Future wife

Chloe couldn't accept being left out by her mother and grandmother in regards to visiting Liam's place.

"I also want to go!"

Grandpa Yang also wanted to see his grandson's reaction and therefore they agreed to call him with an excuse of wanting him to join his family for a meal.

On the top floor of Yang Cooperation, a man was silently reviewing his documents when his personal phone went off.

Only his family members and friends were able to get access to him through it and therefore, he picked the phone without checking the caller.

For a moment, he felt regretful not checking as soon as he heard his grandma's voice. He knew she was up to no good the moment her dramatic wail sounded on the other side of the ohone.

Was it too late to hang up?

 "Wu wu wu! My unfilial grandson doesn't want to visit his grandma! Do you want these old bones to visit your penthouse everyday? Wu wu wu! Just come to the mansion today evening and share a meal with your family, your brother and sister are also... "

Grandma's Yang loud, dramatic voice sounded on the the other side of the phone. Before she could finish her sentence, Liam responded "Grandma calm down, you know I am working on a project, I work till late at night but I will avail myself tonight."

"Good good child! Come early!" She did not even wait for a reply and directly hung up. Her voice had done an immediate switch from dramatic to normal the moment he gave an affirmative response.

Liam sighed helplessly. He could perfectly handle people within the business circle but when it came to his family, he was completely and entirely helpless, especially his grandma. Not that was complaining, but she sure was skilled in testing his patience. Despite that, he was in fact happy someone genuinely checks on him.

He has never had an interest in love and relationships, mainly because he has never met a woman who will see him as a man, want to genuinely love him and not see him as a pot of gold. One might try to bash him for thinking that way but looking at how he was raised and how his parents and grandparents cling to each other even in their old ages, he knew that all he had to do was be patient. To love and be loved. 

Personally he has high standards for his future wife, a strong woman who can stand by him. Being the Young Master of an influential family, there were many enemies in the dark, and if the woman standing by his side is weak and defenseless then he can be easily ruined. Furthermore, having a woman who is only after money and status was dangerous because what if his enemies offered her pots of gold? Won't he have brought down his family alongside himself? 

He wanted a woman, not a little girl who will cower before men.

Involuntarily, The scene where Jane boldly slapped Edward and crushed his ego played in his head.

He lightly chuckled as he leaned back into his executive seat,

"Jane Lu, looks like you caught this big boy's attention." A rare sincere smile was plastered in his face. Maybe, just maybe she is the one? At some point, he felt like she is his female version.

On the other hand, Jane was silently reviewing her documents when she suddenly sneezed.

"Mmh..Seems like I am catching a cold." If only she knew that the Yang family has been mentioning her the whole day!

At that moment, her phone rang and she immediately picked it. "Good afternoon Madam. we have done as per your command, the company will release a statement shortly."

A serious, emotionless female voice was heard on the other end.

"Good job." Jane affirmatively replied and immediately hung up.

She sank into her chair as straightened the crease between her brows, wondering what she was thinking to entangle herself with such losers.

"Surprise!! I am back!" Her office door was suddenly slammed open, and in came a beautiful blonde woman.

"You know if you get your ass out of your chair and hug me you won't die woman!" The blonde girl spoke, her face full of gentleness, as she pouted her lips cutely.

Jane laughed and immediately got up, pulling her into a tight hug.

"I missed you cousin. A lot happened since you left. He even cheated on me with your stupid step-sister."

Jane's hug became tighter as she spoke to her cousin. At the moment, she was not the mighty queen of the business world, but a fragile girl sharing her experience with her cousin and best friend.

The air around seemed to freeze for a second, before Rose tried to restrain her aura.

Rose patted her back as she comforted her, "Calm down sister. Tell me everything and I will help you teach those bastards a lesson." She spoke to her in a soothing voice to calm her down, but the hostility and sharpness in her voice couldn't be mistaken. She was mad, but she was trying so much to calm herself down.

After all, she was here to comfort her best friend.

Jane broke the hug and took her hand leading her to the couch. She also made sure to lock her office door.