Love can still be beautiful

People stood up as they clapped for the couple as Edward put a ring on her finger.

"Awww.. he really loves her!"

"But I still think he shouldn't have cheated on Jane."

"I am glad he did! Look at Jane next to a perfect man who actually deserves her!"

Despite the many claps, there were also those who couldn't keep their mouths shut as there were different opinions about the couple.

The Chen couple together with Anna's parents stood up and headed for the stage as they waved continuously to the crowd as if they were some celebrities.

"I would also like to thank you all for attending today's event and especially our in laws, the mighty Lu family! A round of applause for them please!"

Mr Chen spoke as he ran his eyes across the venue as if to remind his competitors who his in-laws were but the people in question did not even smile reminding the crowd of Anna's position in the family.