The a**hole...

Breelia's POV

It's been three days now since I let Bree take over while I stayed behind her consciousness. I've been drifting in and out of consciousness sometimes due to the sedatives other times because I felt bored and I just wanted to let Bree handle everything going on.

Bree was getting stronger now, and the bruises that were everywhere all over my body were now beginning to fade away, but we were still at the pack's clinic.

Mr Cameron had insisted we stay until she was fully healed so that's what we did.

I felt bad for Ashley, but I wake up sometimes to see her seated beside my bedpost looking all gloomy.

I wanted to ask her to go back to college without me and that I was going to come when Bree was all healed, but I knew she was not going to listen to me so I didn't.

Ashley has met Bree a couple of times before so I'm sure they hold a conversation or two when she was awake so she might not be entirely bored being here.