finally married

Breelia's POV

When he asked if I wanted to skip the after-party, I couldn't help the rush of energy I felt in my cheeks turning them crimson and a satisfied smile could be seen on his face making me realize he did that intentionally.

"Congrats baby girl," Ashley said with a wide smile on her face and I couldn't help but smile back.

We were done with the most important part now, and now we were heading to the event hall which was like a ball room for the after party he had claimed we should skip.

My clothe was a two pieced design and now that we were done with the main wedding, I took off the ball part, and I was left with a medium length clothes that were also a small flowy gown.

We walked into the hall both holding hands and we were all stared at as if we were some celebrity or something everyone smiled broadly at us as we made our way to the middle of the room, because we were asked to come dance.