This book will be officially over in 2 or 3 days time. 

Comment if you want the next part in this book itself or in separate book? 

Add the 'Mr. Heartbreaker & Me!' , it is updated with it's first chapter. 

Do add the new fantasy romance, 'The Battle for Power: The Vampire Princess and the Lost Werewolf Prince' 

Donate GT, vote n gift...pls drop a comment n review in the new book encouraging me to write more! 


"What you have started, baby, you got to finish it."

He mouthed and as she realized what was to happen next, although a part of her wanted to be consumed by his lovemaking, still, she did not want to give in to him.

She wanted to resist him. Show him how she felt last night when he did not answer to her question or in the morning today, a few minutes ago when he continued to give silence treatment to her.

"Let me go!"