Pissing people off at the banquet 2

Mo Xin Er took large strides towards the group, her face hardening each passing minute. But Fan Liuying was stunned when she approached the people. She clenched her fists tightly and her face was devoid of color. Yu Ran's mother was standing amongst them and she seemed to be the one bullying the other woman. Of course, like mother like daughter.

Mo Xin Er noticed the change in Fan Liuying's mood and turned to look at the people again. When she had first overhead someone say Mrs. Yu, she had thought it was merely a coincidence. But from Fan Liuying's demeanor, that may not be true.

A streak of light flashed in Mo Xin Er's eyes as she beamed radiantly and scooted over to them. She called out excitedly, "Wow, Mrs. Yu. Your dress looks so fantastic."

All the ladies whipped their head towards her. Even Mrs. Yoo looked at her and seemed to be even more disappointed. Mo Xin Er's voice was very loud, attracting the attention of the guests. Lu Yichen also looked over from where he stood, not paying attention to the man in white suit beside him. Fan Liuying stared mouth agape at her sudden change in behavior. Could it be…?

Mrs. Yu also looked stunned for a few minutes before concealing her emotions as she smiled gracefully. "Of course, it is. It's Fortier's latest collection. There are only two in the whole of China."

"That one?" Mo Xin Er gasped. "Oh my god. I heard the Prime Minister's wife has one. Is this the second one?"

Mrs. Yu's smile grew wider. She could feel the plenty gazes on them and she liked the attention. She patted her bag and said, "Of course, it is. My husband bought it for me."

"Oh, I see."

Mo Xin Er gave her a small smile again before turning around. She paused. And looked over to Mrs. Yoo before gasping,

"How is that possible?"

She whipped around swiftly towards the ladies again. "She has one too?"

Everyone looked at Mrs. Yoo who cowered in fear before turning to look at Mrs. Yu again.

Mrs. Yu waved her hand frantically. "Oh, don't mind her. It's a counterfeit. Definitely a counterfeit."

Mo Xin Er's brows furrowed in confusion and everyone looked at Mrs. Yu suspiciously. Mrs. Yu recoiled seeing their gazes, realizing that she seemed suspicious.

"Mine is the real one," Mrs. Yoo whispered timidly and Mo Xin Er looked at her feeling pity for her. She could have shown them the order of receipts on her phone and rid the poor woman of such an embarrassment. But she was conscious of Lu Yichen's reputation. It would be devastating if it was revealed that his date works as a salesgirl. Moreover, their family business wasn't even that prominent in the capital.

She had to continue this ruse.

Mrs. Yu lunged at Mrs. Yoo pointing her index finger at her in accusation. "You're lying. You clearly bought it at one of those counterfeit's store. Or, is it that good for nothing husband of yours who bought it?"

Mrs. Yoo recoiled backwards out of fear and nearly slipped if not for Mo Xin Er's hand that shot out behind her, holding her in place. A tear slipped down Mrs. Yoo's face and her shoulders shook.

A huge crowd had formed around them including the men who were trying to figure out the reason for causing such a scene.

Mo Xin Er held her in place and stood in between them as she widened her slender arms. "Okay, let's not fight. I have a way to identify the real one from the counterfeit."

Everyone diverted their attention to her as she talked. She continued, "I once went shopping at Deluxe Clothings. You know, that new store that just opened."

Fan Liuying blinked: You're even doing free advertisement for the store. Way to go, girl.

"The attendants showed me the difference." She turned towards Mrs. Yu. "Please, Mrs. Yu."

Mrs. Yu eyes darted around uncomfortably making Mo Xin Er smile even wider. "What are you doing?"

Mo Xin Er smirked and pulled off one of the diamonds adorned into the dress. People sucked in their breaths and Mrs. Yu shrieked, "How dare you? What have you done to my dress?"

"I want to help you clear this misunderstanding. Don't worry. It's in a inconspicuous part of the dress."


"Could it be…" Mo Xin Er gasped, her face revealing a hint of innocence as she placed her hand over her mouth. "Mrs. Yu doesn't want us to know?"

Gazes pinned on Mrs. Yu whose face was laced with anger. Doubt surfaced in their hearts. The other ladies who had been mocking the other woman along with her suspected her even more. She seemed to be very sure that what Mrs. Yoo was wearing is the counterfeit. But why was she acting so weird for someone who had the real one.

Mo Xin Er continued her charade. "Oh, I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have interfered. It's my fault. Let's leave the matter like this, okay? No hard feelings."

But no one was ready to listen. Everyone knew how arrogant Mrs. Yu was. She had even offended some people in the past. So, they were all determined to make fun of her.

"No way. That's unfair."

"You can't just say that. Someone is clearly deceiving us," another person piped in.

Mrs. Yu gasped and turned to the other ladies for help but they all stepped back not interfering.

Mo Xin Er smiled gratefully before collecting Mrs. Yoo's diamond too. She examined the two diamonds. "Mrs. Yu's diamond is very glittery."

She waved the diamond around and people's gazes bore into it as if they could snatch it from her any moment soon. She looked at them before placing the diamond on the ground and took in the faces of everyone. Even Mrs. Yoo was no more crying and she stared intensely at Mo Xin Er.

Mo Xin Er smirked before placing the heel of her shoe on the diamond. She ground on it and it shattered. Everyone withdrew their gazes and turned to Mrs. Yu. They all had the same thought in mind.

'She was a liar.'

"Now, Mrs. Yoo's," Mo Xin Er said again drawing attention to herself again. She ground on the diamond again with the same force but it didn't break. She heaved a such inwardly before turning to look at Mrs. Yu. "I'm sure everyone heard knows that the diamonds aren't supposed to break. Moreover, during the launch party, it was said that the diamonds embedded on the dresses were real."

One of the women nodded. "I was at the party too. It was even tested."

Mo Xin Er turned towards Mrs. Yu with wide eyes. "Yours is the real counterfeit."