Scuffle at the HQ

"Come in,"

Sam opened the door for the beautiful young lady who stood proudly in her business attire. Her black blazer that was slightly nipped around her waist on the top of her white button-down shirt emphasized her perfect feminine figure. The slim black trousers and heeled loafer added to her "seems just right" height. She also had a grey chiffon scarf which she occasionally used to cover her face around places where identification wasn't needed.

She was accompanied by a man in all white standing behind her. Both of them had very humble looks on their faces but the presence that they radiated was quite intimidating. It was difficult to tell whether they had a personal or professional relationship with each other.

Martin would not normally get up from his seat regardless of who visited him but this time he had a hunch that he must greet them properly. He stood up as his display of courtesy while being baffled, at the same time, by the beauty in front of him.

Sam introduced martin as the head of the research department.

"You mean the entire UNRM?" Davidson asked.

"I am only associated with research and discoveries mostly," Martin answered.

"My name is Daniel Davidson and this is Miss Ivanna, we are here to-"

"It's about the man named Kael, I assume," Martin signaled them to be seated.

"You sensed the aura," Davidson looked at Martin to confirm.

" Hard to ignore such a potent aura don't you think?" Martin smiled at Ivanna.

He had not heard of her as a singer but he was getting very curious about her. Being the head of research, Martin had the opportunity to examine many top-level gods that worked for the UN.

Even the gods that were at the pinnacle of an Awakened now had the same magnitude of aura that she was radiating when they were newly Awakened. If she was newly awakened and already had this kind of Mana, She had immense potential.

He raised his eyebrows at Sam which meant "Go do a background check on these people," without the two noticing but of course they noticed, but Martin did not notice that they had noticed.

Sam excused himself from the room and quickly headed towards the information department.

"I get that you are here to visit Mr. Kael, but could you please elaborate on that?"

Martin asked.

"Well, to be honest, we don't know much about this person either," Davidson took on the role of being the converser, "We were just following his aura which led us here. We don't even know his name or what he looks like."

Davidson told him the truth.

Meanwhile, Marcellus and Yahiko were on the ground floor of the building. It was right under a very big dome. The headquarter building had quite a budget invested into it to make it high-tech and sturdy enough to handle accidents that might occur as the headquarter had to deal with a lot of Awakened. The ground floor was a large open space almost the size of half of a football ground with reinforced walls on the perimeter of the dome. It was like a playground but the one that had fires and aura projectiles flying around all the time. A normal person was prohibited to enter the dome. The Dome, however, was only one-fifth of the building. Above the dome, the building was a helix structure. The administrative department was on the top floor which was about a hundred meters above the ground. The main research and medical department were between the dome and the administrative departments.

"What a huge place," Marcellus said looking at the ceiling of the dome that was transparent. The sunlight pierced into the dome through a small opening which was about 20 percent of the area of the dome.

"Are all these people awakened?" Yahiko asked, involuntarily brushing through a crowd that was mainly composed of youngsters. The center had a few awakened who were doing all sorts of things with their aura. There were a lot of people around the edges and most of them were just chit-chatting.

They were all awakened, of course. A few of them were new trainees for the UN task force. Some were newly awakened who came for their aura registration.

As they walked towards the center, all the eyes turned towards them. Everyone carefully observed the two new faces as they walked through without noticing that they were the cause of the obscured commotion. Some merely got curious because they were new faces. The young females in particular were more attentive because the two stood out in terms of appearance than the rest of the men in the crowd.

As they were slowly walking beside each other, Yahiko felt someone tap his shoulder. He turned to look behind him and met a pair of very arrogant eyes. A blonde man who stood slightly taller than Yahiko was staring at him. Yahiko knew that look very well. He used to get those a lot back in his school.

Marcellus only realized what was happening after he had already walked a few steps ahead. There were two other guys behind the man that stopped Yahiko. As Marcellus looked around he noticed that the five of them had already been isolated by the crowd and they had become the center of the attention.

"What do you want?" Yahiko asked the guy, intently trying not to avoid the eyes of the cocky fellow at all cost.

