
"The report that you asked for has just arrived," Sam Phillips, the chief secretary of the New York branch of UNRM said right after opening the door of the head's office. The office had a very large space. The walls and the ceiling were all white while the floor had very modern textured carpet. There was a big desk that looked very modern and had led interfaces in most parts. On the desk was placed a fifty inched transparent OLED monitor. A man could be seen behind the monitor seated at a chair of, yet again, a very sophisticated design. He was very focused on the screen.

"Come take a seat, Sam." He said finally taking his eyes off of the monitor.

Martin Oxwell, forty years old world-renowned doctor was known as the man with God's hands. He was a genius doctor who had mastered multiple disciplines of medicine by the time he reached thirty-five. With neurosurgery being his specialty he had successfully done surgeries that no other doctor would even dare to make an attempt to.

When he awakened as a god he conducted research on his own body and was the first person to reveal some secrets of the interactions between aura and the human body. The UN recognized his work and placed him as the head of the research in the New York headquarters.

"I have never seen anything like it before," He said brushing his orange hair with his fingers.

Sam who was also the pacifier of Martin sat beside him to look at the monitor. Sam had a large build so sitting beside him made Martin look very small, however, Martin was a lean man with six feet of height, It was just that Sam was a very big person. Sam looked at the monitor shrewdly. The monitor was showing CT scans of the human brain.

"It's patient no 666 again?" He asked after he read the name of the patient on the monitor, "Why are you so interested in this guy?"

Martin faced him very excitedly, "This time it's his brain, I have never seen such a mess before."

"Why can't you just work your powers on him like others? It's not like he has fourth-stage cancer and to be honest, I think you can cure even that if you find out more about your powers." He paused realizing that if there was a way he would have already done it. Sam knew the intelligence the man sitting in front of him possessed. "And I was told that they found out what god you could be," Sam said changing the subject.

"Is it really necessary to name me as a god? This feels so weird, I don't feel like a god, stop talking about it"

"But the resemblance seems uncanny, your aura hands that you use to heal your patients, they look like a Hindu god with four arms where one of his hand carries an elixir pot. One of your aura hands produces that weird thing that can heal any injury it touches. They are similar right?"

"Don't call it a weird thing," Martin said a bit Irritated, " that thing that you call weird is just another form of my aura, it is quite unique because it can perform fusion on the body of people other than myself. Seems like only I can do it. I have confirmed that not even members of the same clan can do a fusion on each other with their aura. And it has healing powers several times greater than even the strongest gods. What a fitting power to have for a doctor."

He said with a very pleased look on his face.

"Anyway you should at least know the name of the god that you resemble, It's Dhav-, Dhan-," As he struggled with the name he took out his smartphone and read the name from the report, "Dhanvantari, what a difficult name to pronounce,"

Martin cringed at the name, he did not like the idea of being called by a god's name in the first place.

"Anyway, show me the report," he said quickly shifting his focus.

"I have forwarded it to your email. They were quite surprised when you asked to do a detailed background check on a patient. Especially the things you were specific about," Sam informed him.

"You will be shocked too, this guy's body is just that interesting. " Martin said with gleaming eyes as he went through the texts on his monitor.

Then he turned towards Sam who was waiting to be surprised as martin promised him.

"Kael Rai, the a 20 years old male, was originally brought here after being victimized by a psychopath awakened about a month ago. His Upper body was completely damaged by the aura of that god to the point that his organs could barely function. It was destruction at the cellular level. Any normal person would have died within minutes with that kind of Injury." Martin got up from his seat unable to contain the excitement. Sam just stared at him waiting for him to calm down and carry on with the explanation.

"They brought him to me so I could rejuvenate the damaged parts because only I can heal the injuries of bodies that have been exposed to the aura. He was in a completely vegetative state and barely alive. But here's the thing, When I tried to use my aura on him my aura got completely blocked. I could not make my aura penetrate his body beyond his skin."

