
Breelia's POV

Watching the two of them, a slow "Oh, My God," left my mouth as a realization dawned on me.

"What?" They both asked me worriedly at the same time making me think of how cute they would look together.

Ashley was his mate, the mate I was sure he had been looking for since he was old enough to recognize his wolf.

"You...two..." I was saying but a mind link quickly cut my words short. "Don't tell her," it was uncle Carlos's voice.

"We two what?" Ashley asked looking straight at me and I had to play it cool although I didn't know why he doesn't want me to tell her. "Look so cute," I said instead and that made her blush crimson red.

"Why don't you want to tell her?" I mind linked him with a slight raise of my eyebrow. "Are you going to reject her?" I asked after a thought occurred to me and I felt everything came to a halt entirely.