
Mary cleared her mind before a maid knocked on her door to inform her to head down for a meal. She didn't think much on the fact that the time for meals had suddenly been divided into two by her in laws. If only she knew they had a hint she might be pregnant, not forgetting the fact that they already knew of her secret identity!

On Mark and Lisa's side, after the two left the Award's ceremony, the man couldn't keep still when he noticed his girl's expression. He knew that Lucas was her ex and he was afraid she was going to be triggered after seeing Lucas having sex with the same girl whom they conived with to kill her.

"Are you okay love?" He asked in a low voice as he drove towards his own house. Lisa nodded before giving him a reply. The man sighed in relief but upon noticing that her expression didn't change, he became worried that he had to pack the car on the side of the road to truly confirm if she was okay.