This book will be officially over in 2 or 3 days time. 

Comment if you want the next part in this book itself or in separate book? 

Add the 'Mr. Heartbreaker & Me!' , it is updated with it's first chapter. 

Do add the new fantasy romance, 'The Battle for Power: The Vampire Princess and the Lost Werewolf Prince' 

Donate GT, vote n gift...pls drop a comment n review in the new book encouraging me to write more! 


"I think she will grow to it... she is a tough girl!"

Kian said and she nodded. It was no longer news, rid of reality. She was pregnant and soon in nine months, they were going to have another new member added to their family.



"Are you happy?"

She implored and in the dimly lighted room, no answer came to her question.

She waited for minutes to hear him say at least something...if not anything at all.