Soon to be husband

She stopped for a while and took a breathe.

"Stay together with someone who loves you unconditionally. Let me tell you something about the man holding me right now."

Unknowingly, a beautiful smile got plastered on her face.

"If someone could have told me months back that I was going to fall head over heels for Liam, I am sure I would have laughed all day but look at me now, I am indeed head over heels for him.."

Liam immediately turned around and stared at her but the girl just gave him a smile as she continued.

"Today, right now, I can compare him to water, I can't survive without him, at all. Falling in love with him for me is like listening to your favourite song every single day, it never gets old.."

"I am 100% sure that he is the man I want to spend my life with."

The venue was completely silent as both of their mothers and grandmothers were silently tearing up, with their husbands proudly comforting them.