"Why?" Sam asked, the story was definitely getting interesting for him as well.

"Turns out there was a barrier made of aura that surrounded his body," Martin said slowly while checking Sam's reaction simultaneously.

"An aura? So he is awakened? How come I have never sensed the aura, he is just two floors below us right now."

"I know right? His aura barrier is resilient enough to completely block my aura but it's so stationary that it does not emanate past that exact point. It does not radiate so the manameters do not detect it. I could only tell that there was an aura after my own aura made contact with it. But things became more interesting when I checked his organs. They are healing themselves but very slowly. It's like his aura has an automated self-defense mechanism system. Self-healing is a complex process that requires focus, how is he doing it when he is basically brain dead?"

Martin came back to his seat again and zoomed on the CT scans on his monitor with the gesture of his fingers, "Then I thought maybe something is going on inside his brain, maybe he has some kind of unique brain to be able to do such a thing while being 90 percent brain dead but take a look at this,"

Sam shrewdly stared at the scans for a few seconds. He was shocked when he noticed something strange.

"Is that a tumor?" He asked.

"Are those, Sam, Are those," Martin corrected him.

Sam looked again, The multiple slides of scans. As he looked closely he found out there was not one but three tumors in this brain.

"Holy shit." Sam could not believe his eyes.

"But things get even more interesting after this," Martin tapped Sam's shoulders, "first of all what tumor is this can you tell me?" martin quizzed Sam.

"Certainly looks benign, but wait- that structure, Craniopharyngioma?" Sam immediately looked at Martin for confirmation.

"Correct, and from the looks of it, it was there from his childhood. People who have Craniopharyngioma in their childhood have an abnormal body, their lean muscles do not form in most cases and they do not grow. But this guy is five feet eight inches with a perfect BM index. For an Asian guy that is better than average. It's like the tumor had no effect on him at all."

Martin browsed to the next scan on his monitor.

"Now look at this tumor, This is on the frontal lobe and it's affecting quite a large area but according to the report we just received, this guy is a computer engineering graduate with grades that are better than average. He has always been slightly above average in his academic performance. With a tumor affecting this much of his frontal lobe, he should not even be able to do simple mathematical addition. He should have been extremely autistic with an underdeveloped body, heck he should be looking like Gollum, he should be unable to speak, learn or comprehend languages. He should not even have proper motor functions. But he has lived an average life with no complications except that he is a bit of an introvert and suffers from some very common mental disorders. I believe he was diagnosed with a mild case of ADHD."

Martin rested his chin on his fist and got lost in his thoughts for a while. Sam was still trying to process all the things martin said. Martin then took a long breath and started muttering to himself but that was audible and comprehensive to Sam.

"Here's what I don't understand though, Is his brain condition not affecting him at all or is he able to live normally even with those conditions in full effect? With such a brain condition He should be delegated to only about 20 percent of normal human capabilities. Does this mean, 20 percent of his potential is already enough to match an average healthy human? What would he be like if did not have those conditions?"

He laughed to himself tilting his head upwards and looking at the roof then he turned to Sam and said, "I think this guy was originally born to be a genius."

Sam just stared at him, it was like they had found an eighth wonder of the world. He went on to look at the scans over and over again thoughtlessly.

His incoherent train of thoughts was interrupted by his phone.

"What is it?" He said to a woman's voice who then said something that martin did not hear as he was not interested.

"The head won't be taking any appointments today and why do you sound so excited?" He asked as he could tell the woman was quite flustered.

He suddenly looked serious, "Who?" His tone grabbed Martin's attention, "Sir, it's from the reception desk. Someone is asking to meet you."

"Who?" Martin raised his eyebrows.

"I don't know her but according to our receptionist who apparently seems to be on the verge of passing out, It's some unusually attractive famous singer,"

Martin then finally noticed an aura that was very enticing and intimidating at the same time, emanating from the ground floor. He stood up immediately with a shocked face when he realized that it was the same aura he sensed from the patient they had been talking about all along.