Dinner Pt2

Breelia's POV.

Think of white lilies, pretty white lilies, you have to be in control.

I kept trying to get my tensed to muscles to move, but no matter how many times I chant think about lilies, it didn't quite work.

What is it? Are you nervous to meet him? he's gorgeous

Bree's voice in my head only made things worst. She still has no idea he had rejected us, and I knew it was only about a few more seconds before she finds out.

"Oh hey, honey, come have your seat," my Dad's voice roared in the almost empty room, and it rang a few times in my head.

My eyes were fixated on his face, the grey eyes the sweet scent that filled my nostrils, his facial features which were to die for, to how neatly dressed he was only making things more difficult than they already are.