A silverian...

Third Persons POV

"What do you mean by it your fault," Berry asked confusion evident in his eyes, as he watched the teenage girl that stood before him looking all serious, but not for long because she immediately starts to sob again.

"I..I. I just...wanted to... Make the Alpha start acting like the Alpha again...," she said each word in between sobs.

"What are you talking about?" Berry asked he was getting impatient he needed to hear what happened so he would try to find the Alpha, and get back to his mate before she woke up.

"I... Gave him, silverian," she says and continued to sob loudly.

Berry frowned hard immediately he what the young girl said until his eyes grew wide at the realization of what she just said and also what that meant.

"Shit!" He cursed loudly before sprinting off into the woods and turning into his big brown wolf.

"Please it shouldn't be what I'm thinking," he thought as he ran through the woods as fast as he could.