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Winner and Loser

"So which one of you wants to go first?"

"Then I shall go first."

Norja wants to go huh?

"You have to use a shield against me but you have to remember what I told you.

Shield are used to protect yourself most of the time but you can use it to assist your offense. Focus on your enemies attack and block his strike mid-way.

That would throw him off guard and use that opportunity to attack him.

Remember how I fought Ales before that is what you are trying to do. Try to defeat me using all of your might and fight me. "

"Then lets start this time I'll win for sure."

Norja picked up his sword and shield and positioned himself.

Eh -- Now I realize how advantageous he is having a bigger and stronger body he really is scary up front.

Unlike before he isn't striking as recklessly as before and waited for my attack.

I strike him with my spear but it was easily blocked.

Our fight continued like that and a little bit later I won against him.

I barely won against him -- I only exploited the critical weakness of the shield which is the movement of the sword is limited while holding a large shield you can only swing your sword at a certain position.

Since it was his first time using the shield it was fairly easy to defeat him knowing the leg was always a weakspot when using a shield I kept moving on his blind side and strike him with my spear.

Using a spear gave me the clear advantage, I can attack and retreat fast enough and land him another strike which resulted to his loss.

"You got me quite good there, I noticed you kept going for my lower side. "

"You became horrifyingly strong -- you just have to overcome that weakness with enough practice -- but I almost lost seriously."

"Haha! That's good to hear but I noticed I wasn't exhausted as much unlike before."

"Yes that is the result of what you are doing for the past whole week, looks like its paying off. You just need to keep doing it regularly while practicing the shield."

"Also --- haaaaa. . . I'm exhausted, too much movement made me tired right away I don't think I can fight with Ales anymore so I'll ask a favor, you aren't tired are you? Then could I ask you to fight Ales for me."

"I'm not tired yet, after all, I'm just starting---also I want to know with the current me and Ales who will win between the two of us so leave it to me and rest you have done enough. "

"I'm surprised you even lasted that long."

Ales said while readying himself against his fight with Norja.

"Are you ready?"

"I'm not comfortable with spears but I have been watching you since earlier so I think I know what to do."

"The spear is a mid-range weapon-- always remember to keep a safe distance between you and Norja use your reach advantage. "

"Okay I got it --"

"Done taking your lessons Ales? HAHA!"

"Shut up, this is your second time fighting him and miserably lost --Haha!"

"That's that, we are different, Asterio was pretty skilled but I don't know about you, I have been expanding my stamina I can't imagine losing to anyone at the moment. "

"You really are bastard aren't you Norja, when it comes to me why do you alwyas keep talking to as if I'm not your friend. "

"I'm gonna be the best not you HAHA!"

"Say whatever you want you already lost."

They started fighting this time the one to attack first was Norja --

Haven't this guy learned? Why does he always rush in.

No-- his decision was right if he want to win he can't let Ales gain some distance.

Ales also retreated to maintain his range but Norja didn't let him do what he wanted and kicked Ales.

Ales is down to his knee but he recovered fast enough to retreat, he no longer stepped back and decided to confront him.

He stabs his spear only to get blocked, he immediately pulled back and attacked again.

Ales is gonna lose for sure his attacks were so obvious and Norja with a shield cannot lose with such an obvious trajectory.

Clearly Ales was agile but he lost all his advantage when Norja closed at him. The first kick decided the entire match Ales lost so easily like that, guess I will hand this victory to Norja he really learned a lot from his battle against me.


"Congrats Norja you fought well now you have became stronger than Ales -- you just have to keep practicing daily to improve bit-by-bit."

"It's because I used a different weapon if I used my sword I would never have lost."

"Saying excuses-- that's so like you."

"Norja stop that, "

". . . I was just teasing the loser a little bit Hahaha!"


"Ales don't mind him, that's only for today the real fight will start in a few weeks before the tournament both of you will practice everyday specially you Ales don't worry I'll teach you how to use the spear effectively.

When I was watching its clear as day what your flaw is. The trajectory of your spear is so predictable that's why Norja could always block or avoid it 100% of the time."

"If it were only a sword I ---"

"You would lose without a doubt.

Today you are not the strongest.

The world is wide there are many more warriors stronger than you are.

What matters is how to become stronger.

Starting tomorrow both of you will practice and fight so don't worry you can take your revenge tomorrow."

"There are such warriors?"

"Certainly there are much stronger than you have imagined."

"Hear that Norja? "

"Yeah -- If Asterio is saying such monsters exist then we must train harder to surpass them right?"

"You're right-- but first I will have you lose tomorrow. "

"HAHAHA--bring it loser."

"Tsk- I'll show you bastard."

Are they really friends? -- More like enemies.

So this is what they call having rivals huh --

But first I have to inform Cerlot of our participation.

I'm sure that girl is watching us from afar.

When I looked at their usual spot, only the two were there and Cerlot is missing.

Where could that girl be?

"Hello Asterio -- were you looking for me?"