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"Then what is your last question?"

"You told me not to get involved with the three over there who are always watching us."

"Yeah they are trouble so you shouldn't get involved with them. "

"Can you tell me about them? "

"Okay listen so you wouldn't mess with them. The one in the middle with a short hair with a fair build of body who looks at us and always annoyed when seeing me is Iglot he is the eldest, next is the one standing behind him with a long hair and with a thin body his name is Ilyot the second son of the datu and finally last is Cerlot the youngest and the only daughter of our Datu she is a beauty that many men adore here I don't care about ther anyway I just know she is just a young girl who is always tag along with his brothers but the other two are different Iglot is a warrior like me, but he got a short temper that always want to cause trouble, Ilyot on the other side he might not be not be as strong as Iglot but he is a schemer and that is why the only thing that Iglot lacks, he was the one covering for it. He makes false accusations that would get you in trouble so beware of him or he might frame you up, many people had already fallen for his scheme and he victimized them and got punished worst is even killed. Its better to avoid him at all cost. "

"I see, I'll remember that. I can tell from the looks of the two guys that they are up to no good but Cerlot I think is different. You said she was just a tag along right? "

"Yes she is a young child who always praise his brothers from what I hear. "

I see, so thats how it is -- Cerlot really is a tricky one.

"Actually it was Cerlot who approached me and requested me join the competition I planned to turn her down but she proposed that if I win, she will give me anything anything I want. "

"What--!? When did this happen? The youngest approached you? That Cerlot? I haven't seen her stepped away from her brother even once this might be a scheme of Ilyot so be careful."

"Thats also what I was thinking earlier it might be a plot made by his brother but I doubt it. She may not be the person you think she is, what you hear and what I saw that day are totally different persons the Cerlot that approached me was very smart and cunning maybe even better than his brothers."

"When did she approach you?"

"A week ago, ofcourse I rejected her when she requested that I join but she changed the reward for winning."

"And what was the reward she gave?"

"Marriage, if I won she said she would offer herself and marry me what do you think?"

"Well this definitely surprises me. I don't doubt what you have said and I don't think you are also lying but have you heared?"

"Heard what?"

"That girl isn't interested on marrying anyone." said by Norja who suddenly joined the conversation and spoke.

"That's right Cerlot rejected every guy who asked for her hand in marriage and I'm talking about all the men other than me and Norja I think all of them were rejected that's also why the current Datu knew no one was still worthy take the role of Datu from him. Thats why I'm surprised that Cerlot approached someone and requested that you join even more if you win the tournament she even made the reward a personal one which was to marry her."

"What do you think?"

"If this is true then its a big deal."

"But it could also be a trap"

"There is only one way to find out. I am gonna join. "

"Really? Then I could take my revenge earlier than expected Haha-- "

"I wont lose this time little brother so be prepared and get ready."

"Then I would now teach you both new things that would surely make you even stronger I doubt that in three weeks you will get stronger instantly but you would be atleast better than you are now. "


I explained to them what changes they would have to do.

First I made Norja changes his weapon unlike what they usually use, I asked him to use a shield and a sword.

He had a hard time adding something new to his style but its a waste when he only uses one handed sword.

I want him to wear a full plate armor like a knight would wear since he got a huge body and it would totally suit his style he doesn't have to move that much and he have a strong strike that would perfectly match his defense.

But sadly they don't have armors being made I don't have to think about it that much but in the future I would surely teach them how to make one. Its fairly easy to make after all.

Next is Ales -- .

I had a hard time convincing him. I made him change from sword to spear.

On a fight its stupid to ask who will win when a swordsman and a spearman fought.

The answer is so obvious, the devastating range advantage of the spear would make it harder for the opponent to attack.

Ales was quite fast but he lacks a finishing blow, it was fatal you don't want your enemy to know you can't finish him on the first strike.

Ales has quick reflexes and good decision making which makes him a great warrior it would be hard for him to adapt to something new when all he used as weapon all his life was a sword.

He would realize it as soon as he practice using it regularly.

Example both people who are about to fight were both beginner and its their first time holding a weapon and you gave the other one a sword and the other a spear.

If they fought no matter what happens the spear will always win.

Its a different matter when a beginner fought a warrior using a sword, but when both are equal it will be decided based on their weapons.

After I told them what weapon they would use I asked both of them to fight with me.