Back at the office, Martin was glued to his tablet trying to conceal his confusion with a very serious look. He tried his best to make it look like he was looking at something work-related. However, he was looking at the pages of personal information of the two guests in front of him.

The shocking part for him was that it was too short and very basic. Usually, the information agency always sent a full life history of the person in question but this time the result was too brief.

There was basically no other information about Ivanna other than the fact that she grew up in an orphanage and later became a world-renowned singer. The companies she worked with and everything related to her work was mentioned but that could easily be found on a Wikipedia page.

Davidson was shown as a 70-year-old businessman who owned a hotel in Florida.

No families, nothing as you would expect from regular people.

Martin wondered how much information he should reveal to them about Kael. He had already told them about his injuries and physical state, he still had not talked about his tumors and the aura barrier. He decided to take a safer approach to this.

"Before I tell you more or let you visit him, I must ask you to register your aura, We cannot allow any unregistered awakened to receive the information about our patients."

Davidson and Ivanna looked at each other. They had already discussed it beforehand. At first, Davidson was reluctant to get himself or anyone from the clan to be registered. However, his identity had already been discovered by The Mist-man they fought, so any further effort was all for naught now.

"Sure, we have no problem with that," Ivanna spoke to Martin for the first time.

"To be honest it's very surprising to see that a God of your level had not been discovered already, usually it's the people from UNRM who find the exceptional awakened people like you but this time it looks like you found us."

Martin said in a much friendlier tone after they agreed to register.

" I awakened in a very isolated place so there was no way to set off Manameters that are placed in the major cities, and I should let you know, I'm only the pacifier," Ivanna quickly corrected Martin.

That did not come off as much surprise to Martin, He had a hunch that Kael wasn't normal.

"So that guy is the God, after all, There's actually a very interes-" he was cut off by a sudden rise of aura making its way from the ground floor. Usually, The surroundings of the Hq would always be abundant of aura residuals because of all the Awakened gathered in the dome but if the aura was raised to be this intense, it meant someone was about to fight.

"You are one rude guy, anyone ever fucking told you that before?" Anthony Treslo, a recently registered Angel class follower swore at Yahiko.

" Oh really? my dad did tell me that I have a bad habit of coming off too rude when talking to assholes," Yahiko nonchalantly answered back.

Marcellus burst out in laughter behind Yahiko,

" I didn't know you could make jokes,"

Yahiko just ignored Marcellus because these guys were getting on his nerves more than him.

Anthony and the two others had already channeled their aura which was causing the temperature to rise in that particular area.

" We are the angels of the god that recently entered the S grade, didn't you know?"

Anthony walked straight to Yahiko and grabbed him by his collar. The two guys behind him created a basketball-sized fireball in each of their hands. The fireball looked highly pressurized.

" What grade are you? All three of us are B grade angels, can you go up against that?"

Marcellus realized that Yahiko was wearing his favorite jacket. Yahiko was very delicate about his jacket. He took extra care in washing and drying it. He wanted to go to his grave with that jacket on him.

"Umm, you don't want to touch his jacket," Marcellus playfully warned the guy in a soft voice.

"look man, I didn't finish my high school so I don't know what grades you are talking about," Yahiko replied calmly but that was just a facade.

"On the top of thinking you are cool, you think you are funny too,"

Anthony said as his nostrils flared up. He was not taking any insults. They had been a hotshot group ever since their God reached the top fifty level. Generally, high-tier awakened only visited the research center for scheduled tests or treatments. Anthony and his group had been there for three days for various checkups as their mana pool had suddenly improved. They were the strongest at the research center since they had arrived.

"Is that guy really picking a fight with Anthony? All of the angels of that group are B tier Angels, the highest tier of angels, what is he thinking?"

"No, A tier is the highest for an angel, B is the second-highest"

"Well, yeah but that is starting tier for gods, The angels who can reach that tier are very few and exceptional,"

"Yeah, B-tier angels are conventionally the strongest ones that only gods of S tier can have. Those other guys haven't even emitted aura, are they going to be fine?"

