dungeons ...

"You'll be fine Ley," I gave her hand a small squeeze, letting her know I was here for and she turned to flash me a small smile.

Her smile held a lot of thing, I know how much she had to endure from this asshole, so I totally get why she would be nervous.

Hyun Shik arrived earlier with Mason, he was been held in the pack's dungeon, and yeah we have dungeons it's where we keep captives until we decided what to do with them.

"I'll be right beside you, plus just know he can't really do anything," I encouraged and she sucked in a lung full of air before letting out and turning to nod at me before and I gave the signal for the doors to be opened.

We were standing outside in a place that looked so much like a garage, it even had a garage like a door, but what it held behind it was a ferocious dungeons.

This was a place where criminals were kept. It had been in existence since the beginning I can't even tell how old it had been.