
Chapter 6: It's a date, isn't it ?

Vanessa's father's thoughts during the search

Where can she can be ? We searched her everywhere in the town, I still can't believe she could've done that picking a werewolf and running off with him on top of that. "So, did you find something?", I asked the guard.And they replied "no, your majesty and this was the last quarter we had to look for". "Are you sure ? Have you looked well in every corner ?", I asked them one more time. "Yes, your highness, unfortunately we didn't found her," they replied. "Alright, let's go back to the castle the sun will rise soon, we will continue the research tomorrow evening. Ah! And call the Trackers, I want them at the castle as soon as possible, tell them it's their King who calls them."

(The trackers are hybrid vampire hunters who lives in the Ice Forest Kingdom and are immune to the sun's rays, trained from childhood to kill and track the most dangerous of criminals, they are devoid of emotions. When they have a prey they will not let go until they catch it or even kill it, and they will stop at nothing when they have received an order not even the king can stop them. There are only two vampire kingdom, officially Ice Forest is not really considered as a real kingdom, nor is it part of Ofren or Criviel. Ice Forest is formed by tall dark forests where the snow fall all the year, its slogan is "Watchers in the shade, Serving to protect Fatherland". Many of the Trackers watch over the borders separating Humans, Vampires and Werewolves Kingdom. )

Vanessa's thoughts in her way to the castle

Wow !! I didn't believe that I do that, well it was just a kiss on his cheek, but why my heart was beating so fast after that and I another feeling like I was on a little cloud. But I didn't stay there long because I heard a firm and angry voice that I recognize very well says "where do you think you were going like that young laides ?" It was my father voice. I was very surprised and my heart still pounded so fast but not like earlier, it was like that because of the fear. I was afraid of what I might see if I turned around. But yet I had to do it and there when I turned around I saw my fahter, Richard and his father. When I looked at my father I can see anger and disappointment in his face, this the very first time that I see him like that. I knew what I have done was inexcusable and unforgivable especially towards Richard, he was very nice and kind with me all the time but I preferred embarassing him in front of everyone and I can see anger and a thirst of answers in his expression and when i looked at him he looked away, only anger was in his father's face. I knew that there will be no escape, I have to face them.

"George, I'm sure that your daughter gets the punishment she deserves for what she has done after all she humiliates us in front of everyone", said Richard's father with an angry voice. "Father, I swear that I can explain everything. I ..." but he didn't let me finish my sentence and said with a loud and firm voice which was echoing in all the ballroom "be quiet !!! I don't want to hear anything," he waited a bit before saying " I'm way too angry now that I can't talk to you", with a more softened voice that earlier but still loud yet. I immediately tried to explain myself and said "but ...".

He interrupted me and said "yet I said I didn't want to hear anything !! Go up to your room right now and you will be there until I give you the order, did I make my self clear ?"like rock water I answered him and left running very fast that I even tripped while going up the stairs I was angry that he did not even give me time to explain When I got to my room I slammed the door behind me loud enough that we could hear even in the ballroom. I stayed there all day as he said at the same time I couldn't go anywhere since it was daylight.

I waited all day for my father to talk to me but no he did not come, instead my mother came knocking on my door several times to see how I was but I refused anything to be returned to me visit. the sun was setting and gradually it was starting to darken, while I was lost in my thoughts I remembered something 'wear something casual and comfortable and meet me hear at 9 pm'. Oh my goodness !! My date you with Eric.

I then hurried to get dressed so as not to be late and finally finished half an hour before the date. I went to join him at the top of the hill near the tree where we chatted, he was already there. He was wearing a white T-shirt over which he wore a lightly faded denim jacket, black pants and white sneakers then he rolled over with his comb to the side on some brown haired shorts that were a bit messy because of the wind blowing on it.

"Hi I'm sorry if I was a little late for our date and letting you wait for me." I hesitated before asking in it to him "Uh,... tell me it's a date isn't it ?". "Hey, uhmmm ... Yeah!! I mean of... of course" he said stammering" before saying "and don't worry, I got there rather that's it. Wow !!! You are ..." "Is there any problem ?" I said quickly without letting him finished his sentence. "No, no. You are just really gorgeous tonight". I felt warmth on my cheeks when he said that.

Luckily, that there was only the light of the moon to shine on us and he was not seen to blush. "Uhmm, thanks. So where are we going ?" "Well, I wanted that we do something that you have never done before. That's why I got us tickets to a hyper-connected night out in town. What do you say ?" "That sounds awesome. Let's go!!" I replied with an enthusiastic voice.