Some random people in the crowd were talking, Most of them were scared of Anthony's group. It was because they had already shown their powers in the dome before. They could easily take on about half of those people with just three of them.

Anthony directed his aura towards his hand that was grabbing onto Yahiko's collar. When the aura started transforming into what looked like a fire, Marcellus immediately grabbed his hand and clutched it hard enough so that Anthony let go of Yahiko due to the pain.

"Why are you butting in?" Yahiko asked, stopping himself from releasing his aura.

"Mr. Davidson told us not to draw attention, just back off easy,"

Marcellus let go of Anthony's hand. Anthony stepped back quickly and stood there staring at Marcellus's hands.

"I could not sense or see him coating his hands with aura, that was too precise and too fast," He thought to himself.

Everyone who was watching looked at each other and whispered. It was the first time someone had made Anthony back down in a fight.

Anthony noticed the change in atmosphere and thought of ways to redeem himself. The two guys behind him waited for him to make a move first while powering up their fireballs.

"But he did not have any noticeable mana pool, They are probably highly skilled at mana manipulation but lack the firepower, I have seen a lot of those before," Anthony convinced himself and proceeded to do a full-body fusion. With his fiery aura, His body looked like a red hot iron.

He quickly lunged behind Yahiko and threw a burning roundhouse kick towards him. He was already assured of victory because Yahiko had not reacted, he had not even turned back to face him. however, just as his foot was just about a few inches away from his head Yahiko let out his aura immediately that caused a strong gust of wind.

The wind also carried a wave of aura that completely snuffed out the fireballs the other two guys had created. Yahiko easily grabbed Anthony's foot completely nullifying the impact of the kick. Anthony hadn't even realized that Yahiko had already turned back and was facing him now.

Yahiko let out a burst of maniacal laughter while holding on to his feet tightly. Anthony could not free himself, he felt his bones in his forefoot cracking. He whimpered in pain while the unease caused by the black aura made it worse. His other foot gave away and now he was just being hung by the foot that Yahiko had held hostage.

"So this is what a B tier is. If an insect like you is B tier then that must make me S plus ultra max infinity tier right?" Yahiko tightened his grip, "Right?"

Anthony whimpered, his friends were just frozen in their places as Yahiko's aura was still striking their consciousness like a dreadful gale.

The people who were witnessing it were also all frozen in their places. they dared not look at Yahiko. He was making a fool out of the guy who was really strong in his own right. In addition to that, Yahiko's face at that moment was outright scary like a monster of a horror movie.

Marcellus facepalmed himself.

"There's no way Mr. Davidson did not notice that," He thought to himself and sighed while slowly losing the will to stop Yahiko.

"Let me show you what a real kick looks like," said Yahiko and threw Anthony up in the air. He was launched about eight meters above the ground. Everyone had their eyes on Anthony as the tilt of their head followed Anthony's ascent and descent.

Meanwhile, Yahiko was preparing his own roundhouse kick. As he entered his approach position, everyone there could swear that they heard him breathing in as if it was howling wind and with that Anthony was regretting ever crossing paths with this lunatic. He was about to pass out from his fear of death as he slowly fell towards his impending doom.

"You are not really going to-" Marcellus stopped as he sensed two strong aura suddenly appear out of nowhere. And before he could locate the source of it, It flared up. He saw a white aura flying towards Yahiko, This was all happening within seconds. Other people present had not noticed and only Marcellus could see it but it was already too late to react to it.


The ground that had been turned to ice held Yahiko's left foot. The joints of all his limbs were frozen, He was stuck in that position like a statue. Anthony dropped to the ground, Immediately picked himself up, and distanced himself from Yahiko.

Suddenly the air turned chilly and everybody started exhaling fogs. Half the area of the Dome was already covered in Ice.

Marcellus looked at the exact location of the source of the aura and saw two people who stood out in the crowd. Yahiko wanted to turn to that location but his frozen neck prevented him from turning his head.

Suddenly one guy from the crowd shouted grabbing everyone's attention," What are the top two of the Poseidon's clan doing here?"