the door and to my surprise she jumped on him and he carried her up, her legs were wrapped around his waist, her hands on his top body, her head was on his shoulders, they looked like a couple who hadn't seen each other for a long while. Like a solider returning from war kind of scene. They were in that position for a while, they looked so cute together, it looked like she was crying now and he leaned in. It seemed like he was whispering something to her, maybe I was seeing things I'm not quite sure, this place was kinda dark and they were far away.

I decided to give them some privacy, although, it was obvious they didn't care if I saw that or not. To me that was a very intimate moment and they didn't care that others saw it too which was hella cute, I can't believe they weren't together. Eni has some explaining to do. I smiled to myself and went back to my food.

While going through my phone I was so distracted, I didn't realize when Eni sat down next to me until I heard

" You must be Ese, Eni's friend" I looked up only to see him
