Bring it on Country X!

Anna on the other hand was awoken by a call, not one but numerous calls at once. After she arrived home the previous night, knowing she had 'sorted' out the matter about her infidelity, the girl slept like a baby in assumptions that all was well.

Her phone kept on ringing contiously making the girl feel like she needed to kill someone.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?" The girl shouted impatiently the moment she picked up her phone only for a booming voice to come from the other end.

"You whore! You ruined my family's reputation!!" upon hearing mother Chen's voice from the other end the girl quickly gained her senses as she sat up straight.

"Hehe.. Auntie what is wrong? Why are..." She started her statement in a careful manner upon noticing the temper of the woman on the other end.

She did not finish her statement when the woman on the other end erupted once again. "Just go read the news you disgusting whore!!"