JL Entertainment

The girl who just slammed Jane's door is Rose Lu. She is her cousin and Anna Lu is her step sister. Rose's father, Jonathan Lu cheated on his wife and ended up having an illegitimate daughter and when Rebecca Lu ran away with her daughter after getting tired of her husband's infidelity, he brought in Anna and her mother.

This is the main reason why Jane and Anna do not get along, she will obviously support her cousin and bestfriend. It would have not been a problem if Anna could be a kind and sweet girl. Everyone who have been good to her but she is a back stabbing manipulator. No one would want to be friends with such a girl.

Rose is a beautiful blonde girl with big hazel eyes and a slender perfect figure for a model. She has her curves settled right in place.

Because of her wonderful looks, she started debuting as a model and today, she rules the entertainment industry as the queen.Together with Jordan Yang, they are the highest paid artists.

They are both under JL Entertainment. The biggest entertainment company in the country. It is said that the president is mysterious and only a few people have seem him/her physically. The truth is that only Rose and the vice president have seen her. Yes,the President is a female.

JL stands for Jane Lu and when founded the company, she decided to keep her identity a secret so as to focus more on Lu cooperation.

As unlucky as Anna is, she is also an artist under JL.

Jane narrated everything to Rose without leaving a single piece of information out. Rose gave her a tight hug when she heard it all. This girl does not deserve it! She is fragile and soft deep down but very tough in the open. Only she knows how much Jane struggles to trust people. Growing up handling a business, it has been so hard to trust people but once she trusts you, she gives it her all, only for that bastard to break her!

"Cousin, do you want me to break his toes, pull that stupid girl's hair, mess with her surgery or make that bastard have nightmares?" Rose asked casually as she held her best friend's hand.

Jane laughed hard knowing what she clearely meant by all that.

"You don't need to worry cousin. I got them where I want them to be and every action they are taking is what I expected." Jane replied calmly. "Enough of me woman tell me how your shooting session was." She diverted her attention since talking about those fools bored her.

"Right right, you know I met a handsome man, he got a fine body but he was such a.... "

Just like that the two bestfriends spent their time laughing as Rose shared her one month experience in Country A.

Nicole, Jane's assistant who was about to knock her President's office door heard a loud laughter and stopped. She smiled broadly knowing the President's cousin is around. She was so worried about her boss but now that madam Rose is around, she is sure her boss is relaxed and at least smiling.