The plot to save

Third persons POV

They arrived at the hospital and rushed Breelia into the emergency room. Lucas barked instructions to the other nurses around while they all moved quickly each carrying out the task assigned to them.

Sheila and Berry were asked to wait outside the ER which only added to Sheila's worries she was so worried about the lady she had just found as though she'd known her, her entire life. Sheila felt a form of connection to her that was a bit odd since that was the first time she's meeting Breelia.

She involuntarily paced back and forth while Berry just stood by the wall watching his worried mate anxiously, he wasn't entirely surprised though because his mate always had a soft spot for everyone but she's acting a little bit more concerned than ever, and could quite figure out why.

Berry wasn't too good at offering emotional support and showing concerns but when it comes to Sheila he was entirely different. he couldn't watch his mate continue to pace so he held her hand and dragged her in for a hug...

While those two were been all mushy outside the ER, Lucas and his team worked fast and tried to stabilize Breelia "I think they infused a massive amount of wolfsbane into her blood, it's a miracle she's still alive. " Lucas said while he tried to fix a large bag of drip for Breelia.

"This isn't enough though we need to transfuse blood into her to be able to flush out the wolfsbane else she'd be dead," Lucas said and ordered for them to take her blood sample and check if they had it in stock...

They later found that Breelia had the same blood type as Sheila so they started to make preparations to start the blood transfer.

Sheila was willing to transfer blood to Breelia without questioning, but she had to undergo a few tests first and when she did they found that she couldn't because she was pregnant.

Sheila and Berry had just found that out and even though they were ecstatic, Sheila was sad at the same time that she's unable to save Breelia.

Breelia's blood type was a very rare one and the only person aside from Sheila in the whole pack who has that same blood type was the Alpha.

As Sheila realized this, she quickly grabbed her phone and gave it to Berry, asking him to call the Alpha, but then she needed a plan that would make her brother help Breelia.

Knowing who her Brother was she knew he wouldn't help anyone except her, and to even say it involves needles, there's no way he'd agree to give blood to Breelia.

So she asked her mate to lie to the Alpha and tell him her life was in danger and that she required a blood transfusion right away.

Berry, was a bit reluctant at first but later played along because he just couldn't say no to his mate.

When Berry, dialed the Alpha's phone, he answered after the first ring, he never ignores his sister's call no matter what he was doing.

On the other end of the phone, a groggy voice said "hey Sheila what's up" with loud music blaring in the background, he then waited for Sheila to answer back but instead, it was the voice of his sister's mate, and that sobered him up quickly because his beta never calls him from Sheila's phone except something was wrong with Sheila.

He quickly got up from his chair where a certain blondie was throwing herself at him and pushed her to the side before taking quick strides outside of the club so he could hear what his Beta was about to say had happened to his sister.

"What happened to Sheila why are you calling me through her phone?" the Alpha barked into the phone while he quickly went to his car and got in and was about to start the car when Berry told him about Sheila needing an urgent blood transfer.

The Alpha whose name is Grey rants a few curses into the phone before storming off in his car.

He didn't wait to ask what exactly happened as the only thing he had in mind was to save Sheila, and then after that, he could go find anyone responsible for that and tear them from limb to limb.

Nobody messes with Sheila no one not even her mate is allowed to make her cry, Alpha Grey thought as he drove at the highest speed just to get to his sister in time.

He arrived at the hospital faster than anyone would have expected, he quickly got out of his car and ran inside the building while looking for Sheila which he later found lying in a bed looking blue, he wanted to go find whoever did this but he had to save his little sis first so he asked Lucas what he needed to do to save his sis and then Lucas told him they need to take his blood.

Though Alpha Grey is extremely terrified of needles, he'd do everything it takes to make sure his Sheila was safe so he had to suck up his fear and be a hero for once, at least a hero to his sister since she's all he has and she's all he cared about.

Unknown to Alpha Grey that he was doing all this for a total stranger. Nobody told him that though because then Berry would have their tongues cut off.

After Lucas was able to successfully flush out most of the wolfsbane from Breelia's body and was sure that Breelia was no longer in danger, he fixed for her the last blood bag and then left her to recuperate.

Lucas then told the Alpha that they'd taken as much blood as needed to save her and that he should lie in bed for a while so he wouldn't have dizzy spells because they took a lot of blood from him, so much that if he were human, he would be dead from the loss of that amount of blood.

Alpha Grey didn't listen though because he couldn't wait to see his baby sister. So he got up immediately and went to see Sheila. But she was no longer on the bed he'd seen her lying on.

Maybe she was moved to another room, he thought and was about to leave the room when he heard the sound of someone puking their guts out, coming from the toilet of that said room.

That stopped him from leaving the room, he wanted to see who was in there, so he opened the door to the toilet and then, he saw Berry holding back Sheila's hair as she emptied her stomach into the water closet, and that left him looking completely puzzled...