Pain? not anymore;Breelia

Breelia's POV

I had tried so hard to sleep a wink last night after ending the call with Ashley but I couldn't, all I could do was focus on the words in my head as it kept repeating what that stupid male wolf had said.

I didn't know who exactly brought the idea of mates and why it had to hurt this much to be rejected. ..

As I continued to toss and turned on the hospital bed, I couldn't help but wish I was human. At least humans didn't have such a thing as mate, they have the power to choose who they want to love, they are not subjected into been with anyone.

I could still remember how Ashley had laughed at the whole idea of having a mate and how you just can't be with anyone unless they are your mate.

But she had later said it's kinda cool after I explained the whole concept to her.

Ashley probably won't think it's as cool anymore if I told her I got rejected by mine.

I hated the fact that I felt so dejected about this whole rejection of a thing and I just couldn't wait until it was morning to get the fuck out of this place.

I wanted to thank Sheila and her brother for their help but then maybe I'll just send them gifts as I could not wait to see them before I leave.

The sun had barely risen when I had the sound of a helicopter outside the hospital grounds. Lucas had just walked into the room, he then points out the door "don't tell me that's your ride home," he asked surprise evident in his voice.

"Probably," I said back while trying to get up, and his eyes widened.

"Don't tell me you're the daughter of the most powerful Alpha, Alpha Kim?"

"Yeah I'm, how did you know though, anyone could have used the helicopter since it belongs to the pack," I retorted.

"Wow, you're like a celebrity in the werewolf world you know," Lucas announced clearly amused by what he had just discovered.

I rolled my eyes at that, not finding it the least bit amusing.

"Do you want an autograph?" I asked sarcasm evident in my voice, and that made him smile

"Of course yes, if it involves your contact digit," he said with a wink.

I smiled at him and started to walk out of the room, not wanting to be here for longer than 2 more minutes.

Lucas walked me to my ride home while asking a bunch of different questions at the same time.

"Is it true that your father is Asian? you don't look Asian though, Does your father really kills anyone who breaks the pack rules?" Lucas rattled and I got confused as to which one I'd answer first.

Lucas looked matured, but the way he asked these questions kind of made me challenge his maturity because he sounded just like a curious seven-year-old.

"How about this, I'll call you when I get home and you can get answers to all your questions." I proposed as we were already close to the helicopter.

"Ah! one more thing could you please tell Sheila thank you for saving my life, tell her I owe her one," I added.

"Okay, but how would you call me if you don't have my number?" Lucas asked with a raised eyebrow as we stood by the copter.

"I'll call you, that's a promise and you know the shadowed moon pack are known for keeping their promises right?" I asked, trying to reassure him before I bade him farewell and entered into the copter.

"Hi, Lee," I greeted the pack's pilot before sitting down, and he nods his head in response, he hardly speaks to anyone.

I was able to fall asleep during our flight, and when I woke up, we were already landing.

The copter landed in front of the main mansion and I saw my Dad waiting outside. I quickly got off the copter and ran into his embrace like a little girl, which I was to him anyways.

My father hugged me back while apologizing for not finding me earlier. ..

"Who in world would dear to kidnap the one and only princess of the most powerful pack to ever exist?" Dad asks as he lets go of me.

"Someone who is either clueless or willing to risk their lives for something so dangerous," I said back as we advanced into the mansion.

The fragrance of the grand hallways which had always made me feel at home was the first thing that greeted me, the next thing I saw was the giant painting of my mom which was hanging on the wall.

I felt nostalgic at that moment wanting nothing more to do than to go cry in her arms at the things that had happened to me in just less than a week.

But she was no longer with us. And I felt a new wave of sadness hit me. I told dad I'd be upstairs because I didn't want to break down in his presence.

I didn't want my dad to find out about the fact that I was rejected by my mate, then he would be dead, murdered gruesomely.

I don't plan on making anyone take my revenge for me, not even my Dad I am going to do it myself without any help and completely my own way. And they are not going to know what hit them I promised as I went up to my room.

The whole left wing of the main mansion belongs to me, it had a mini kitchen, a parlor, and two bedrooms, but I only stay in one of the rooms.

I entered my room and it was tidied not like the mess I had left before going to college. I knew it was Mrs. Brown who helped me tidy the room even without being told.

So I went into the bathroom and took a long shower, letting the hot water hit my pale skin.

By the time I got out of the shower, my body was already looking so red because of how hot the water was.

I silently dried my body, before I grabbing a large t-shirt and put it on, and then plopped down on my bed, I then grabbed my pillow and hugged it to my chest while curling up into a ball.

I cried into my pillow for God knows how long, not just at the pain I felt from being rejected, but also the pain of feeling helpless at the time when I was been tortured, and also at the fact that I missed my mom so much.

I reached my hands up my bedpost after a while and grabbed the remote control to my sound set and started to play a song at the loudest volume.

Titanium by Sia blasted through the speakers, and as I listened to the lyrics I started to feel a little better actually, so I got up went into the mini kitchen to get a bucket of caramel-flavored ice cream, and went back into my room and started to eat it while I listened to the next song that had started to play, it was Everybody Hurts by R.E.M.

I know I looked like a whiney teenager going through a breakup, but that's not completely wrong, I'm nineteen but I'm actually going through something worse than a breakup.

I was almost done eating my ice cream when stronger started to blast through the speakers and I instantly got the remote and increased the volume and started to sing along at the top of my lungs.

"You think you got the best of me

Think you had the last laugh

Bet you think that everything good is gone

Think you left me broken down

Think that I'd come running back

Baby, you don't know me, 'cause you're dead wrong"

"What doesn't kill you makes you stronger

Stand a little taller

Doesn't mean I'm lonely when I'm alone

What doesn't kill you makes a fighter

Footsteps even lighter

Doesn't mean I'm over 'cause you're gone" I sang at the top of my lungs not bothered that I might be making the ears of the inhabitants of this mansion bleed.

After that song finished playing, I decided that I needed to stop sulking and start making plans on how to achieve the best vengeance on those that had hurt me.

"Pain? well not anymore," I snorted, but things were more easily said than done, because a new set of hot tears started to stream down my cheeks.


hey beautiful/handsome I hope you like this chapter